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牛津上海版小升初分班考试英语模拟试题(五)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出 (共10题;共25分)1. (2分) el_phant _ 2. (5分) 圈出正确的单词。driver fireman purple milkman orangedridriverrmilkmanmanbrorangeefpeurpurpleffiremanaf3. (5分) 根据上下文及首字母补全对话。Look a_ my basketball.Its cool.Can you p_ basketball?No, I cant. What a_ you?I can play basketball very w_ . Lets go and play it.OK.Have a t_.Yeah! I can play basketball now.4. (1分) I am 170 c _. 5. (2分) A panda is _ (白色) and_ (黑色).6. (1分) (2018四下深圳月考) Touch this doll. Is it s_? Yes, it is7. (1分) (2019四上龙华期中) We_ keep quiet in the library. 8. (5分) a , b , g 9. (1分) N_ to see you, Bobby.10. (2分) How many _can you see?I can see_.二、 选择填空: (共12题;共24分)11. (2分) There are days in a year A . three hundreds and sixty fiveB . three hundred and sixty-fiveC . three hundred s and sixty fiveD . three hundreds and sixtyfive12. (2分) We _ pictures _ the beautiful countryside. A . take, inB . took, ofC . took, on13. (2分) I cant _ to school today. A . goesB . goingC . go14. (2分) That_ my shirt. Those_ your skirts.A . is, isB . are, isC . is, are15. (2分) You brought_ lots of joy.A . weB . themC . she16. (2分) 当你想告诉别人,“草莓汁是甜的。”你要怎么说?_ A . The strawberry juice is sweet. B . The strawberry juice is sour.17. (2分) Let _try. A . usB . weC . our18. (2分) She_ clothes now.A . is washingB . washesC . wash19. (2分) Mike a blue shirt A . has B . have20. (2分) Mother is . But grandma is old.A . old B . young21. (2分) Are they doing karate _?A . next Sunday afternoonB . last Sunday afternoonC . sometimes22. (2分) There is a_ class this afternoon. A . cookingB . cooksC . to cook三、 用所给动词的适当形式填空: (共6题;共19分)23. (1分) The _(leaf)turn red in autumn. 24. (1分) She will_(take) it. 25. (5分) 写出下列动词的过去式。happen_fall_ride_hurt_see_26. (1分) 找出错误并改正。_27. (10分) 按要求写单词 (1) child(复数)_(2) give(过去式)_(3) read(过去式)_(4) three(序数词)_(5) he(宾格)_(6) two(同音词)_(7) she(形容词性物主代词)_(8) much(比较级)_(9) fat(反义词)_(10) swim(现在分词)_28. (1分) What is my father doing?_四、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分) (2018四下上海期中) 完形填空 Class is over. The students are very happy. Look, the girl with1hair is2a nice picture in the classroom. And the girl with short hair is reading a book. In the playground you can see some3playing yo-yo. And there is a4boy skipping a rope5the tree. He wants to lose weight(减肥).(1)A . long B . thin C . big (2)A . writing B . playing C . drawing (3)A . boys B . man C . boy (4)A . thin B . long C . fat (5)A . on B . under C . in 五、 根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词: (共7题;共22分)30. (4分) 我怎样去光华中学呢?_can _the Guang Hua Middle School?31. (1分) 喜欢暑假_ 32. (1分) _is it today(星期几)?33. (4分) 写出下列单词 (1) 汽车博物馆_(2) 汽车模型_(3) 科学博物馆_(4) 各种各样的_34. (5分) 是的。它是一辆巴士。 35. (5分) 蜜蜂能够为我们造蜜。 36. (2分) 红灯停。(汉译英)_ _ a red light.六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)37. (10分) 阅读理解Its Sunday today. The weather is warm and sunny. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming go shopping on the Park Road. Its not far. So they go there on foot. Li Ming wants to buy (想要买) some crayons. He likes to draw pictures. Jenny wants to buy a blue skirt. Her favourite clothes are skirts. Whats her favourite colour? Blue. What about Danny? He wants to buy some donuts and ice cream. Because he is hungry and thirsty.(1) What day is today? A . Monday.B . Sunday.C . Saturday.(2) How do they go to the Park Road? A . By bus.B . By bike.C . On foot.(3) What does Li Ming like to do? A . He likes to play games.B . He likes to draw pictures.C . He likes to buy some donuts.(4) What are Jennys favourite clothes? A . Skirts.B . Blue.C . Shorts.(5) What does Danny want to buy? A . Some crayons.B . A blue skirt.C . Some donuts and ice cream.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出 (共10题;共25分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 选择填空: (共12题;共24分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略三、 用所给动词的适当形式填空: (共6题;共19分)23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略四、 完形填空 (共1题;共5分)29、答案:略五、 根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词: (共7题;共22分)30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略六、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)37、答案:略


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