鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 2 Self Check课时练习

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 2 Self Check课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Businessmen prefer e mails to communicate with each other rather thanphone calls.Awrite; makeBto write; makeCto write; to makeDwrite; to make2 . The market was filled with salted fish, _ the worst smell that you can imagine.Aseeing offBgiving offCputting offDsetting off3 . -Its very nice of you to carry the box for me. -_AId love toBYes, of coursCMy pleasure DSounds great4 . Its _ to remember all the names in a few minutes.Its too difficult.AsimpleBpossibleCluckyDimpossible5 . Mr.Li likes _ the floor but hates to _ the dishes.Asweep;doingBsweeping;doCsweeping;doingDsweep;do6 . I _ Ms.Yang is a good teacher.Yes,she is.AaskBthinkChelpDthank7 . Why notJohn a toy car for his birthday ?Good idea! He is crazy about cars.AbuyBbuyingCto buyDbuys8 . The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tell us thatis very important in a football matchAabilityBdecisionCteamworkDexperience9 . It was not very warm _ the sun came out.AalthoughBbecauseCsoDbut10 . If a=3, b=7, whats the answer to the question3a-b+3? Its .AfourBfiveCsixDeight11 . Inside a box there are six much smaller boxes, and inside each small box are six much smaller boxes. How many boxes altogether? _AThirty sixBThirty-sevenCForty-threeDForty-two12 . Could I _ a bike from you? Sorry. I cant _ it to you. Ill use it.Alend; lendBborrow; borrowClend; borrowDborrow; lend13 . _ watching a movie in an IMAX cinema costs over 100 yuan, the IMAX cinemas are always full of audience.AAsBWhenCAlthoughDSince14 . -try some Chinese food with your friends ?- Good idea.AWhy dontBWhat aboutCWould you likeDWhy not15 . Andy is very tall, but Im _.AthinBshortCslimDsmall16 . When we practice speaking English, we often end up_in Chinese.Ato speakBspeakingCspokenDspeak17 . I think the best way to keep healthy is /ru/ exercise.AthoughBthroughCalthoughDthought18 . -Im sorry. I left your book at home. -Dont forget to _ it here tomorrow.AtakeBcarryCbringDbringing19 . You shouldnt _ the trees. Its very dangerous.AclimbsBclimbCto climbDclimbing20 . do you go to the library?Once a week.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow long21 . My grandpa learns English for two hours every day, _ he is over70. Really? We should learn from him.AbecauseBalthoughCsinceDas22 . How often do you drink milk?_. I dont like it.AOftenBAlwaysCHardly everDSometimes23 . When you are doing reading exercises, it is a good idea to _ the questions before you read the articles(文章).Alook outBlook throughClook afterDlook into24 . -I have enjoyed _ice cream!-Really? Where can I buy _delicious ice cream?Aso many; soBso much; soCso many; suchDso much; such25 . How long have you _ this book? For about a week.AborrowedBlentCboughtDkept26 . Is there _in todays newspaper?Asomething newBanything newCnew somethingDnew anything27 . Did Mary enjoy _ at the party?AherBhimselfConeselfDherself28 . I cant believelittle girls can readmany books.Asuch; soBsuch; suchCso; suchDso; so29 . I didnt go camping on my vacation. What about you?- _.ANeither do IBSo do ICSo did IDNeither did I30 . Would you mind me here?一. The seat is for Mr. Wu.Asitting; Of course notBto sit; No, not at allCsitting; Sorry, youd better notDto sit; Yes, I would31 . Tom has _ subjects than the other two boys. So he has _free time of the three.Aless, the mostBfewer, the fewestCfewer, the mostDless, the fewest32 . We should stop people from _ down trees.AcutBto cutCcuttingDcuts二、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词33 . Finally, Sam made a _ to give up smoking. (decide)34 . Peter realized the _ as soon as he entered the cave. (dangerous)35 . Sandys _ birthday falls on June 2nd next month. (twenty)36 . Lets check on his _. (calculate)37 . It is important for children to learn to express themselves _. (clear)38 . He was a famous _ in the world. (think)39 . It is _ for him to clean his room because he is really lazy. (usual)40 . Reading in the sun does _ to our eyes. (harmful)三、完成句子翻译句子41 . 天气影响了解我们的计划。The weather _ to our plan.42 . 南京是一个历史悠久的城市。Nanjing is a city _ .43 . 这个大清单被分成四个部分。The big list _ four parts.44 . 你可以在慈善商店买到这些衣服。These clothes can _ .45 . 它们被送到工厂回收利用。They are _ .46 . 我们国家有法律来保护环境。Our country has _ .47 . 此处禁止停车。You _ park your car here.48 . 如果你砍倒了一棵树,你会受到惩罚。You _ if you _ a tree.49 . 生物对阳光有依赖性。Living things _ the sunlight.50 . 你们找到解决这个问题的新方法了吗?Have you _ this problem?51 . 那笔钱在月底之前将会用完。That money will _ before the end of the month.52 . 风能几乎不产生污染。The wind energy _ .53 . 如果你从这儿横穿马路,你会被罚款。If you cross the road from here, you _ .54 . 我将慢慢跑以便你能赶上我。Ill run slowly _ you can catch up with me.55 . 你通常如何处理你的旧衣服?What do you usually _ ?根据汉语意思完成句子56 . 记得到北京之后给我回电话。Remember to _ me _ after arriving in Beijing.57 . 明天会有雨。There will _ tomorrow.58 . 你能给我们的英语老师捎个口信吗?Could you please _ for our English teacher?59 . 迈克总是和我们玩的很愉快。Mike always_ with us.60 . 过度使用手机对健康有害。Using mobile phones too much _ your health.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Waste can be 61 . (see) everywhere in the school. Some students ask for 62 . (much ) food than they can eat and they often forgot to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I dont agree with63 . (they).Waste can bring a lot of problems. 64 . China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short for others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will 65 . (have) no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we in the future and where can we move ? Think about it66 . (care). I think we should say no to the students 67 . waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.In our 68 . (day) life, we can do many things to prevent waste from 69 . (happen), for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to70 . ( order) more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day , if we do our best.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、2、四、语法填空1、

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