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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第二学期期中质量检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I dont think teenagers should be allowed to smoke.-.ANot at allBNever mindCIts a pleasureDI agree2 . Do you know that Coco won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film?-Yeah, the news _ my spirit a lot.AgrewBaddedCroseDraised3 . The little girls never late for school , _ ?Ahas sheBis sheCisnt sheDhasnt she4 . Have you ever been to Shanghai? Yes, I _ there three years ago.AwentBgoCwill go5 . UNICEF was _ in l946 to improve childrens lives after World War II.Agiven upBput upCset upDgot up6 . I have to_for the math test.AstudyBstudyingClearningDstudied7 . Millie is very tall but sits _ me. So I cant see the blackboard.AbehindBbetweenCbesideDin front of8 . Dick _ in America, but he has been _ Chinese food since he moved to China.Aused to live; used to eatingBis used to live; used to eatCis used to live; used to eatingDused to living; used to eat9 . Hes never sung English songs before, _he?_. Its his first time to sing in English.Ahas, NoBhas ,YesChasnt, NoDhasnt ; Yes10 . Classes begin at 8:00. So you_get to the classroom by 7:55 at the latest.Aare thought toBare supposed toCthought toDsupposed to11 . Hobo, I saw an alien get on a UFO just now._, Eddie. Its just a plane.AReallyBDont mention itCCome onDHurry up12 . -Julie, _ have you been learning English?- Since six years ago.AwhenBhow farChow soonDhow long13 . -Hes never been to Canada before, _? -Sorry, I dont know.Ais heBhas heCisnt heDhasnt he14 . Britain is European country. It is also island country.Aan; aBthe; anCa; anDan; an15 . Its dark in the room,please help me _ the lights.Aturn onBturn upCturn downDturn off二、完型填空Hi, Im Mr. White! Im in the Sunshine Music Club. Im a great _. I can play the piano, the violin _the drums. And Im very good _kids. I _ a daughter. She is only four years old. _name is Maria. She can play the guitar and she plays it very _. She _in the Sunshine Music Club, too.Do you like music? Do you want to learn_music? Please come and join _. We can _you with music. My telephone number is 6126586. My email address is Green 2013yahoo.cn.16 . AmusicBmusicianCpainterDbasketball player17 . AbutBsoCandDwith18 . AwithBofCatDfor19 . AhasBhaveCdoDdoes20 . ASheBShesCHersDHer21 . AwellBgoodCniceDfine22 . AjoinBhasCbeDis23 . AaboutBforCofDat24 . AweBusCourDI25 . AsingBspeakCcallDhelp三、阅读单选ASome people are afraid to attend a party because they dont know how to make small talks at a party. Why not learn how to master the art of small talks so you can enjoy your next party?Look for someone you know.When you enter a party, look for someone you know right away. Approach(接近)him/her with a smile. This is a good way to break the ice. That person can usually introduce you to some other party guests, so you wont feel lonely.Ask open-ended questions.The best way to keep the conversation is to ask open-ended questions. The questions cant be answered with a one-word answer. Ask How was your trip? instead of Tell me about your trip.Come prepared. Read a good newspaper before attending a party. You can make an intelligent remark(明智的评论) about any topic. Just make sure you dont comment about the topics you know little about.Avoid controversial topics.Dont talk about the three main topics at the party-politics, religion(宗教)and sex. This is still a good rule of thumb(经验法则).Practise, practise and practise.Practise talking to people everywhere you go. When youre standing in line at the store, talk to the person in front of you. The more you talk with people in life, the easier it will become to talk to people at the party.26 . Why are many people afraid to attend a party?ABecause they dont know other party guests.BBecause they dont know how to make small talks at a party.CBecause they dont want to learn how to master the art of small talks.DBecause they dont want to attend a party.27 . What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word controversial in the passage?A有争议的B不可能的C封闭性的D必要的28 . Which is NOT true according to the passage?AApproaching people with a smile is a good way to break the ice.BAsking open-ended questions is the best way to keep the conversation.CYoud better comment about the topics you know little about.DThe more you talk with people in life, the easier you will make small talks at the party.29 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow to attend a party.BHow to invite people to a party.CHow to prepare a party.DHow to make small talks at a party.Dear Helen,I want to tell you how much I miss you at the moment. I never realized the value of our friendship until you returned to Canada. I hope you have made many new friends and I believe you can get on well with them.I didnt consider our friendship precious (宝贵的)before and I regret it. Now the pain is deep in my heart. Whenever I see the two friends, Maria and Jane, all I can think of is you. I know I probably didnt tell you how important you were to me as often as I should have, but you are always the best in my mind. You always had a smile on your face that would bring sunshine to everyone. A funny joke or a simple word from you was enough to keep everyone laughing. You mean a lot to me, Helen. Everyone in our class learned to share things because of you. I feel a bit silly for misunderstanding (误会)you at times. Now you have gone back to Canada, but I still want to say that I love you and miss you.I am looking forward to hearing from you and welcome you to England again.Yours,Sally30 . Whom is this letter to?ASally.BHelen.CMaria.DJane.31 . Why does Sally feel regretful?AShe misses Helen very much.BShe hasnt telephoned Helen for a long time.CShe didnt value her friendship with Helen.DShe lied to Helen.32 . From the passage, we know that Helen is a(n) _ girl.AAmericanBEnglishCChineseDCanadian33 . Which of the following is NOT true about Helen?AShe is not in Sallys class now.BShe was always ready to help others.CShe was cruel to Sally.DShe was a funny girl.34 . The writer wrote this letter to_ .Aask Helen for some moneyBsay sorry for what she did beforeCtell Helen not to come back againDexplain why she admires Maria and Jane四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。35 . The bus wasnt crowded. There were many e_ seats on it.36 . Robert didnt talk much, but he g_ everyone with a big smile.37 . Have you talked to Mr. Black about your plan? I think its well w_ a try.38 . Life is very beautiful and precious, so we should admire and v_ it.39 . Studies show that the pollution of the groundwater in the n_ cities is more serious than that in the south.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空VI. 用所给词的适当形式填空40 . Can your brother_(play) basketball?41 . Im good at_(dance), so I want to join the art club.42 . -Can I play with Tom, Mrs. Green?-Sorry, he_(do) his homework in the study.43 . It takes me ten minutes_(get) to school.44 . _(not come) to the zoo at 6 oclock.45 . You need_(finish)your homework.46 . _( eat) vegetables is good for our health.47 . How about_(ride) my bike to the park?48 . Our teacher tells us _ (not be ) late for school.49 . Tom _(cross) the river to school every day.六、完成句子完成句子:50 . -What were you afraid of when you were at school?-I_(过去常常害怕说英语时犯错误).(make)51 . -Li Wen always causes problems for himself and his family. -He is really a “problem child”. His parents_(已经决定把他送到寄宿学校了). (make)52 . -What is Sally like?-She is so shy that she_(从不敢公开大声说话).(dare)53 . -Whats wrong with Jane? She_(已经两周没来上学了).-I dont know the reason, either.(absent)54 . -I think_(学会如何处理问题是必要的) by ourselves in our daily life. (deal)-I agree.七、填空请认真阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)。Teeth are a very important part of our bodies. Good teeth help you eat things like apples. They also help you talk. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you will be.You can take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing(用牙线清理)them. But before that, you have to pick a good toothbrush Be sure your toothbrush are soft enough Also, brushes with small heads are better. They can reach every corner of your mouth.Now its time to brush. Brushing helps break down plaque(牙菌斑)Plaque is a kind of bad thing that can make small holes in your teeth. Brush your gums at a 45-degree angle(角度)This works well to clean both the teeth and gums.Learn how to floss your teeth. It gets rid of food in the spaces between your teeth. Your toothbrush cant get there. Move floss between each tooth gently back and forth once a day. It may feel a little difficult at first, but pretty soon Youll be good at it!Keep your teeth55 . IntroductionGood teeth are very important to everyone.56 . First, you should choose toothbrushes that are very57 . andhave small heads.Second, brush you teeth at a 45-degree angle, which works well to cleanboth the teeth and gums.Third, floss your teeth once a day. You may find it isnt 58 . at first, but you will get used to it soon.ResultWhen your teeth are healthy, you will feel59 . .八、材料作文60 . 当前,全市各学校正开展“智慧阅读”活动。请你根据活动主题并结合表中所给信息,用英语写一篇80词左右的倡议书,向全校同学发出倡议读书的益处1 .获取知识,使人明辨是非2,?(请你补充)发出倡议1 .多读书,读好书2,养成每天读书的好习惯3与父母共读一本书。4?(请你补充)My dear friends,As we know, reading is very important.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、

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