人教新目标八年级英语上册 Unit3 测试题

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人教新目标八年级英语上册 Unit3 测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Leo is _of the three boys, but hes _than the other two.Ataller; olderBtaller; oldestCthe tallest; youngerDthe tallest; the younger2 . The number of people present at the concert was _ than we expected.Amuch fewerBmuch smallerCmuch moreDmany more3 . Will you fly to Beijing or take a train?I will take a train. It doesnt _ much more time to take a train there.AspendBcostCtakeDpay4 . What _ your mother_ on weekends?She usually goes shopping.Ais;doBdoes;doCdo;doesDdo;do5 . The boss expected the workers _ all the work in two months.Ato finishBfinishCfinishingDfinished6 . I had to take _ umbrella with me because of _ terrible rain.Athe,aBa,theCan,theDan,a7 . Mr. Smith has learned Chinese for only half a year, he can speak it very well.AButBSoCAlthoughDAnd8 . This shirt is too small and doesnt _ me. Do you have a big one?AallowBwearCfitDbeat9 . Many students _ their resolutions last week. However, _ students can keep their resolutions, because it is hard to keep them.Amade, less Bhad, fewer Cmade, fewerDgot, fewer10 . Now we can get _on the Internet.Amany informationsBmuch informationsCmany informationDmuch information二、补全短文5选5For those of us who are studying at school, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some people find exam times so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of letting their parents and family down.11 . Talk to someone about it. Maybe you can speak to a friend, or someone in your family, or teachers at your place of study. If one person doesnt help you, ask someone else. 12 . Here is some advice: Ask a teacher or tutor about how to review your lessons, and exam skillshow to work when you are in an exam. Take short rests during your time of work. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well. Plan your work: study at times when you know you will work at your best. Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. You need exercise to work well.13 . Stop thinking about the future and failing. If you feel ill, talk to someone about your worries. But dont be too relaxed! Some stress over exams makes you work hard for them. If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, dont do it! In fact, dont even think about the exam you have finished. What is done is done.14 . To this advice, we could add: If you are studying in the evening, dont go straight to bed. Your mind will still be “going round and round”thinking too much.15 . Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things.AIf exams are really making you ill or worried, dont hide your feelings.BDo something else, maybe walk or get exercise.CHow to get through exams?DYou cannot change what you have written! EWalk, run and play sportwhatever you enjoy.三、完型填空“Oh, Sally, Christmas is going to be so terrible this year,” Laura said to me. “Mom and Dad will be out of town on Christmas, and I _ stay with my aunt Jane. She always treats(对待)me like a five-year-old! I wish I had a _ family like you, so I could go somewhere else.”I do have a big family, every Christmas, all of us get together. Later that day, I told Mom about Lauras _“Why dont you ask Laura to spend Christmas with us?” Mom offered. “Oh, Mom, that would be great!” I was so excited. “There will be an extra(额外的)place at the table anyway, because Mary has a chance to go to France.” Mom went on while washing dishes. “No! She cant go, or shell _ Christmas with the family. We always spend it together.” _I wanted to say more, the telephone rang. It was my brother Jim calling. He asked if Mom and Dad wouldnt _ too much if he didnt come home for Christmas, because he wanted to go skating with friends. Of course, Mom and Dad said Jim could go, but I wanted them to say no.On Christmas Eve, Laura came over, which cheered me up a lot.“Where are Mary and Jim?” she asked me. “Theyve made other _ so they arent coming home,” I said. “Christmas just isnt going to be the same this year _ them.” “Of course.” Mom said. “No two Christmases are ever the same. People _ Children grow older, new members are added(添加)to the family, and sometimes people die. Do you understand that, Sally?” “Yes, Mom,” I said, “I think I do.”Next evening, all my relatives(亲戚)arrived. As I looked around the dinner table, I really began to _ what Mom tried to tell me. I saw the new faces of babies, my aunts boyfriend, and my best friend, Laura, and I saw the old faces that would always be there. No, I thought. No two Christmases are ever the same.16 . AcanBmustChave toDhad better17 . AbigBcommonCrichDusual18 . AaccidentBadviceCinterestDproblem19 . AfollowBmissCforgetDspend20 . AWhenBWhileCBecauseDAfter21 . AaskBspeakCmindDlove22 . AcallsBplansCsuggestionsDmistakes23 . AagainstBaroundCbetweenDwithout24 . AchangeBappearCimproveDlaugh25 . AimagineBrememberCunderstandDshow四、阅读单选Dear Anna,How are you? My name is Cindy. Ive been looking forward to having a pen friend for a long time. I hope we can become good friends.I got your name and e-mail from my English teacher, Ms. Sands. These days Im thinking about what to write. At first, I wanted to tell you what its like to go to school here in Minnesota, but later I thought you could look up Minnesota on the Internet and read about it yourself. Then I had the idea to tell you about my family, but I realized (意识到) that the story of my little brother losing a tooth or the time we got a new cat might be kind of boring. After that, I thought about asking you questions about what its like to live in Belgium, but Im afraid you might think my questions are silly (愚蠢的).I think I can tell you a little about myself. In fact, you probably already learned one thing about me. I sometimes have a hard time making up my mind! I hope you can write me back anyway.Yours,Cindy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26 . Cindy got Annas information from _.Athe InternetBher English teacherCa pen friend programDher school newspaper27 . According to Cindy, which of the following might be boring for her letter?AHer likes and dislikes.BSomething about her family.CFamous places in Minnesota.DGoing to school in Minnesota.28 . Why did Cindy decide not to ask Anna what Belgium is like?ACindy visited Belgium years ago.BCindys classmate told her about it before.CCindy already learned about it on the Internet.DCindy thought her questions might sound silly.29 . From the letter, we can know that Cindy _.Alost a tooth last weekBhas a lot of good friendsConce wrote a letter to AnnaDis not good at making decisions30 . Cindy wrote the letter to _.Agive advice to AnnaBask Anna for helpCsay “hi” to her new pen friendDreply to her new pen friend五、材料作文31 . 请根据以下提示以The Monkey King为题写一篇短文,来介绍齐天大圣。1.美猴王是名叫大闹天宫(Havoc in heaven)的故事里的英雄。2.美猴王是一块石头变来(be born from)的。他想长生不老。他聪明、勇敢和幽默(humorous)。他能把自己变成(change)72种不同的东西,像树、鸟等等。他用云在天空中环游!3.他带领一群猴子反对玉皇大帝(the Emperor of Heaven)和他的士兵。猴王把天宫弄得乱七八糟。最后, 玉皇大帝求助于如来佛祖(Buddha).如来佛祖搬来(move)一座山压在他的身上。500年之后,一个和尚(monk)把他从山下面解救出来(get out from).第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、材料作文1、


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