四年级下册英语课件-Lesson 7 Months of the Year 冀教版 (共26张PPT)

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四年级下册英语课件-Lesson 7 Months of the Year 冀教版 (共26张PPT)_第1页
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四年级下册英语课件-Lesson 7 Months of the Year 冀教版 (共26张PPT)_第3页
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冀教版四年级英语下册,Lesson 7 Months of the year,学习目标:,1、学习用英语表达月份,知道一年有几个月份。 2、在学唱英文歌曲的过程中,体会学习英语的快乐。 3、在学习过程中学会与他人交流、合作,让你的小组因你而出彩。,1、独学。观察图片,通过标、圈、画、译理解两个句子。 2、教学单词。放录音听读两个句子,然后听读12个表示月份的新单词,注意读音。 3、群学:学科组长组织组内互读交流,准备小组争霸赛。 4、在小组争霸赛中展示汇报小组学习成果。,Learning part1:Months of the year,How many months are there in a year?,Ask and answer:,Twelve months.,Whats your favourite months?,Play games January 一月;正月 July 七月 February 二月 August 八月 March 三月 September 九月 April 四月 October 十月 May 五月 November 十一月 June 六月 December 十二月,New Years Day is in 。,January,Spring Festival is in .,February,Womens Day is in .,March,Qingming Festival is in .,April,International Workerss Day is in .,May,Childrens Day is in .,June,庆祝六一儿童节,The Birthday of CCP is in .,July,Army Day is in .,August,Teachers Day is in .,September,National Day is in .,October,November,The Guangzhou Asian Games was in .,December,The Christmas is in .,(1)Can you say this month in English?,1.Months of the year,March,(2)What about this month?,1.Months of the year,Its September.,(2)What about this month?,Its October.,1.Months of the year,Its May.,January February March April May June,Jan. Apr. Jun. Feb. Mar.,May,July August September October November December,Aug. Sept. Oct. Jul. Dec. Nov.,Learning part2 Lets sing,Conclusion:,学习了本节课,你有什么收获和感悟?(小组内回顾、交流) 1、评价个人和小组: 2、评出优胜小组:,Homework: Write about your favourite month and the reason. 写下你最喜欢的月份及原因。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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