人教版七年级英语下册unit 1单元检测卷

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人教版七年级下册unit 1单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In English culture, some sayings about the dog _ positive thoughts, like Youarealuckydog.AexpressBreceiveCchange2 . Tom is a true friend, _ I didnt like him at the _.Abut; beginningBor; endCand; endDand; beginning3 . _ will you finish reading these books?In about two weeks.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDWhen4 . How do you like the new film The Wandering Earth (流浪地球)? . Besides, we can learn a lot about space science.AI cant stand itBPretty goodCIts terribleDIts boring5 . Is Jims birthday on May 22nd?_. Its on August 22nd.AYes, he isBNo, he isntCNo, it isnt6 . In the picture, he sits _me, looking very happy.AbesideBamongCupDthrough7 . A Bite of China 2 includes eight episodes. It _ the stories of more than 150 people and over 300 types of food.AfindsBprovesCcoversDimagines8 . Children depend _ their parents too much these days.AatBonCinD/9 . - Are there any computers in your school? - Yes, _.Athere isBthere areCit isDthey are10 . Is that Kates car?-It _be hers. She has just gone for a meeting.AcantBshouldCmustntDmay二、完型填空二、完形填空Tom _ near the sea. Their house is not very high, but it is beautiful. There_ big trees and a small garden in front _ their house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some are red, some are white _ some are blue. Tom and his family love _garden very much. _ Tom and his sister go to school _ bus. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners in the bus. And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mum _ some shopping at the Shopping Center, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea. _ summer, they often go swimming _ their parents.11 . AlivesBlivedClivingDto live12 . AareBisCwasDbe13 . AtoBforCatDof14 . AbutBorCatDand15 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs16 . AAllBBothCSomeDTwo17 . AonBbyCtakeDsit18 . AdoBdoingCdoesDdid19 . AInBOnCAtDTo20 . AandBforCofDwith三、阅读单选A gift card is a card that is issued(发行) by a store. These cards are big money makers for stores. One reason is that when gift-card holders go to the store, they often see other things to buy, and they spend more money than the gift card is worth. Unused cards are another reason. Stores make millions of dollars because large numbers of people never use their cards. They either lose them, forget about them, or decide that its not worth the effort. Gift cards are becoming very popular in many countries around the world. In the US, they are one of the most popular kinds of gifts. Why? People love the conveniencegift cards are easy to buy and easy to use, either in the store or online. The recipient can choose his or her own gift, and the giver does not have to worry about finding just the right thing. Receiving a gift card, however,is not the same as receiving a gift. A real gift is a better reminder of the person who gave it. The message of a real gift is more likely to be,I spend some time trying to find the right gift for you because I care about you.Often a gift card does not send the same message as a real gift. It may seem to say,I was in a hurry. I didnt have time to think about what you would really like. In todays world, gift cards are certainly convenient. However, they can make us forget the real purpose of giving gifts, which is to build a closer connection between the gift-giver and the gift-recipient.21 . How many reasons are given to explain why gift cards are big money makers for stores?AOneBTwoCThree22 . What does the underline wordrecipientmean in Chinese?A商家B接受者C发行者23 . What is the second paragraph mainly about?AWhy gift cards are popular in the US.BDifferent kinds of gift cards.CWhere to buy gift cards.24 . What message does a gift card send according to the writer?AI didnt have time to buy you a real gift.BI know you like the gift cards.CI couldnt find the right gift for you.25 . Which of the following is the writers opinion?AIts easy for people to lose gift cards.BGift cards help people save money.CReal gifts can bring people closer.(题文)The same life day by day is like eating white rice every day for your brain(大脑). Playing games with your mind(头脑) keeps your brains quick, and make your memory and powers of reasoning much better. Try the following fun and free activities tostimulateyour brain.Use the opposite hand: If you are right-handed, become a lefty. Changing the hand you usually use can get your brain thinking in a different way.Talk to yourself: Pick one hour a day to discuss something with yourself. Describe what you see, what you are doing, or what you are going to do. Talking while thinking is a great brain booster(助推器).Write down your dream: You can write out your wishes and goals(目标) and they can call your attention. Keep a pen and paper next to your bed. You can record your sleeping dreams with them. It is a fun way to get your brain thinking. Along with increasing memory, trying to unlock the secret behind your sleeping brain is one way to get to know yourself better.Walk on: Just like the body, your brain needs exercise, too. Walking can increase blood circulation(血液循环), which encourages blood vessels(血管) in your brain grow, raise energy production and throw away the waste. So walk anywhere at anywhere at anytime if possible.根据短文内容,选择最佳的答案。26 . (小题1)The same life day by day is like eating white _ every day for your brain.A. rice B. bread C. dumplings27 . (小题2)the underlined word “stimulate” means “_”.A. makeclearB. makeactiveC. makewide28 . (小题3)Talking while _ is a great brain booster.A. sleeping B. thinking C. laughing29 . (小题4)Keep a pen and paper next to your bed, and you can record your sleeping _.A. times B. places C. dreams30 . (小题5)The passage is mainly talking about _.A. how to use your brainB. how to improve your brainC. how to manage your brain.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词31 . I hope to _ (旅行) around the world in the future.32 . Some _ (青少年) dont like to talk with their parents, but they usually talk to their friends.33 . Its _ (正常的) to feel tired after playing football.34 . What will you do if you pick up a _ (钱包) on the ground?35 . Mrs. Green is _ (善解人意的). Everyone likes her in our class.36 . I made some _ (错误) in the test because I wasnt careful.37 . You will not make progress _ (除非) you study hard.五、完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)38 . 地球总是为我们提供许多东西。The Earth always _us _ many things.39 . 我们总是在老师进教室的时候停止谈话。We always _ when our teacher goes into the classroom.40 . 不要把手放进热水里。Dont _ your hands _ the hot water.41 . 在书桌上有三支铅笔和一本书。_ three pencils and a book on the desk.42 . 这些书还有用,不要把它们扔掉。These books are still useful. Dont _ them _.43 . 露西多么聪明呀!_ Lucy is!44 . 对人们来说,阻止污染很重要。_ very important for people _ the pollution.六、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) GREG, FIREFIGHTERIm a firefighter. When we receive a call for help, we will q45 . put on our uniforms and rush to the place that caught fire. Maybe our uniform is not good-looking, but it is very i46 . to us. It is made of special m47 . and can protect (保护)us in a fire.SUSAN, NURSEI work as a nurse in a hospital. Actually, all doctors and nurses wear uniforms every day. I think they make it easier for us to work. Patients can easily know whom to ask for help. We w48 . our uniforms every day to make sure they are clean and tidy.DANIEL, POLICEMAN Many boys dream of becoming a policeman w49 . they grow up. How cool it is to put on the policeman uniform. Now, I have worked as a policeman for thirty years. I feel proud to wear this uniform.七、多任务混合问题任务型阅读。Hello! Im Sonia. Im an English girl. (A) I like playing baseball and tennis. This is my sister, Linda. (B) 她也喜欢打网球. We eat lots of healthy food every day. We like eggs and apples for breakfast. I like hamburgers for lunch. But Linda doesnt like (C) _. She likes salad and broccoli. For dinner, we like carrots. I often (经常) eat Chinese food. It is great.50 . Sonia and Linda like _ for breakfast.AbananasBpearsCapplesDstrawberries51 . 请将(A)句译成汉语._52 . 请将(B)句译成英语._53 . 写出(C)处所缺的单词:_54 . Does Sonia like Chinese food?_.八、材料作文55 . .书面表达请根据下列要求写一则失物招领启事和一则寻物启事。1.假如你叫Jack,你捡到一串钥匙,请你写一则失物招领启事,你的联系电话是932-2048。2.假如你叫Lily,你的棒球丢了,请你写一则寻物启事。你的联系电话是973-2056。Found: Lost: 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、


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