人教新目标版九年级英语主题阅读-故事与生活 练习题

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人教新目标版九年级英语主题阅读-故事与生活 练习题_第1页
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人教新目标版九年级英语主题阅读-故事与生活 练习题_第3页
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人教新目标版九年级主题阅读-故事与生活 练习题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Aron Ralston is interested in mountain climbing. There were many times when Aron almost _his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very_situation when climbing in Utah.On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock when he was climbing by himself. Because he could not free his _he stayed there for five days and no one found him. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. With his left arm he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain without any help. How_Aron is!After losing his arm, Aron wrote a book which tells the importance of making good_, and being in control of ones life.1 . AenjoyedBmissedClost2 . AdangerousBcommonCpolite3 . AlegBarmCneck4 . AbraveBseriousCfamous5 . AmistakesBdecisionsCresultsIt was the first day of ESL class. Jennifer and Rose were new classmates from Iraq(伊拉克).They wanted to know where Tara was _ ,because Tara looked Iraqi.I am from Iraq. Are you from Iraq,too? one of the two _ asked Tara in English.No, Im not. Tara answered.The two went to their _ ,talking to each other in Arabic(阿拉伯语).The next day, the students _ with each other in English. A man student asked Tara,I am from China. Where are you from? Tara _ that she was from Iraq.The two Iraqi women in class _ Tara.Aha! You are from Iraq! But _ did you say you were not from Iraq yesterday? one of the women asked Tara.Then Tara said _ to them. She said that she didnt want to get into an Arabic talk with them.Youre _,”said Jennifer. Rose and I must stop speaking Arabic to each other. Right,Rose? Rose said,“Yes. Then they _ something in Arabic. All three women laughed.6 . AwithBinConDfrom7 . AboysBgirlsCmenDwomen8 . AroomBdesksChouseDclassroom9 . AsaidBhelpedCmetDtalked10 . AansweredBaskedCthoughtDknew11 . AcalledBheardCwatchedDfound12 . AwhyBhowCwhatDwhen13 . AhelloBthanksCsorryDgoodbye14 . AwellBfineCrightDgreat15 . AtoldBsaidCspokeDtalked二、阅读单选Dear Lucy,How are you? It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we are fine.England is very different from Hong Kong. The weather is terrible and it rains a lot. The buildings are funny. They are in rows and not high. I love them because the rooms are much larger. Im having a wonderful time at my new school and my new home!Mum and Dad are happy with their new jobs. But my brother Jack doesnt like moving to England because he misses his friends so much.Ive made lots of new friends at school. My teachers are really nice too and my English has improved a lot. After school, we can take part in relaxing activities such as sport, watching films or playing computer games. Theres a park near the school where I often go with the other students at the weekend.We are travelling back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday. I will visit you and bring you a present!Write back soon!Love,Sandy16 . Sandys family lived in_ before.AHong KongBSydney.CNew YorkDLondon17 . Sandy loves the buildings in England because their room are_ .AcheaperBwarmerCnewerDlarger18 . There are_ people in Sandys family.A2B4C6D819 . The passage above is a(an) _.AletterBnoticeCposterDad.Its 5 a.m.! James has to get up. He is in Africa, on the grassland of Kenya. He is visiting the Masai people(马赛族人). He is helping them with their cows. James even carries a stick to keep the lions away. Yes, its a hard job for a 14-year-old boy from Virginia. But James wants to help them.James trip to Africa isnt a holiday. Its part of classes at Langley School. James teacher is Joseph. He is a member or Africas Masai people of Kenya. Every summer he takes some of his students and their parents on a two-week trip to his hometown. Kenya is a whole new world for the kids from Virginia. When they get there, the American kids put on Masai clothes. Boys takes care of cows. Girls collect firewood and water. Families there live on their cows. As a result, the Masai and the students have to move a lot, so the cows have grass to eat.Back in the United States, Kenya is on the minds of the students at Langley School all year. Dry weather has killed many cows in Kenya, so the students created an activities called Cows for Kids to raise money for them. They use the money to buy cows. Each cow costs about $100. One cow means more to the health of a family than money, says Joseph. Here were really giving life. A cow will give a child milk every day. Joseph wants to help people in his hometown. Im just trying to give my students a different way of thinking, says Joseph. He says helping the Masai is just one step. He hopes the kids will find out ways to help all those who need it, too.20 . Boys to help the Masai in Kenya.Alook after cowsBcollect firewoodCget waterDmake phone calls21 . From the passage we can know that the life in Kenya is .AeasyBhardCrichDcalm22 . How did students helps the Masai when they came back to the US?AThey collected old clothes for them.BThey moved to Africa to help feed cows.CThey bought mild for the children in Kenya.DThey created an activity to raise money for them.23 . From the passage we learn that .Athe students dont like to go to Kenya.BJames goes to Africa to spend the holiday.Cthe Masai feed their cows at the same placeDJoseph wants to teach his students in a different way.(题文)Languages are always changingAs time goes by,some new words are created and becoming more and more popularSearch on Baidu,and you can find some hot net words in China today“Tuhao”,a Chinese word,which originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a certain town or area,nowadays,has become a general term used by people to describe those who look really rich,and especially those who live beyond their meansThe term“dama”is almost the same as“big mamain Chinesereferring to those middle-aged Chinese women who crazily bought gold in jewelry shops in HK“Wo huodai”is short for a sentence meaning“My little friends and I are shocked”Its actual roots lie in an article written by a pupilThe school student said his little friends and he were shocked after finding out where the Chinese rice dumpling originated fromSince then,the sentence is often used to describe peoples shock after discovering a new or hot fact“Male woman”refers to a boyish girl or a woman with strong body or strong mindIn August 2013,one Russian beautys photos got great popularity onlineThe woman has a very pretty face and an extremely strong body“Buming jueli”,a Chinese term,is short for a sentence which means “I dont quite get it,but I think you are reallyterrific”Suppose Stephen Hawking gave us a speech on the origin of the universealthough I didnt understand it,I still felt it was wonderfulThis four-word Chinese term“Leijue buai”is short for an expression meaning “being too tired to love”The year 2013 saw many period dramas appear on Chinese TV screens and some of them were very longPeople loved them at the beginning,but then became too confused and tired to keep up withThis term described viewersfeelings towards those TV showsThe term also refers to ones fading love for another“Renjian buchaistands for the phrase“Life is so hardDont hurt me with the truth”This sentence originally comes from Taiwan singer Lin Youjias song“Lei”Now it is used to describe that one can not face a hard truth24 . (小题1)How many net words does this passage mention?A6B7C8D925 . (小题2)Miss Zhang is a pretty woman,but she can do lots of things usually for men,we can call her a _AdamaBtuhaoCfemale manDmale woman26 . (小题3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word“terrific”in this passage is probably _A极好的B可怕的C糟糕的D可以理解的27 . (小题4)Which is the following NOT true according to the passage?AIf my classmate Tom buys an iphone 5s,he can be called TuhaoBRenjian buchai comes from an article written by a pupilCThe long boring soap opera made me feel“Leijue buai”DIf the top one student Tina failed the English exam,“wo huodai” could describe her classmates feeling三、阅读排序美国加利福尼亚州Bellcrest学校的学生创办了一本名叫School Bell的校刊。阅读下面制作校刊的六个步骤,完成制作流程的正确排序。A 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、阅读排序1、

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