牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 5 抢分单元检测卷

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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 5 抢分单元检测卷_第1页
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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 5 抢分单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is some paper on the floor. Lets _.Apick it upBpick up itCpick them upDpick up them2 . Your father has lots of problems to _, youd better not trouble him now.Aend upBdeal withCconnect withDfind out3 . My cousin_ to play basketballMe,_Aenjoys(喜欢);alsoB1ike;tooClove;alsoD1ikes;too4 . , this phone call changed Sarahs life.ATo shes surpriseBTo her surprisedCTo her surpriseDTo she surprised5 . The teachers name is John Brown. His students call him _ .AMr. BrownBMr. JohnCMrs. BrownDJohn Brown6 . -Could you please _ others homework? Its wrong.- Sorry,I wont.Adont copyBnot to copyCnot copyDto not copy7 . me carefully, boys and girls. Can you_ me clearly?AListen to; hear fromBHear; listen toCHear; hearDListen to; hear8 . Mom, my skirt is too short. OK. Lets _ tomorrow.Ago shoppingBto go shoppingCgoing shoppingDshopping9 . _go and see a film? Its not far.No, _ go to the zoo. The mother panda just has a baby.AShall we; letsBWhy not; how aboutCWhy dont you; how aboutDPerhaps you should; why not10 . Dont be afraid of asking for help _ it is needed.AunlessBsinceCalthoughDwhen11 . -What would you like to drink?-It doesnt matter, is OK.ANothingBAnythingCSomethingDNone12 . My pen . I have looked for it everywhere but still it.Agot lost;dont findBis missing; dont findChave got lost;havent foundDis missing; havent found13 . What do you_ the TV series?It is_. Ive never seen such a better one before.Alike about, thought highly ofBthink of, highly thought ofCthink about, thought wellDthink about, highly though about14 . -Who is the perfect person _ the new president?-Mr. White. We all thought he should be the most suitable choice while _ together.Afor; discussedBas; to discussCas; discussionDfor; discussing15 . Did you have a good time travelling in the Dragon Boat Festival?No really, there were people there.Alot ofBmuch tooCplentyDtoo many二、完型填空完形填空。I have a friendHis name is Lin TaoHe is a studentHis family has _ people(人)They are his parents and himHe likes blue very muchAll his things are _,including(包括)his schoolbagHe goes to school from Monday to FridayHe has seven subjects this termHis favorite _ is ScienceMr. Wang is his favorite teacher _ he is funHe has lunch at schoolFor lunch,he has some vegetables,rice and _eggHe doesnt like hamburgersHe thinks it _ healthyHis classes _at 5:00 pmAfter school,he likes to play basketball with his classmatesAt the weekend(周末),he is always very _His mother has a clothes storeHe often helps his mother sell clothesThe clothes look cool and they are _ very good pricesYou can come to the store and have a _ at the clothes16 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive17 . AyellowBwhiteCblueDred18 . AmonthBsubjectCsportDfood19 . AsoBbecauseCwhyDbut20 . AsomeBaCtheDan21 . AisBareCisntDarent22 . AfinishBmeetCtakeDhave23 . AhappyBbusyCfreeDnice24 . AonBinCatDfor25 . AseeBgetCwatchDlookI felt sad very much.I had studied English for 8 years,_my spoken English was still terrible.I took an English class every night.I read different textbooks every day,but I didnt make any_at all!One night I got online.I found a(n)_English learning system (体系)_,I started using the system to learn English.I used the system every day.I was_to find that learning English in this way was so easy and interesting.There were no boring grammar rules.The articles and stories were interesting.Then_amazing happened.One day I met an American named James in a coffee shop.Without thinking too much,I wasnt afraid to_with him.My English words came out freely.It was hard for me to _it.I didnt have any_making James understand me.Then we exchanged emails.My English has_greatly now.I think there are many ways of learning English.We should find out whats helpful and suitable for us.26 . AandBbutCorDso27 . AdecisionsBmistakesCprogressDchallenges28 . AboringBoldCseriousDperfect29 . ALater onBIn factCLong agoDAt first30 . AworriedBangryCcrazyDsurprised31 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything32 . AargueBagreeCtalkDdeal33 . ApracticeBbelieveClearnDunderstand34 . AfunBtroubleCtimeDreasons35 . AmissedBenjoyedCgrownDimproved三、阅读单选In April this year, lots of bags full of small change(零钱) were seen at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for passengers to turn their notes into small change. And such an idea came from four students from Zhongbei Middle School, Tianjin.“People will surely feel worried when they take a bus without coins. We just want to do something to help them,” said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students.The four boys spent their whole weekend making the change bags. After that they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six stops to put the bags.Many people think that the four boys have really done a good job. But, things didnt go as the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was gone, and that even the bags were taken. It really made them sad but they would not give up. Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time. They put their pocket money in bags again. And the teachers also taught them to make better change bags. They tried their best to do it.The four boys feel very happy because they have done something good for the passengers. Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are beginning to join in the activity.36 . The change bags were put _.Aon the busesBat the bus stopsCunder the desksDnear the parks37 . It took _ the whole weekend to make the change bags.Athe parentsBthe teachersCthe passengersDthe four boys38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe idea of small change bags came from four boys.BThe passengers refused to put money in the bags.CThe teachers gave up when the bags were taken.DThe small change didnt help the passengers much.39 . Whats the main idea of this passage?AMaking change bags is difficultBPocket money can be helpfulCGiving help brings us happinessDEvery coin has two sidesDear Lily,Id like to tell you something about the Spring Festival(春节)in China. Every year there is a Spring Festival. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, we buy pork(猪肉),chicken, fish, fruits and many other things. And we often have a special(特别的) kind of fooddumplings. It means(意思是) “come together”. On the day before the festival, parents always buy new clothes for children. On the Spring Festival Eve, all the family come back home. This is a very happy time. We can sing and dance, and we can also watch TV, play cards. . . In the evening well have a big dinner and give the best wishes(最好的祝愿) for the coming year. Yours,Yu Mei40 . When is the Chinese Spring Festival?AIn March or April.BIn May or June.CIn July or August.DIn January or February.41 . What is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China?AChicken.BDumplings.CFish.DPork.42 . Whats the meaning of “dumplings”?ALook up.BHelp yourself.CCome together.DCome back.43 . On the Spring Festival Eve, when the family are having dinner they will _ for the coming year.Abuy presentsBgive the best wishesCsing and danceDplay cards四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示填词44 . The c_opened with a lively performance.45 . The thieves took some clothes and a few books,but nothing of any v_46 . I will be very busy t_,but Ill go with you to that party.47 . When I visited there,I learned a lot from l_ people.48 . I prefer c_life to town life.五、单词填空Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our fashion show. Im Lucy. I am 49 . (wear) vintage (复古的) clothes. They are from my grandmother. They look out of fashion, but they 50 . (fit) me well. Vintage clothes will become popular in the future. Here comes Jim. He dresses up as a cow-boy. What is he wearing? 51 . (have) a guess! He is wearing a pair of jeans, with a cowboy hat on his head. Look! Nate is 52 . (come)! He is wearing a Scottish plaid skirt (苏格兰短裙). He 53 . (seem) like a girl. Thats funny!Thats all for todays show. Thanks for coming.六、填空Today it is found that most middle school students pay little attention to sports. Its because they have no interest in sports? It may not be the fact.They often say they have other more important things to do. What are these important things? Exams! They usually spend over ten hours a day revising for exams. So many of them almost become bookworms. In the summer holidays they could hardly do anything they like. Books _ them from going in for _. 因为来自父母和老师的压力,他们不得不更加努力学习.As for the students themselves, they want to get good results so that they can go further for their studies. They dont have to put all their effort into studying and give up all the sports and hobbies. In fact, education cannot go without physical exercise, because a quick mind hardly goes along a weak body.All the students should remember: If you dont have a strong body, you can never achieve anything, let alone a great success in your life.54 . 在句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整,上下文通顺。_55 . 将句译成英文。_56 . 将句译成中文_57 . 写出与下列句子意思相近的句子:It usually takes them more than ten hours to revise for exams. _58 . 找出文中或写出最能表达该短文主题的句子。_七、回答问题One afternoon,I took a trip to an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to watching some great paintings quietly. A young couple was talking loudly while they are looking at the paintings in front of me. I watched them for a moment. I felt bored because of their talking about the art. So I moved on. I met them several times as I moved through those rooms of art. Each time I heard her voice,I moved away at once. I was standing at the museum shop buying some post-cards when the couple walked to the exit. “Hes a brave man,”said the shop assistant. “Most of us would give up if we were blind at such a young age. But he and his wife come in whenever theres a new art show. ”“But what does he get out of the art?”I asked. “He cant see. ”“His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head. “It explained the talk!A sudden sense of shame came to my heart for what I was thinking just now. How great the wife was! She would not allow blindness change his love towards art. And I felt the love shared by the two as I watched them walking away holding each others hands.59 . Where was the writer when she was waiting for her husband? (in no more than 6 words)_.60 . Why did the writer feel bored while a young couple was talking loudly about the paintings? (in no more than 11 words)_.61 . What did the shop assistant think of the young man? (in no more than 5 words)_.62 . When did the writer feel shameful? (in no more than 9 words)_.63 . How did the young man enjoy each painting?(in no more than 7 words)_.八、材料作文64 . 由于地域文化的差异,不同国家的人对心中最重要的东西有不同的见解。以上文章报道了4名美国青少年在讨论什么是心中最重要的东西,他们有的认为是食物,有的认为是友谊,有的认为是唇膏或者平板电脑。请你写一篇英语短文,谈谈在你心中什么最重要。内容包括:1. 在你心中什么最重要(如友谊、幸福、金钱或食物)2. 述你认为它重要的原因3. 结合你的亲身经历谈谈体会。作文要求1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已给出不计入总词数。People from different areas have different ideas about the most important thing in their heart.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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