牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 2 Numbers 课文同步训练

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牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 2 Numbers 课文同步训练_第1页
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牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 2 Numbers 课文同步训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr.wind wanted tohis power,so he blew fiercely.Ashow offBturn offCtake offDget off2 . - How soon will Mr Li come back from Beijing?-three days.AInBForCFrom3 . Its importantuslearn English well.Ato;toBfor;forCto;forDfor;to4 . How I regret _ when my father told me not to play computer games. You should say sorry to him.Atalked backBtalking backCto talk backDto talking back5 . The famous singer will come and sing for us,so I will go to the concert tonight.Ain personBin peaceCin dangerDin common6 . I cant do the job _ you.Aso bad asBas badly asCas worse asDso worst as7 . Can you finish the work well with _ money and _ people?Aless; lessBless; moreCmore; fewerDless; fewer8 . There must be something wrong with her eyes. She cant see _.AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything9 . Dont watch TV_. Its not good for your health.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch tooDmany too10 . The boy will go to his _ house.AgrandmaBgrandmasCgrandmasDgrandmas二、完型填空Mike didnt live too far away from school. He liked to _ to school every day. When it rained, like many _ boys, Mike liked playing in the water. One afternoon, when the boy came_, he was all wet. His mother became very _ and said, “Dont play in the water after school.” The next day he was very _ again, and his mother became _ angrier. Ill tell your father _ you go to play in the water again, she said. The third day the boy was dry when he came _ from school. You are a _ boy today,” his mother said. “You didnt play in the water.”No, Mike answered. Because there were _ older boys in the water, I couldnt play in it.”11 . A. haveB. walk C. fly12 . A. other B. others C. much 13 . A. house B. family C. home14 . A. angry B. happy C. good15 . A. dry .B. late C. wet16 . A. veryB. even C. much17 . A. if B. before C. for18 . A. to B. back C. away19 . A. good B. well C. bad20 . A. many so B. so many C. much too三、阅读单选For years, parents have been telling kids to turn down the music. Now its more important than ever for young people to hear the message.Phones, iPads, and other devices deliver music that is clearer and louder than ever. That may sound like a good thing, but it is not so good for the health of the ears.A new study confirms the danger. Scientists gave hearing tests to 170 students aged 11 to 17. The results showed that nearly 30% of the students had tinnitus(耳鸣), a condition that causes ringing in the ears. Ringing can be the result of a sudden loud noise. In that case, it is likely to go away. But constant ringing is a sign of trouble.These werent kids who had just come from a rock concert, Dr Larry Roberts told Times For Kids. We made sure they hadnt heard any loud sounds for a day or two.Since the kids tinnitus is a continuing condition, it is not likely to go away. Ongoing ringing in the ears is a sign of hearing loss. Theres no medical cure for tinnitus, warns Roberts. These students will need hearing assistance earlier in life than others who dont have tinnitus.Aside from the threat of future hearing loss,students with tinnitus also face immediate effects. They are more sensitive to loud sounds. They may have difficulty concentrating(集中精力)and sleeping.What can you do to keep your hearing sharp? Follow the 60/60 rule. Set the volume under 60%. Dont use a device for more than 60 minutes a day.21 . What does the message in Paragraph 1 refer to(指的是)?AThe result of the study.BTurn down the music.CClearer and louder music isnt good.DTheres no medical cure for tinnitus.22 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIn the authors opinion, its good for us that devices play clearer and louder music.BMore than 30% of the students in the tests had tinnitus.CTinnitus is a problem with no medical cure.DHearing loss is an immediate effect of tinnitus.23 . Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo show the bad effects of tinnitus.BTo show the result of a study.CTo warn young people to turn down the music.DTo suggest the ways to keep ones hearing sharp.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母写出单词的正确形式,使句子通顺、完整。24 . My favorite day is Friday because the next day is S_.25 . The dictionary is u_ for us to learn English.26 . This is my room and you can see a m_ plane and some books on my desk.27 . Are they your p_, John?No, they arent. They are my uncle and aunt.28 . Im t_ but my sister is not. Her books are everywhere.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)29 . I have worked in this business for _ ten years.(near)30 . The Olympic Games are a great _ sports event.(nation)31 . The _ of the plane has helped human civilization make a big step forward.(invent)32 . The riot(暴乱)had a great impact(冲击)on the _ of the country.(develop)33 . His _ was correct but hers was wrong.(calculate)34 . Mr. Wind was so proud that he thought he was _ than Mr.Sun.(power)35 . Please read the _ passage and answer my questions.(follow)36 . Sharp made the worlds first _ calculator.(electron)六、完成句子Complete each sentence according to the Chinese given.37 . 苏珊正在从事什么项目? What _ is Susan _? 不知道。她看起来很忙,但她本周日会跟朋友一起去听音乐会。 I dont know. She looks very busy, but she is going to the _ with her friends on Sunday.38 . 此刻许多人正在吃月饼。他们收到了来自亲戚和朋友的问候和礼物。Many people are eating moon cakes _. They have received greetings and _ their relatives and friends.七、汉译英:整句根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。39 . 我花在做作业上的时间比约翰(John)少。40 . 如果明天不下雨,我就出去踢足球。41 . 猎人们最好不要为了老虎的皮毛和骨头而猎杀它们42 . 狼通常团队协作。43 . 在冬天气温下降的很快。第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、汉译英:整句1、

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