外研版英语七年级上册 Module 3 质量评估试卷

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外研版英语七年级上册 Module 3 质量评估试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Hello! My name is Jack. Im_Taiyuan. Im in No. 5 Middle School. Its_good school. My student (学生) ID_is 2016701. John is_English friend. Hislast name is_. John is in Taiyuan No. 12 Middle School. We can_in the evening. Sally and Jane are Johns_sisters. Sally is 10. Her favorite (最喜欢的)_is red. Her jacket and pen are_. Jane is 2. She can say “_are you?” to me now.1 . AonBinCtoDof2 . AaBanCtheD不填3 . AnameBkeyCphoneDnumber4 . AmyBherChisDyour5 . AEricBTomCBrownDAlan6 . AsayBmeetCseeDspell7 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour8 . AmorningBschoolCfriendDcolor9 . AredByellowCblueDgreen10 . AWhatBWhat colorCHowDHow nice二、阅读单选This is a picture of a classroom. The classroom is big and clean. You can see a teachers desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too.Three books are on the teachers desk. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil box. A schoolbag is behind a chair. A ball is on the floor.The girl is Lucy, she is ten. The boy is Mike, he is eleven. They are in Class 2, Grade 1. They are friends. Their teacher is Miss Green. She is not here.11 . Its a picture of_.Aboys and girlsBdesks and chairsCa classroomDa teachers desk12 . The two pens are_.Ain the pencil boxBon the teachers deskCon the floorDbehind the chair13 . _ is ten years old.ALucy.BMike.CLily.DWe dont know.14 . _ is their teacher.AMrs GreenBMiss GreenCMr. GreenDMikeDear Mrs. Beattie,I was so afraid the first time I met you. Its not just that you were really fat and shouted so loudly. Everything about you was scary. All the teachers were afraid of you, too. But you were outstanding and very kind. You would shout at us if wed done something wrong in someone elses lesson, and then you would say sorry to that teacher for what we had done. You made us believe we were able to do anything if we put our mind to it. I hated art, and was sorry for being unable to draw anything well. So, of course, I wandered about in art lessons. You took me aside and said I could do it. You told me to focus on the lines, and if it was of no use, start again.Do you remember how you made me draw, then paint that photograph of the tennis player Nastase, and it was a bit too bad at first but in the end I was so unbelievably proud of it? We thought you were an ogre(魔鬼) but you were the fairest person on the earth.There was the time I did really well in everything but geography, and you said, “Simon has done quite well this year, and I was only upset by his geography where he didnt work hard enough.” I said I had worked hard but was too weak at it, and asked if you would change my report, and you rewrote it, saying, “Simon has done quite well except for geography, which hes not very good at.” Thanks, Mrs. Beattie. Hope youre still teaching there.Lots of love.15 . The writer didnt focus on his art lessons mainly because .AHe didnt draw wellBthe art teacher didnt teach wellCthe art teacher was unkindDhe was always laughed at by others16 . Mrs. Beattie thought the writer wasnt good at .AartBmathsCgeographyDscience17 . The relationship between Beattie and Simon is .AClassmatesBMother and SonCFriendsDTeacher and StudentTake a look at our library! Our library is open to everyone and the library card is free.Booksbooks in 36 languages information about the worldall kinds of stories picture books for children novels You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room. You can borrow three books at a time and keep them for two weeks.Videos all kinds of video films music videos TV plays You can enjoy yourself and watch your favorite videos at home. You can keep a video at one yuan fora week.Audios(声音) music for everyone language tapes; 62 world languages Special rooms for you to enjoy listening. CDs and tapes can be borrowed Free. You can borrow one CD or one tape at a time and keep it for one week.E-books many different kinds of e-books e-newspapers and e-magazines You can look through all the e-books in the computer room Free.18 . How many books can you borrow at a time?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.19 . What kinds of videos cannot be found in the library?ATV plays.BMusic.CFilms.DOperas.20 . How much should you pay if you keep three videos for a week?ATwo yuan.BThree yuan.CFour yuan.DFree.21 . What can you do in the computer room?AEnjoy music videos.BBorrow some books.CEnjoy e-books.DBorrow some CDs.22 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AYou need to pay nothing for the library card.BYou can borrow a story book from the library.CStudents can keep the CD for a week.DThere are rooms for you to play games in the library.Jessie is 12 years old and shes in Grade Seven. She is a student in Appleton School. It is a big school. There are 2,700 students and 220 teachers in it. This is a simple (简单的) map of her school. Lets have a look at (看一看) the map!23 . The number 4 is the .Aoffice buildingBscience buildingCart and music buildingDclassroom building24 . The office building is between the and the .Asports hall; science buildingBsports hall; playgroundCscience building; libraryDsports hall; library25 . There are dining hall(s) in Appleton School.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour三、根据首字母、中文提示填空A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整。26 . He said he has no m_ ability.27 . Please keep q_ in the library.28 . Don t be n_ in the test. Just relax.29 . Edision was a great i_.30 . Aunt Liu treats everyone with kindness and w _.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。31 . Mr. Smith can speak _ as well as English. (France)32 . As we all know, France is a _ country. (west)33 . We prefer _ a call to writing a letter if we want to connect with our friends. (make)34 . Dont make your students _ so much homework. (do)35 . Why dont you give up _? (smoke)五、语法填空语法填空。阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Im a middle school student.My school is not old, because it 36 . (have) only a history of 10 years.Its not big,37 . only 30 teachers and 400 students in it.38 . its a good place to study in.It is very nice.There 39 . (be) many trees and flowers in it.Walking in my school is really 40 . (relax)There is also a big soccer field(场) in my school.We often have great fun 41 . (play) soccer there.Behind my classroom is a big library with all kinds 42 . books,so we often go there 43 . (read) books. 44 . front of my classroom there is a music hall.We can often 45 . (enjoy) beautiful music in the hall.I really love my school.六、填空School always look the same-square buildings and rooms, rows of desks, and a teacher standing in the front. How can schools be better and different? What will future schools look like? Some schools have a new try. Lets take a look.Open & interactive (互动的)With the internet, schools are no longer the place where students have lessons. “In the internet age, a school is social space to meet and learn from each other,” said Thomas, a British architect (建筑师). “It offers more chances to teachers and students to interact.” The schools classrooms are all round. Students can sit around round tables and have a discussion when studying.Creative & sportySome schools dont have their playgrounds because they dont have enough land. But this is not the case for a primary school in Hangzhou. The school is round, with a running track (跑道) on its roof. But students dont have to worry about falling down from the building. steel fences (不锈钢栏杆) along the track are there to make students safe. The open track gives students a way to stay fit and makes them creative.Closer to natureFuture schools should not be like factories, but gardens. There is a good example of such a “garden school.” Some of the buildings in this school are tall and some are short. And the roofs are covered with green grass. This makes the school look like hills. In the students eyes, there are big and small gardens in every part of the school. Sometimes they can have lessons among the beautiful flowers.School of the 46 . Present schoolsModern schoolsFeaturesDetails47 . buildings and roomsRows of desksA teacher standing in the frontOpen & interactiveBe social space 48 . of the place only to have lessons.49 . more chances to teachers and students to interact.Both teachers and students sit around and 50 . together.No playgrounds Creative & sportyHave a running track on its roof.Use steel fences to stop people from 51 . down.Keep students fit and make them creative.Be like52 . 53 . to natureHave buildings that are 54 . Have green grass on the rooftops.Be 55 . of gardens in the school.七、看图作文56 . 假如这是你们学校的平面图,请用简洁的语言介绍一下校园建筑的分布。50词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、语法填空1、六、填空1、七、看图作文1、

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