牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Grammer同步测试卷

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Grammer同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The cat jumped into the house the window .AinBacrossCthroughDnear2 . What do you think of our new school? _AIts very well.BIts very good.CNo. I dont like it at all.DThe same to you.3 . After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends _ the Internet.Ato; byBwith; onCfor; inDabout; through4 . The boy _ to see a yellow bird _ into his room.Asurprised; flyingBsurprised; flewCwas surprised; flyingDwas surprised; to fly5 . They left the park _. On their way _, they met Simon.Aquickly, homeBquick, to homeCquick, at homeDquickly, to home6 . Tom didnt go to school this morning, did he?_. Though he had a bad cold.AYes, he didntBNo, he did.CYes, he did.DNo, he didnt7 . She went there with her brother. But when she got there, she could only find _ alone. Where was her brother? She didnt know.AherBhimCthemDherself8 . There was paper on the table. It Eat your lunch by yourself.Aa piece; saysBa piece of; toldCa; saidDa piece of; said9 . The boy walked and walked. At last, he found _ in the forest. He got lost.AheBhimselfCherDhis10 . What do you think of the birthday cake in our shop? I like the _. It is really delicious.AcolorBpriceCtasteDsize二、阅读单选Jasons Movie BlogThe latest movie review,movie Trallers,and more A Movie Blog for the Latest Movie Reviews,Trailers,and MoreZOOTOPLA REVIEWDetailsCountry:USALanguage: English,NorwegianRelease Date: 4 March 2016(China)Directors: Byron Howard,Rich MooreWriters: Byron Howard(story),Jared Bush(story)Stars: Ginnifer Goodwin,Jason Bateman,Idris ElbaDid you know?Box-office monster “Zootopia” has been called “the most Easter egg-packed(彩蛋)movie ever made by Disney”.One of its Easter eggs comes to the species of the news anchor seen on the films ZNN channel.Depending on where in the world youre watching “Zootopia”,the type of animals hosting may change.Zootopia went a step further to make the different versions(版本).In the US,Canada,France,the news anchor is moose(驼鹿).In Brazil,its a jaguar(美洲虎).Australia and New Zealand get a koala;while Chinese audiences see a giant panda.User ReviewsWhat can I say.Im a huge Disney fan.Maybe not like my friend over at Reviewing All 54 DisneyAnimated Films.And More!,the Disney cartoons have been a big part of my life.So,in a sense,the Disney animated features are a big deal to me.Whether young or old,Zootopias story carries a powerful and thematic commentary message thats highly valued and relative (especially in todays world).As Judy Hopps says in the movie “Lifes a little bit messy.We all make mistakes.No matter what type of animal you are,change starts with you.” And I cant agree more with that statement.11 . In the film,the animal hosting turns into a if you live in Sydney.AkoalaBgiant pandaCmooseDjaguar12 . Who is one of the directors of the film?AJared Bush.BRich Moore.CIdris Elba.DGinnifer Goodwin.13 . You can probably spot this article in a(n) .AnewspaperBmagazineCmovie netDimax poster14 . Which of the following is TRUE based on the passage?AZootopia is a romance story about a koala and a giant panda.BThe film will be released on 4 March 2016 in English and French.CYou can go to the nearby theater for different 3D versions of Zootopia.DZootopia made different versions which are called “the most Easter egg-packed movies”.15 . What can we infer(推断)from the User Reviews?AThe reviewer (评论者) is a huge Disney fan.BThe reviewer (评论者) has reviewed 54 Disney animated films.CThe reviewer (评论者) agrees with the message that the film carries.DThe reviewer (评论者) does not agree with what Judy Hopps says.三、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子。每空格限填一词,连词成句注意句首大写)16 . Leo has never made a complaint about his job. (改为一般疑问句)_ Leo ever _ a complaint about his job?17 . We link information with pictures to make our memory more efficient. (对划线部分提问)_ you link information with pictures?18 . Jane cleaned out her house. She could have a party inside. (合并为一句)Jane cleaned out her house _ she could have a party inside.19 . Jim asked his dad, “Do you know about Ancient Greece?” (改为宾语从句)Jim asked his dad _ he _ about Ancient Greece.20 . We should teach our students some necessary living skills. (改为被动语态)Our students should _ some necessary living skills.21 . The teacher didnt listen to Bobs excuse any longer. (保持句意基本不变)The teacher _ listened to Bobs excuse.22 . him, his suggestions, seriously, expected, to think about, his father (连词成句)_.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空23 . Simon hopes _ (play) football in the World Cup one day.24 . My cousin Andy doesnt enjoy _ (write) at all. He hates it.25 . _ (listen) to the music. How nice it is!26 . Look! The students each _ (have) an iPad when having an English class.27 . Would you please make the boy _ (not cry)? I want to sleep.28 . One of my friends _ (come) from Shanghai.29 . _ Li Lei with his classmates often _ (play) basketball after school?30 . The hard-working student, Tim , _ (be) never late for school.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子31 . 晚上她不敢单独出去。She _ alone at night.32 . 他太累了,所以躺下休息了一会。He was very tired.So he _ for a rest.33 . 我喜欢星期五,因为第二天就是星期六了。I like Friday because _ is Saturday.34 . 神舟十号飞入了太空。它发出了巨大的声音。Shenzhou went into space.It made _.35 . 水在零摄氏度时变成冰。Water _ ice at 0.六、填写适当的单词补全对话根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空Tony and his father are walking back to the camping site (营地) after climbing a hill.A: What do you t36 . of climbing the hill?B: It was great f37 . , but the hill is a little high for me.A: You often say climbing hills is your favourite o38 . activity, dont you?B: Yes. But this hill is too far! I am afraid we have to walk for forty more minutes to g39 . back to the camping site.A: No. The site isnt t40 . far. It is only one kilometre from here.B: But I am really t41 . now. Shall we stop to have a drink?A: A drink? No, we must h42 . up. The picnic starts at 12 oclock and we have l43 . than 15 minutes left.B: OK. But I cant walk fast because I am c44 . this heavy bag.A: You cant walk fast because you are complaining too m45 . . That bag isnt heavy at all.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、

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