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牛津译林版英语七年级下册第一单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Art Festival is _October 11th. The soccer games are _ December.Aon ; onBin; onCin; inDon; in2 . This isinteresting movie and its alsomost interesting one Iveever seen.Aan,aBan, theCa, the3 . Look! There are different _ of kites over there. Some are like birds, some are like fish.AnumbersBshapesCcolorsDsizes4 . The doctor told him that he should take a holiday to relax himself, but _ didnt help.AwhichBthatCitDhe5 . Hello, this is Jack. May I _ to Mary?AsayBtalkCspeakDtell6 . I arrived_Shanghai_the evening of January.Aat; inBin; atCin; onDfrom; to7 . My brother sometimes plays _ piano and sometimes plays _ water games.A/; theBthe; /Ca; aD/; /8 . Did you finish your review on the movie “My People, My Country”?Almost done. I think its moving and worth seeing.AsuggestionBcommentCdecision9 . How many days are there in March? There are _.Atwenty-eightBtwenty-eighthCthirty-firstDthirty-one10 . I have_apples than you. But yours are bigger than mineAmuch moreBmany moreCmore muchDmore some11 . You must stand _ line when you are waiting _ a bus.Aon; inBin; forCin; onDon; for12 . Blue Moon is the best clothes store in Green City, because people can buy clothes_ there.Athe most cheaplyBthe cheapestCcheaperDmore cheaply13 . English will help us _ in our work and study.AlotBa lotCa lot ofDlots of14 . I picked up the telephone, but the line was _.AdieBdiedCdeadDdeath二、完型填空The Gordon family were spending a day on the beach.Mr and Mrs. Gordon were sitting on the sand, reading their magazines. Mr. Gordon was mean and only thought about his money. Their twelve-year-old_. Sandra, was playing in the shallow(浅的) water. Suddenly, a huge wave (浪) _Sandra up and carried her out to sea. _,a lifeguard was on duty and he saw the wave carry Sandra away. He_ along the beach and jumped into the sea. He swam quickly to where the girl, with her head only just above the water, was_ for help.She was so_.When the lifeguard reached her, she struggled (挣扎) with him. However, he knew what to do and soon took hold of her and swam back with her to the_.By the time he reached it, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon had realized_had happened, They had run down to the shallow water._of them could swim. They just stood there, and_their daughter. Had the lifeguard reached_ ?Of course. he had. That was_work, young man, Mr. Gordon said. He turned to his wife. Give the lifeguard a dollar. A dollar! Sandra cried. Dad, how can you give him a dollar? He _ my life. I was half dead. Quite rght, grl, r. Grdn d, ld b h dughr d f th vlu f mny. He turned to his wife again and said, Shes_. She was only half dead. Give him a half-_ cents. 15 . AsonBdaughterCgranddaughterDneighbor16 . AliftedBcheeredCgaveDshut17 . ASadlyBLatelyCWidelyDLuckily18 . AwalkedBwentCrushedDclimbed19 . AthankingBstandingCrunningDshouting20 . AafraidBexcitedCtalentedDmoved21 . AwaterBbeachCboatDsea22 . AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy23 . ANoneBNeitherCEitherDBoth24 . Adressed upBdepended onClaughed atDworried about25 . Aon timeBat timesCwith timeDin time26 . AquickBslowCboringDmeaningless27 . AwastedBendedCsavedDtook28 . AwrongBrightCbadDcrazy29 . AthirtyBfortyCfiftyDsixty三、阅读单选Mr. Hunt was living in a village and he wanted to go to an office one day. He got into his car and drove to the city. He went there without any trouble and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car and started to go into the office, but then he turned around and went back to his car. “Ive left my keys in it!” he said to himself. Then he called his wife and said, “Excuse me, but Ive locked my keys in my car, please bring your keys to me.”Mrs. Hunt got into their second car and drove thirty kilometers to her husband. But while Mr. Hunt was waiting, he walked around his car and tried the other door. It was not locked. He locked it quickly before his wife arrived.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。30 . Mr. Hunt went to the city.Aby busBby bikeCin his carDby plane31 . It wasfor Mr. Hunt to drive to the office.Aquite easyBa problemCinterestingDdifficult32 . Mr. Hunt returned to his car because.Ahe forgot to call his wifeBhe left his keys in the carChe took something in the carDthere was something wrong with his car33 . Mr. Hunt foundwhile he was waiting for his wife.Ahis keys in his pocketBhe didnt lock both of the doors of the carChe got to a wrong officeDhe could get his keys without his wifes help34 . When Mrs. Hunt arrived, she would find Mr. Hunt.Aneeded her help very muchBhad already got his keysChad already gone into the officeDhad already sat in the carIf you ever go to the US and eat at a restaurant, theres a very important difference you should know about. US people have a custom to give money to waiters and waitresses as a tip for their work.But why is this? Shouldnt waiters get paid enough by their bosses? Well, many waiters and waitresses get paid below the US minimum wage (最低工资) and work for tips to make up for that. According to the American travel website TripAdvisor, some states pay their servers (服务员) only $2.13 (about 14 yuan) per hour.While no one makes you tip, if you are at a sit-down restaurant, it is usually expected that you tip your waiter 15 to 20 percent of what your bill is.Its not just for waiters either. Hotel maids, hairdressers and taxi drivers also usually work for tips. But it is much more expected to tip waiters.The US hasnt always had this tipping culture. In fact, people were mostly against it until the Prohibition Era (禁酒令时代) in the 1920s. The government said no one could sell alcohol (酒). Then, restaurants had trouble making enough money. So they started to ask people to tip their waiters.This tipping culture has lasted through the years, but most people dont like it. Some think restaurant bosses use it as an excuse to not pay their workers well. There isnt much action being taken to make a change yet. So for now, be sure to tip your waiter when in the US.35 . If a server works eight hours a day, he can getfrom his boss.A. $2.13 B. $17.04 C. ¥1436 . Besides waiters and waitresses,also works for tips in the US.A. customers B. taxi drivers C. restaurant bosses37 . When the restaurants couldnt sell alcohol,.A. they were bankrupt (破产的) and closed downB. the bosses still made much moneyC. they started to ask people to tip38 . We can learn from the passage that.A. the waiters and waitresses arent well paid in the USB. the custom of giving tips only appears in the USC. all Americans are glad to tip their waiters39 . About Americans tipping culture, foreign visitors think.A. they need to fight for their own rightsB. they should “do as the Romans do”C. they can leave it alone四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。40 . Bob often gets to the bus station by_bus(对画线部分提问)_ Bob often_to the bus station?41 . Lets walk to school.(改为同义句)Lets go to school _42 . Mrs.King goes to work by subway every day.(改为同义句)Mrs.King _to work every day.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空用括号内汉语提示拼写单词。43 . Tokyo is the_(首都)of Japan44 . They want to learn about homes in different_(国家)45 . My_(理想的) home is big and bright near the sea46 . Who lives in a _(宫殿)?47 . Therere many _(饭店)on Qingguo RoadLets go there to have a dinner六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内单词的适当形式填空。48 . He can play different _ of music. However, I admire him because of his _(kind).49 . Some of the visitors are _ (France). They came from Pairs.50 . They turned off the _ and _ candles(light).51 . This is a _ (10 km long) village road.52 . The _ (leaf) on the tree turn yellow in autumn.53 . He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in _ (silent).54 . At the _ (begin) of this term, the teacher asked us to make a plan to improve our grades.55 . You look terrible, Nancy. Do you have a _ (stomach)?56 . Are there many _ (activity) in your school?57 . He is old enough. He can make _ (decide) for himself.七、完成句子(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。58 . 离开房间之前. 请将你的电脑关闭。Please_. your computer before leaving the room.59 . 既然那样,我们得取消这次学校郊游。_, we had to o cancel this school trip.60 . 十年后,抚顺将有巨大的变化。_ great changes in Fushun in 10 years.61 . 弗兰克想出了这个好主意。Frank _ this good idea.62 . 你能告诉我如何删除手机里的无用信息?Can you tell me _the useless messages in the mobile phone?63 . 如果明天下雨,这次比赛将推迟。_64 . 谁在帮她做家务呢?_65 . 每天他一起床就读英语。_八、句子配对从栏中选出与栏中各句相对应的答语66 . Whats your mothers job?67 . Is Tony from America?68 . Can she ride a horse(骑马)?69 . Where is he from?70 . Who is the girl?71 . What can Daming do?72 . Whats the boys name?73 . Where are my photos?74 . Is Damings mother a nurse?75 . Are Bettys mother and Linglings mother at the same hospital?ANo,she cant.BHe can play football.CShes a hospital manager.DHis name is Tim.EYes,he is.FHes from England.GShes my sister.HYes,they are.IThey are in your bag.JYes,she is.九、汉译英:整句76 . 如果你有问题,不要埋藏在心底。(keep . to oneself)_77 . 他上周生他弟弟的气了。 (be angry with)_78 . 请把这个苹果切成两半。 (in half)_79 . 她建议我步行去上学。 (advise sb. to do sth.)_80 . 你不应该逃避你的问题。 (run away from)_十、材料作文81 . 写作。根据材料写一篇短文。我有一个漂亮的家,两层,三个卧室,两个卫生间,一个大客厅,一个厨房。前面有个大花园,里面有很多花和树,我喜欢在花园里玩,我父母住二楼,我的卧室也在二楼,非常干净整洁。我爱我家。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、句子配对1、九、汉译英:整句1、十、材料作文1、

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