牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 3 Robots 同步练习

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牛津译林版九年级下册英语 Unit 3 Robots 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I bought some fruitvegetables.Aand alsoBas wellCas well asDbut also2 . I always relax myself by _ music.AhearingBlisten toClistening toDhearing of3 . 1ate for school again,Tim!一Sorry,I promise that I ADont;wont BDont;willCDont be;dontDDont be;wont4 . Every day he gets to work _ his bike.AbyBinConDat5 . Would you show me _ an e-mail, please ?Ahow to makeBhow to sendCwhich to makeDwhen to send6 . Maria, _ do you exercise? Oh, we organize the “Sunshine Sports”, so we do sports once a day.Ahow oftenBhow longChow manyDhow far7 . Cutting down_ trees makes it_ for people to protect the wildlife in the world.Atoo much; possibleBtoo many; impossibleCmuch too; possibleDtoo much; impossible8 . A man _ Mr Smith is waiting for you outside. He has _ to tell you.Acalled; something importantBis called; something importantCcalled; important somethingDcalling; important something9 . We usually have summer holiday _ the beginning of July.AinBonCatDto10 . Can I read some books in the library, Mr. Liu?No, You cant read _ you show me your card. Thats the rule of the library.AunlessBbecauseCalthough11 . - What are your parents _?- My study.AtalkingBtalking toCtalking aboutDtalk with12 . Shall we go to that restaurant for dinner,Mr Smith?Wed better not.The dishes there are _AcheapBdeliciousCfreshDawful13 . -How are you getting on?-Pretty good! We collected all the pictures that could be found _ a surprise for her at the party.AprepareBpreparedCto prepareDpreparing14 . Do you want _? Thank you.Aanything elseBother anythingCelse anythingDanything other15 . -do you go for a trip with your family?-Once a week.AHow soonBHow farCHow longDHow often二、补全对话5选5A: What are you doing, Linda? B: 16 . A: An experiment? What is it about? B: A theory about air pressure. I fill a jar with water. I cover the top with a piece of cardboard. Then, I turn the jar upside down.17 . A: I think we cant do it inside. Im sure that the floor will get wet.B: No,18 . A: Why? The water wont stay in the jar. B:19 . .A: Great!20 . .三、完型填空Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and more popular in China. No matter where we are,we can sign up and send text or voice messages to our friends. We can also find a stranger to talk to by shaking the _Another funny function is that WeChat can help to search for people_ live nearby with the programme on. Many people like this function, _ it can help them to find more people who they may know.In my opinion, WeChat is really _ useful chatting tool. It can help people _ with their friends more easily._, it is also bad for people, especially for students .As you see,some people use WeChat_ too long. It is not healthy to them .So I have some _ on how to use it in a correct way. First,we should not use it when we are studying. We cant focus on our study if we use it. Second, we must be careful. We should neither show too much personal information_ trust strangers so much.We should learn how to use it properly. Remember, WeChat is not everything in your life._ depend too much on it.21 . AradioBphoneCcomputerDTV22 . AwhereBwhatCwhoDhow23 . AthoughBbutCbecauseDso24 . AaBanCtheD/25 . AargueBsingCdanceDcommunicate26 . AHoweverBWhoeverCWheneverDWherever27 . AinBonCofDfor28 . AadviceBmessageCnewsDnewspaper29 . AandBorCbutDnor30 . AIsntBDontCDoesntDDidnt四、阅读单选The Cartoon Museum in London opened to the public in 2006. It celebrates the art of the British cartoons from the 18th century to the present day. The museum is in the heart of London and is very close to the British Museum. With many nearby restaurants, shops and other places of interest to visit, this museum can be a part of a whole day out for the whole family. Address:35 Little Russell Street London WC1A 2HHTelephone:0207 580 8155Email:infocartoonmuseum.org.ukOpening hours:Mon. Sat.: 10:30 17:30 (including Bank Holidays)Sun.: 12:00 17:30Ticket prices:Adults: 7Students: 3Free for children under 18Children ages 12 or under must be accompanied (陪伴) by an adult.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31 . How long has the Cartoon Museum been open to the public?A6 years.B11years.C15 years.D35 years.32 . How many hours is the museum open on Saturdays?A5.5.B6.C7.D8.33 . If Bob, a 13-year-old boy, and his parents want to visit the museum, how much should they pay?A10.B14.C17.D18.34 . Which of the following are mentioned about the museum?e-mail address website telephone number locationcollectionABCD35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?AThe museum isnt open during Bank Holidays.BThe museum is far from the center of London.CThere are restaurants and shops in the museum.DChildren under 12 cant visit the museum alone.五、句型转换句型转换36 . My grandfather smokes no more. (保持句意不变)My grandfather _ smoke _.37 . Lu Ban used wood to make a bird .(保持句意不变)Lu Ban made a bird_ wood.38 . There are two bottles of water on the table. (对划线部分提问)_ water_on the table?39 . Alice was short. She couldnt reach the key.(同义句)Alice wasnt _ to reach the key.40 . He didnt buy any gifts for his parents.(肯定句)He _ gifts for his parents.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(没空限填一词)。41 . He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new l_.42 . They moved to our city last month so they cant understand the l_ language here.43 . Most of the students in the class took an a_part in the sports meeting.44 . Its common k_that practice makes perfect.45 . Confidence is the first step on the road to s_ .46 . Dr. Naismith d_the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball.47 . My English teacher is easygoing, and she s _shouts at us students.48 . Daniel finished the article and l_the newspaper down on his desk.49 . In this way ,they will know how to use a word after reading i_English examples.50 . The problems we face were m_in his speech, but he didnt give the way to solve them.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空51 . Millie _ (have) many friends at school.52 . Why not _(listen) to the tape and read after it?53 . The little boy likes _ (read) English stories very much.54 . Stop _ (cry), little kid. I will help you find your parents.55 . _(be) there a map and two posters on the wall?56 . He with his parents_ (stay) in the park at weekends.57 . Its time for us _(chat) on line.58 . Im glad_(hear)that good news.59 . Do you love _ (shop) with your family at weekends?60 . He thinks doing sports makes people _(feel)happy用所给单词的适当形式填空。61 . The students are having a_(discuss) about their favorite sports stars.62 . The movie The Pursuit of Happiness(当幸福来敲门) is very_(educate)63 . Ma Yun worked hard and at last he became_(success)64 . Mike is_(luck)He lost his parents in the car accident.65 . Mickey Mouse is one of the main_(character) in the cartoon MickeyMouseandDonaldDuck.八、完成句子根据所给中文完成句子66 . 你可以信任他,因为他从不说谎。You can trust him_67 . 父母亲应该避免把自己的孩子与其他孩子比较。Parents should _others.68 . 这场电影很精彩,电影院里五分之四的座位都被坐满了。The film was so_in the cinema were taken.69 . 在一个空气比地球稀薄很多的行星上呼吸困难吗?Is it difficult to breathe on a planet_?70 . 目前,钱被存在网上银行里并且是电子的,你可以用手机付款来买一些商品。At present,_, you can pay for some goods with your mobile phones.71 . 我怀疑这个机器人的质量是不是合格。I doubt _九、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。):Can you send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone, anywhere in the world without putting a s72 . on it? With an e-mail, you can do that. With the computer you can send e-mail quickly and easily. The post is much s73 . than e-mail. An e-mail can send its message(信息) to the other p74 . of the world in seconds. An e-mail is e75 . to use and it saves(节省) time and money. Sending e-mails is twenty-four-hour service. You can send an e-mail at any time. Nobody has to be at h76 . to get the e-mail. It doesnt matter if your friends are in bed when you send e-mail to them, o77 . you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send e-mails back.十、回答问题Do you know Weibo? Do you write a Weibo? If you dont, you are “out”! Weibo means microblog. Microblog is a kind of multimedia blog (多媒体博客) that allows users to send messages, articles, photos and videos on the Internet. The information can be read by anyone or by someone that is chosen by the user. Microblog is different from traditional blog. It is smaller in size. People may spend much time writing a blog, but it takes a little time to write a microblog. Why? Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words.Microblog started in the USA. It came to China in 2009 and it has developed very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinese microblog gers grew to 300 million. Now, more and more people are interested in writing microblogs. For one thing, microblog has some advantages. For many microblog users, it is a great way of learning the freshest news, talking with friends and sharing different kinds of information, including news, daily life, pictures, music and so on. Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with their fans. It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog.However, microblog has also caused some bad effects( 影响). For example, some students are so addicted(上瘾) to it so that they cant focus on their studies. And whats more, some lose their communication ability because they use microblog all the time and everywhere.All in all, we should use microblog properly and avoid(避免) its disadvantages as much as po ssible.78 . Is microblog different from traditional blog?79 . Why does it take a little time to write a microblog?80 . Where did microblog start?81 . Who also write microblogs and share good things with their fans?82 . What is the passage mainly about?十一、多任务混合问题Are you the kind of person who likes to dance with music? Its a natural thing. Even little children start jumping up and down when they hear music.Scientists say that animals dance, too. But their dancing is different. The “dances” of animals send messages to other animals. But when people dance, they express feelings about life and love. Dances are good for you in many ways. For one thing, dancing is good for you. It makes your heart work and makes you breathe fast. It also makes you use your arms and your legs. If you go dancing often, you can keep fit. You may feel very tired after dancing, but youll probably also feel relaxed and happy. This is another important point about dancing. It gives you a chance to express your feelings. And feel better about yourself. If you are angry or upset about something, dancing helps those feelings go away.And , it is a social activity. Some dances are for couples and some are for groups. But all kinds of dances give you a chance to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.36题完成句子;37题简略回答问题;38题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题卡上;39题找出并写下第三段的主题句;40题将文中划线句子译成汉语。83 . When little children hear music, they will jump _84 . How will you feel after dancing?_85 . _86 . _87 . _十二、材料作文88 . 书面表达根据下面的表格内容写一篇文章。要求:80词左右。InventionsWhenWhoBe used forabacus in the sixth century Chinese people countingbicycle 1880speople in England travelingpotato chips1853George Crumeatingteaover three thousand years agothe Chinese Emperor Shen Nongdrinking第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、八、完成句子1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、多任务混合问题1、十二、材料作文1、

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