外研版英语九年级上册同步检测Module7 U3

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外研版英语九年级上册同步检测Module7 U3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you have any with the children?No, we get on well.AexperienceBadviceCtroubleDattention2 . Every year, more than 70,000,000 sharks _ for their fins.Awere killedBhave killedCare killedDwill killed3 . This match made them .AfriendlyBhappilyCquicklyDslowly4 . Who will be the winner of the speech contest?No one can know the result until it _tomorrow morning.Awill announceBwill be announcedCis announcedDannounces5 . Could you tell me where the supermarket is?Sure. The supermarket is _ the bookstore _ the post office. You can find it easily.Abetween;andBboth;andCeither;orDneither;nor6 . Xu Beihong is known _ a great Chinese painter. Yeah. He is famous _ his horse paintings.Afor; toBto; forCas; forDfor; as二、阅读单选“Where there is a will, there is a way.” Perhaps not many students can understand this better than 22-year-old Michael Ha. Because of his story of success, he has become an example to many young people.Michael Ha was born in a very poor family. His parents worked in Vietnam before they moved to Britain in 1980. They couldnt find work in Britain because they spoke little English. The whole family had to live on benefits (救济金) and they lived in a small house in Hackney, a poor area in East London. Growing up was not easy for Michael, but he never gave up.At the age of 10, he set his heart on going to Cambridge University. It was not easy, either. Michael studied at a school, which used to be called “the worst school in Britain”. However, young Michael made up his mind to try his best, no matter what kind of school he was studying at. The smart boy studied very hard and did well in every subject at school. Once he made a bet (打赌) with his friend to learn further math. As a result, after spending just four months teaching himself from a textbook, he got an A in AS-level further math.Now Michael is the star medical student at St. Johns College, Cambridge and has just won an award (奖) for his excellent grades. He hopes he will be an inspiration for other young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.7 . When was Michael born?AIn 1994.BIn 1980.CIn 1990.DIn 1984.8 . Where did Michaels parents work before 1980?AIn Britain.BIn Vietnam.CIn Cambridge.DIn Hackney.9 . What does Michael learn about in Cambridge University?AEnglish.BHistory.CGeography.DMedicine.10 . Which of the following is TURE?AMichaels parents couldnt find work in Britain because they had little work experience.BMichael had a dream of studying at Cambridge University when he was eleven years old.CIn order to get an A in AS-level further math, Michael spent four months teaching himself.DMichael has won two awards for his excellent grades.11 . What is the best title of the passage?AHow to deal with the difficulties.BHow to become a good student.CFrom a poor area to Cambridge.DFrom “worst school” to Cambridge University.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。12 . He has more difficulty than Bruce _ (control) his actions.13 . Someone broke into Granny Lis home yesterday. Luckily, she _(walk) her dog nearby.14 . Lily works 10 hours a day and she _(pay) 1,000 yuan a week.15 . Our teacher is happy because the rest of her students _(pass) the exam as well.16 . Finally, he had no choice but _ (accept) the fact that he failed the maths exam.17 . When he got there, he found the bad living environment they were used to_(improve) a lot in the past two years.18 . Children, be quiet. Mr Lee _(disturb) if you talk so noisily.19 . The teacher told me I _ (be) better at English if I tried my best.四、其他阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A, B,C,D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。In November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey. Most of them were hearing this story for the first time. However, this story is not_ to Chinese children. The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West. The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey. In fact, he sometimes does not even look like a monkey! This is because he can make 72_to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a man. To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a_ stick. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear. At other times, he is able to make it big and long. The Monkey King has_ the children of China for many years. And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.20 . AinterestingBimportantCtypicalDnew21 . AchangesBactionsCsticksDscenes22 . AheavyBmagicChugeDbeautiful23 . AsurprisedBprotectedCexcitedDguided第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读单选1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、其他1、

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