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北师大版八年级上册Unit1Television基础检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I dont like this TV programme, Its too _.AexcitingBexcitedCboringDbored2 . We were all very_since we_ the top of the mountain at last.Aexciting: got toBexcited; arrivedCexciting; arrivedDexcited: reached3 . Whenthe accident?Awas; happenBdid; happenCis; happenDwas; happened4 . Last year I went to Guangzhou _ a job.AfindBfindingCfoundDto find5 . - How was your holiday last weekend?- Good. I to the mountains with my brother.AgoBwentCwill go6 . -Mr. Guo, I think the answer is ten. Is that right or wrong?AYes, its right.BNo, its wrong.CThats right.DAll right.7 . Jackon with his work or to have a rest?ADid; went; stoppedBDid; go; stopCDid; went; stopDDid; go; stopped8 . Winter days aresnow.Afull withBfilled withCfull ofDfilled of9 . strong the wind is! We could hardly walk in the wind.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a10 . What do you think makes Doraemon(机器猫) so _? I think it can make everything _ trueApopular;comeBinteresting;comesCamazing;to comeDfunny;comes11 . The story book is very _, Im very _ in it.Ainteresting, interestedBinterested, interestingCinterest, interestedDinteresting, interest二、完型填空When I told my wife and children that I was going to run the New York City Marathon(马拉松), they thought I was _ because I weighed over 100 kilograms, and did _ exercise at all in the years.Shortly before I decided to run the race, one of _ best friends from childhood had a heart attack. He was only 38 years old. I _ him in the hospital, thinking that it might so easily be me in bed instead of him. And suddenly I_ that it was time to change my lifestyle forever.Just then a_of guys there were talking about entering the marathon, so I asked them_I could join in. At first they both laughed, but when they finally understood that I was serious about it, they encourage me a lot and helped me_a training plan.The first thing I did was starting taking lots of walks and eating healthier food every day. In two months I lost a lot of_and was ready to start running. I was only doing six miles a week at first, and then I _ the number of miles each week. I must run_three days a week, and quickly I noticed how it got _each time and my time got faster.However, its still very difficult when I got to the day of marathon. Several times on the road I really felt like giving up._ then I heard everybody cheering me on and it raised me up, especially when I thought I couldnt move another_.Nobody thought I would_ it but I did it just over five hours. Next year I want to do it better.12 . AfunnyBcrazyChopefulDterrible13 . AnoBanyCsomeDmore14 . AherBmyCyourDhis15 . AcalledBmissedCvisitedDinvited16 . AforgotBdreamedCsupposedDrealized17 . ArowBteamCgroupDcouple18 . AifBwhoCwhyDwhat19 . Aadd toBwork outCrun awayDgo through20 . AtimeBmoneyCheightDweight21 . AmadeBreducedCincreasedDproduced22 . Ain factBat leastCin the endDby the way23 . AlessBworseCclearerDeasier24 . AButBSoCBecauseDAlthough25 . AfootBseatCstepDplace26 . AcareBattendCcontrolDmanage三、阅读单选Many children want to develop a hobby. Youll need to find different interests and decide which hobby really interests you.While, this may be hard to do, and here are four great reasons to work it in:Hobbies help build a teens confidence(自信).By finding an area of interest, a teen can build his skill. This leads to positive(积极的) results and builds teenagers confidence.A hobby helps teens have a sense of his identity(个性).Our likes and dislikes help let us know who we are as people.Hobbies help by sending a signal, “I like doing this. This makes me feel good about me. Therefore, this is a part of who I am.”Hobbies keep teens from getting bored.Bored teens look for things to do and are more likely to do something bad. Helping teens develop a hobby is helping them stay out of trouble.Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents.When a teen is busy with a hobby, his parents have easy access(机会) to something to praise him about. They can communicate with each other easily.27 . According to the passage, hobbies can make kids_.Abe sure something they want will happen in the wayBknow they are different from their parentsCfeel a little bad about themselvesDnot be a good student at school28 . If Jim has a hobby, he will _ in his free time.Abe boredBbe in troubleCmake a lot of moneyDfeel happy29 . Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents because_.Ateens are busy and have no time to fight with parentsBparents never praise them about their hobbiesCparents have an interesting topic to talk with childrenDteens have to ask their parents for some money30 . The passage above is mainly about_.Aits not easy to find a hobbyBhow to develop a hobbyCwho we are as peopleDwhy teens need a hobbyDo you want to know what pets do when their owners leave for work or school each day? Thats the question TheSecretLifeofPets tries to answer.The cartoon movie is mainly about Max, a sweet and loyal dog. He lives inside one of the high buildings in New York. Things are going well until his loving owner, Katie, decides to bring home Duke, a careless, untidy dog from the dog pound where lost cats and dogs are kept until their owners come to take them home.Actress Ellie Kemper plays the role of Katie. “She decides to bring home a new dog because he needs a home but shes very worried,” said Kemper.Instead of welcoming each other with open paws, the dogs cant get along well at first. When the two dogs find themselves on the mean streets of New York City, they have to team up and work together against a cute but criminal(犯罪的) rabbit named Snowball.Kemper doesnt have any pets in real life. But she says she would like to have one if she has free time. She said, “I dont want to speak badly about cats, but I feel like you can play with dogs more.”“The story is really funny,” Kemper says. The movie also has an important message. “Animals have feelings too,” she says. “That sounds corny(老生常谈的), but we should be kind to animals.”TheSecretLifeofPets hit theatres on July 8, 2016.31 . The underlined word “pound” in the passage probably means _A菜市场B收容所C歌舞厅D动物园32 . What does Katie worry about?AThe owner will take Duke away.BMax will have a new home.CMax wont be friendly to Duke.DDuke will make the house dirty.33 . Max and Duke have to team up in order to _Afind the way home in the mean streetsBget a lot of food for themselvesCmake friends with the cute rabbitDfight with the bad rabbit34 . If Kemper has free time, shell have a _ as a pet.AcatBbirdCdogDrabbit35 . You can see the passage _Ain a movie magazineBon a school notice boardCon a poster about the pop petsDin a city introduction四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词36 . S_ is the first day of a week.37 . The fourth day of a week is W_ .38 . I am busy on Sunday, but Mary is f_.39 . My brother goes to school f_ Monday to Friday.40 . We have six l_ at school every day.41 . There are sixty minutes(分钟)in an h_.42 . T_ is the third day of a week.43 . I think science is a very u_ subject.五、完成句子根据图片内容,用正确的英语短语完成句子44 . In the evening,I _ at home.45 . On Sunday morning,We dont _early.46 . Children can _on Saturday evening.47 . We _at 8:00 am.48 . Can you _ every day,Lisa?49 . She_first after school.六、回答问题阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Hangzhou won its bid(申办) for the 2022 Aian Games on September 16th, 2015. It will be the third time that the Games are held in a Chinese city after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010. The well-known capital city of Zhejing Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 8.9 million. It is a beautiful city with a long history and it has been developing rapidly in recent years. Hosting the Asian Games will give the city another chance to grow. “We have seen here the strong wish and the great effort of Hangzhou to host the19th Asian Games,” The OCA(亚奥理事会) president praised. The Games are set to include 36 to 40 sports. Thirty venues (场馆) have already been completed, while several others are still being built and will be put into use on year before the Games. The Asian Games will be held from September 10 to 25, when the temperature is around 200C.“There is no doubt that the event will attract more visitors to experience the beauty and charm of this amazing city. At the same time, more roads will be built and the underground will be added, reducing heavy traffic. But the best part is that it will give us the chance to watch world-class competitions close to our homes.” Shao Lin, a local people, told the reporter excitedly.With the Asian Games in Hangzhou in September and the World Cup in Qatar(卡塔尔) in November, 2022 will be an exciting year for Asians, especially Chinese sports fans. Hangzhou is trying its best to get ready for the big sports show. Hangzhou is waiting to see you in 2022.回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过六个词。50 . In which province will the 2022 Asian Game be held? _51 . How many Chinese cities have already held the Asian Game so far? _52 . Why will Hangzhou Asian Games be held in middle September?_53 . What is the best about Hangzhou Asian Games for Shao Lin? _54 . In which year will the World Cup be held in Qatar? _第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、回答问题1、

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