外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 综合单元测评卷

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外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 综合单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Your mothers brother is your _.AauntBuncleCbrotherDgrandfather2 . Lets _ dinner together(一起).AeatBhaveChavingDto have3 . Mr. Wu is teacher. He teaches computer.Awe; weBwe; usCour; usDour; we4 . - How do you like the song Chengdu sung by Zhao Lei?- Oh, I have never enjoyed a _ one before.AworstBbestCworseDbetter5 . We need to come up with a/an_and make a decision at once.AinformationBadviceCideaDnews6 . schoolbag is new. But is old.AMy; Jims B. Mine; Jims C. Me; Jims D. I; Jims7 . My parents work every day_ never get tired.AHeBSheCTheyDTheir8 . _name is Gina Miller, and _ is my good friend.AHis, herBHer, herCShe, herDHer, she9 . -I found _ID card on the desk.ls this your ID card?No, it isnt _.Aan, myBa, myCan, mine10 . -What does your pen pal_in her letter?-She will come to visit us.AseeBsayCread二、完型填空MrSmithisafarmerandheisverybusy.Inthe_.hegetsupat6:30.He usually sleeps for nine _every day._he gets up. the first thing for him is to brush his _.Then he goes _to run around his farm. After he comes back, he_hisbreakfast. Heoftenhasbread, milkandvegetables _breakfast. At eight. he starts his_.He_workingonthefarm. Hethinksitisvery_and he often forgets(忘记)the time for lunch. He works all_.When he comes back home, he is very tired(累)._he is very happy. His wife(妻子)makes dinner for _.It tastes_and he likes it very much .In the evening. He usually_tobedatninefifteen.11 . AmorningBafternoonCeveningDnight12 . AhalfBhourChalvesDhours13 . ABeforeBAfterCBecauseDThen14 . AfaceBteethChandsDhair15 . AinBforCoutDto16 . AeatsBletsCdoesDthinks17 . AatBwithCaboutDfor18 . AjobBjobsCworkDworks19 . AmakesBwantsClikesDgets20 . AboringBinterestingCeasyDdifficult21 . AmorningBdayCnightDweek22 . AbutBorCsoDat23 . AsheBheCherDhim24 . AcleanBwellCbadDgood25 . AgoBgetCgoesDgets三、阅读单选Its a picture of Marys family. Marys father is a doctor. Now he is sitting in an armchair and reading a book. Her mother is standing at the door. The door is open. She is wearing (穿、戴)a hat and a black skirt. She is going out shopping at the supermarket. A dog is near her. Its black and white. Its name is Spot. Its sitting on the floor. Mary is sitting at the table. She is wearing a white dress. She is drawing Spot. She likes Spot very much. Her brother isnt in the picture. He stays in the school now. Hes in Senior One(高一). He has a bird named Poll. Look, its here.26 . There are _ people in Mary family.AfourBthreeCfiveDsix27 . Poll is _.AMarys brotherBMarys classmateCa dogDa bird28 . _ is going to the supermarket.AFatherBMotherCMaryDMarys brother29 . Who is dressed in white?AFatherBMotherCMaryDSpot30 . Marys brother is a _.AdoctorBfishermanCteacherDstudent四、句型转换Pattern shift. (句型转换)31 . What does “EIM” mean?= What _ “EIM”?32 . The Jackson family catch a train to London on Saturday.= The Jackson family _ on Saturday.33 . Hard Rock Caf has some old guitars from famous bands. (Change it into a negative sentence.) (变成否定句。)_.34 . There are some bus tickets left for the 2 oclock tour.(Change it into a Yes or No question.) (变成一般疑问句。)_?35 . Coventry is two hours by train from Birmingham. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?36 . Those Germans rent a house near Covent Garden. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?37 . There is a rock band in the hotel. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?38 . Darren and Kate want to ask a person for directions. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?39 . The half-marathon starts in Gordon Park. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?40 . Students stay at school until Friday.(Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?五、完成句子根据汉语完成下列句子41 . 我每天要花一个小时学英语。_ me an hour _ English every day.42 . 请代我向你叔叔问好。Please _ your uncle _ me.43 . 昨天我们在迪士尼乐园玩得很开心。We _ in Disneyland yesterday.44 . 昨天我的网友在机场接我。My e-friend _ me _ yesterday.45 . 我原以为开车很容易。I thought _very easy _ a car.六、单词填空附加题根据首字母提示,完成短文I am a middle school student. I am b46 . every day. because I have to go to school from M47 . to Friday. And I do homework every evening. I have a “brother”,but he is not my mothers s48 . . I am the only c49 . in my family.My “brother” is one y50 . old. He is black and white. He is very lovely and cute. He h51 . homework, too. His homework i52 . running after me. He loves d53 . his homework very much. There are t54 . letters in his name. The first letter is in “red”, but not in “white”, The s55 . letter is in “good”,but not in“grade”.The third letter is in “go”, but not in “phone”. Do you know what my “brother” is now? Do you want to have a “brother”too?七、多任务混合问题任务型阅读。Hello! Im Sonia. Im an English girl. (A) I like playing baseball and tennis. This is my sister, Linda. (B) 她也喜欢打网球. We eat lots of healthy food every day. We like eggs and apples for breakfast. I like hamburgers for lunch. But Linda doesnt like (C) _. She likes salad and broccoli. For dinner, we like carrots. I often (经常) eat Chinese food. It is great.56 . Sonia and Linda like _ for breakfast.AbananasBpearsCapplesDstrawberries57 . 请将(A)句译成汉语._58 . 请将(B)句译成英语._59 . 写出(C)处所缺的单词:_60 . Does Sonia like Chinese food?_.八、材料作文61 . 请根据下列表格中的要点写一封推荐信,推荐你班的Ricky为本年度的青年将获得者。姓名Ricky性格善良,友好,乐于助人爱好看书,打网球学习情况成绩优秀,对历史知识了解很多。最喜欢英语,每天花很多时间练习说英语。主要事迹上周,一个八岁的小男孩子迷了路,他把小男孩送到警察局,小男孩的父母对他表示了感谢。要求:1.词数60-80词,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.语言通顺,条理清晰。3.表格中的提示内容必须包含在短文中,可适当发挥。提示词:grades成绩;分数 Youth Award青年奖Dear Sir/Madam,I want to recommend Ricky for this years Youth Award. _Yours faithfully,Wang Lei九、其他写出下面动词的过去式和过去分词62 . bring _63 . buy _64 . fight _65 . seek _66 . teach _67 . build _68 . think _69 . sleep _70 . send _71 . spell _72 . spend _73 . dig _74 . feed _75 . get _76 . hang _.77 . sit _78 . stick _79 . win _80 . cut _81 . spread _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、

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