人教版英语九年级Units 11~12阶段检测题

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人教版英语九年级Units 1112阶段检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - fried food. Its bad for our health. Thats why you have got a sore throat.-Thanks for your advice. Then what about dairy products?ABe close toBPay attention toCStay away from2 . Who will teach _ oral English next term? Can it be a new teacher? Perhaps. But our head teacher hasnt told us _ .Ayour; alreadyByou; yetCyou; alreadyDyour; yet3 . I didnt enjoy myself at the party. I just felt _. Well, maybe there were too many people at the party.Aleaving outBto leave outCleft outDbe left out4 . What he said made me _.Ato feel excitedBfeel excitingCfeel excitedDfelt excited5 . The movie “The Time Machine” is a science fiction story.Abase onBbasing onCbased inDbased on6 . Shedoesntseem _thebookAlikeBlikesCtolikeDliking7 . Tom Green _ his parents every night even while he was traveling around China.AcalledBis callingCwill callDcalls8 . -What makes you _ the job?-Because Ill move to another city.Aset upBput offCcut offDgive up9 . I have a sister. name is Ling ling.AHisBHerCItsDYour10 . _ in the dictionary , and you will know the meaning of the word.ALook them upBLook up themCLook it up11 . The movie Taojieis _ one that Ive ever seen.Amore excitingBthe most excitedCthe most excitingDmore excited12 . -Is this kind of digital camera made of steel?-Yes, and its widely used _ taking photos.AasBforCfromDof13 . The king slept badly and didnt feel like _.AeatBto eatCeatingDate14 . I wont go to Anns birthday party this coming Saturday._ you told me you would. Whats happening _ you?ABut;forBSo;forCAnd;toDBut;to15 . Be careful _ the street when you are alone.Ato crossBwith crossCcrossingDof crossing二、补全短文5选5Usually we see a good memory as something that comes naturally, and a bad memory as something that cant be changed. In fact, there is a lot that you can do to improve your memory. Here are some tips for you16 . We all remember the things we are interested in and forget the ones that bore us. This no doubt explains the reason why schoolboys remember football results easily but struggle with dates from their history lessons Develop an active interest in what you want to remember. One way to make yourself more interested is to ask questions- the more, the betterRepeat things in chunks(块)Repeating things in chunks is the best way to remember things for a short time, for example remembering a phone number for a few seconds.17 . . It would be impossible for most of us to remember the following numbers: 1492178919318483. But look at them in chunks or groups1492 1789 1931 8483. and it becomes much easier to remember them .Invent a storyTo remember long lists, try inventing a story which includes all the things you want to remember In experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this way, and when they were tested later, they could remember 90 percent of them! 18 . .19 . Many experts believe that listening to classical music, especially Mozart, helps people to organize their ideas more clearly and so improves their memory. Sadly, rock music does not have the same effect !Take physical exercisePhysical exercise is also important for your memory, because it increases your heart rate(心率) and sends more oxygen(氧气) to your brain, and that makes your memory work better. 20 . As we all know, too much pressure is very bad for the memory.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺内容完整。AListen to MozartBExercise also lowers stressCTake an interestDThe test result was really amazingE Grouping numbers may help you to remember them三、完型填空Uncle Sam and Aunt Kate came to visit us from America last weekend. This was their first time to come to Hong Kong. Yesterday my family_them around Hong Kong.We got up early in the morning and had breakfast at home. First, we went to the tram(有轨电车) station and_a tram. This was Uncle Sam and Aunt Kates first_on a tram. They thought that it was_and they liked the “Ding! Ding!” sound. We_the tram at Central. Then we took a boat to Tsim Sha Tsui. On the way, Uncle Sam took a video of many buildings. The wind blew softly on our faces. We_a lot. After having a rest, we went to a restaurant for_. It was famous for nice food. We_a lot of food. I liked pork pies best_I ate three. Aunt Kate liked rice dumplings most. After lunch, we went to the Avenue of Stars. Uncle Sam and Aunt Kate were very_when they saw the signatures (签名) and handprints (手印) of some famous stars. But it was a little fun to me. In all, we had a good time that day.21 . AvisitedBintroducedCshowedDbrought22 . AwatchedBpaintedCtookDbought23 . AdriveBrideCtouchDreport24 . AinterestingBboringCfrightenedDsurprised25 . Aturned offBgot offCwaited forDlooked for26 . AflewBhurriedCrelaxedDworried27 . AsnacksBdessertsCsupperDlunch28 . AbroughtBorderedCmadeDdrank29 . AasBorCandDbut30 . AnervousBstrangeCsilentDexcited四、阅读单选Toms father has a big farm. On New Years Day,his father asked him,Could you work on the farm when youre free this year,Tom?”“Farming is not my work,Dad. I have much schoolwork to do,”Tom wasnt glad at it.“If you help me work on the farm,I will give you anything you want.”“OK,”Tom agreed happily.So Tom gets up early and works hard on the farm in his free time this year,just like other farmers. His wheat grows very well.Time flies. Today is the last day of the year,December 31st.The father is talking with his son.“Im happy to see you work hard on the farm. Tom,now tell me what you want as the gift.Tom shows his father a big piece of bread. He makes it with the wheat on his farm. “I have already gotten(已经得到)your gift,Dad. Youre trying to give me a lesson-no pain,no gain. Right?31 . Tom is a(n)_.AstudentBfamerCmanagerDengineer32 . What does the underlined word “it refer to?AStaying at home.BWorking on the fam.CHaving a New Year party.DFinding a new job.33 . Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “agreed?A考虑B同意C承认D拒绝34 . Tom gets _from his father.Asome breadBa nice giftCmuch moneyDan important lesson35 . What do you think of Tom?AHe doesnt study hard at school.BHe learns a lot from other farmers.CHe grows wheat hard on the farm.DHe is not a good boy.五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话。从题后方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(有两项为多余选项)A: Hi, James!B: Hi, Mr. Black! Whats that behind you?A:36 . B: A robot? What can it do for you?A: It can help me remember a lot of important things.B: Really? It sounds interesting.37 . .A: My wife did.B:38 . A: She is a scientist.B: Why did she make it for you?A:39 . B: Do you like it?A: No, because I think it knows too much about me.B: I can not understand. If I have one like this, how happy I will be!A: You will have one very soon. Its time for class.40 . B: Me too, bye!A: See you.A. What does she do ?B. Its a clock.C.I have to go now.D. Because I always forget things.E. Who made it for you?F. Where did you make it?G. Its a robot.A. What does she do ?B. Its a clock.C.I have to go now.D. Because I always forget things.E. Who made it for you?F. Where did you make it?G. Its a robot.六、单词填空根据下列短文,写出与各小题所给汉语相对应的英语单词(每空一词)。As we all know,the environment around us is getting worse and worse. Some chemical factories always pour41 . (废弃的)water into the42 . (河流). And they also43 . (产生)terrible gas. In some places,some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment.How to protect the environment? First,as a student,we should use cloth bags instead of44 . (塑料的)bags when we go shopping. 45 . (第二),wed better reuse the old text books as possible as we can. Third,we should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms. In a word,we must try our best to protect our environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.七、话题作文46 . 幸福无处不在。幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福来自老师赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是每个人都有自己的幸福,某英语网站正在征集英文稿件,请以“My Happiness”为题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事。它是什么时候发生的,发生了什么让你感到幸福,以及你现在对幸福的看法。提示词语:mark,be afraid,encourage,be moved,love提示问题: When did it happen? What happened to make you feel happy? What do you think of happiness?My HappinessAs we know,happiness is everywhere and it may be the same for everyone. _第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、单词填空1、七、话题作文1、

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