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人教版九年级英语寒假作业-作业十二姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . No matter how much youve earned,you must _ the people heart and soul.AserveBserve forCserve toDserve over2 . Mr Green spends 20 minutes lunch every day.AcookBcookingCto cookDon cook3 . Her grandmother in 1990. She has been for 23 years.Adied; diedBdead; deadCdying; deathDdied; dead4 . The sports meeting _ because of the bad weather. What a pity!Awill cancelBhas cancelledCwas cancelledDis cancelling5 . Last month, food and tents_to Nepal after the earthquake happened.AsendBsentCare sentDwere sent二、阅读单选On May 17, 2018, OneSpace, a science company in Beijing, became Chinas first private company(私人公司) to launch a rocket. The company said that its OS-X rocket successfully flew off from a launch site(发射场) in northwestern China.The rocket is nine meters in length and weighs 7.2 tons. It was launched at 7:33a.m. on a Thursday. It flew for 306 seconds and travelled 273 kilometers in the sky before it fell back to the ground. The rocket flew at a maximum height of 38.7 kilometers. It also reached a speed of 1.94 kilometers per second, which is 5.7 times the speed of sound.Encouraged by American Elon Musk and his well-known company SpaceX, several private Chinese companies, including OneSpace, LandSpace and LinkSpace, have all given out plans to launch their own self-developed rockets. OneSpace has become the first to realize that goal.Set up in 2015, OneSpace has become a rising star in Chinas space industry, which has long been controlled by state-owned(国有的) companies. It took OneSpace only one year to develop and build the OS-X rocket. The company said its designers and engineers were able to develop almost all the key parts of a rocket.OneSpace plans to make three further launches of the OS-X rocket this year. It is also developing a larger rocket named OS-M1. It plans to send small satellites into space using this rocket.6 . OneSpace launched its OS-X rocket successfully in _ China.AnorthwesternBnortheasternCsouthwesternDsoutheastern7 . How many private Chinese companies are mentioned in the passage?AOnly oneBTwoCThreeDFour8 . How fast could OS-X rocket travel?AThe same speed as sound.BAt the speed of 1.94 kilometers per hour.CMore than five times the speed of sound.DAt a maximum height of 38.7 kilometers.9 . How long did it take OneSpace to develop and build the OS-X rocket?ASince 2015.BOnly one year.CSeveral years.DAbout half a year.10 . From the passage, we know OneSpace _.Aplans to send small satellites into space with OS-X.Bbecomes a rising star in Chinas space industry.Cspent about three years building the OS-M1.Dis a state-owned company.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空.11 . My aunt helped to keep our cat and it_(take)good care of while we were away on holiday.12 . Have you worked out the problem? Not yet. My teacher_(explain) it to me.13 . It is reported that the new bridge_(complete) at the end of this month.14 . Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No,sir,I_(reply)to Want Bings question.15 . The sunlight we are used to_(include) seven different colors.16 . My grandma has much dificulty _(hear) what people say.17 . The earthquake_( influence) this country a lot, hasnt it?四、句子/对话改错判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。18 . Whats the hot icecream scoop used for?19 . Our parents advised us not to go out alone.20 . Potato chips were invented by mistake.21 . Basketball is enjoyed for fun and exercise.22 . He thought out a game what could be played in winter.23 . The teacher divided his class into six groups.24 . He always encourages me not to give up.25 . Ill try my best to come true my dream.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读单选1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、句子/对话改错1、


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