人教版八年级下册英语 unit5 第1课时 练习

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人教版八年级下册英语 unit5 第1课时 练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。A: Hey, Jenny. 1 . B: I was doing my homework.A: 2 . B: He was repairing his flashlight. A: Oh? 3 . B: It didnt work. A: 4 . B: No, it doesnt. Jim hasnt found out why it doesnt work. A: 5 . My father is good at repairing it.B: That sounds great! Thank you. A: Youre welcome. AWhat about your younger brother Jim?BDoes it work now?CWhat were you doing at the time of the heavy rain?DWhy dont you bring it to my home?EWhat was wrong with his flashlight?二、阅读单选People often say, “Children cant do math problems, its because parents cant do their childrens homework. ” Heres an example to show what I mean. The other day my daughter brought home her math homework. “I have to subtract (减) 179 from 202,” she said. “Its quite easy,” I said. “You put the 202 over the 179. ” “But we need a 10 here. Where is the 10?” “I dont know where the 10 is. Lets just subtract 179 from 202. Nine from two is three. You carry one and add it to seven. Eight from zero is two. The answer is 23. ” “We cant do it that way. We have to use the 10. ” “Well, Im going to call your teacher to see how she subtracts 179 from 202. ” Over the telephone, I said that I was having a bit of trouble with the homework she had given to my daughter. The teacher said, “In the right-hand column (栏) we have units of one. The two in that column counts for two ones. The zero in the center counts for zero tens. The two in the left-hand column counts for hundreds. Are you clear?” But I didnt think I was clear. I hung up and found my way to the medicine box. My head was now hurting. I started putting pills of medicine into my mouth. “How many did you take?” my wife asked. “I took one and then I took anotherI know one and one was two, but dont ask me what it is now. ”6 . The daughter wanted _ the other day.Ato give her father a lessonBto show how difficult math wasCher father to phone her teacherDher father to help her with her homework7 . Which of the following sentences is Not True?AThe father had a different way to do the math problem.BThe father couldnt do his daughters homework.CThe daughter couldnt understand her fathers way.DThe daughter had some trouble doing the math problem.8 . From what the teacher said, we know that the word “units” means _ here.Awhole numbers less than 10Bwhole thingsCgroups of lessonsDthe smallest numbers9 . What the teacher said made the father _.AangryBworriedCsadDtired10 . Can you guess what would happen next in the story?AThe father would go to school and begin to learn math.BThe father would become very ill and have to take more medicine.CThe father would never do his daughters math problems again.DThe father would go to the school and fight with the teacher.三、完成句子根据句意及提示完成句子11 . 他忘记关灯了。He _ turn off the light .12 . Ruth comes from New York. (同义句) Ruth _ New York.13 . Steve,your shoes are _(脏的)Brush them now.14 . There are sixty m_ in an hour.15 . Seventy and e_ is one hundred and fifty.16 . Miss Liu often tells us some f_ stories in class,and we all like her.17 . Is your grandmother with you?No,she_ (居住) with my aunt in Shanghai.18 . The boy is from J_. He speaks J_.19 . She has to cross the long b_ over the river to work every day.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框内所给单词或短语的正确形式填空。value drop by greet hit leave for take boats think of20 . He _ Tibet for a vacation tomorrow.21 . I think _ must be a lot more fun than taking a train22 . 1 heard Jim_ by a car last night.23 . What do you _the transportation in your town?24 . When my teacher gives me some suggestions,I _them very much.25 . _ my friends on weekends makes me happy.26 . I enjoy _ the people I know when I see them.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、补全对话5选51、二、阅读单选1、三、完成句子1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、


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