人教版八年级英语下册 Unit7 单元测试

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人教版八年级英语下册 Unit7 单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The thief got into the room climbing through the window.AbyBforCwithDon2 . There is little milk in the bottle, _?Ais itBis thereCisnt itDisnt there3 . -I hear Uncle Wang is going to _ at the school meeting.- Do you know what he is going to _?Asay, talkBcall, speakCspeak, sayDtalk, tell4 . Mayto the party. She enjoyed herself with us.AinvitesBis invitedCwas invitedDhas invited5 . Look at the chair.It is made bamboo.It looks comfortable.AinBofCintoDby6 . These light bulbs look the same, but their _ on the environment are different.AsolutionsBmethodsCeffectsDsecrets7 . All those students who are not brave enough to in class should .Asay; pay attentionBtell; be paid more attention toCspeak; be paid attention toDtalk; pay attention to8 . How much money did you_ in fixing your watch? About ten yuan. AcostBpayCspend9 . Would you mind _ the door for me?Of course not.AcloseBto closeCclosingDto closing10 . Firemen tried to free the injured and the fire _ put out until mid-night.AdidntBwasntCisD/11 . My parents are strict _ me and they are serious _ my grades.Ain;withBin;aboutCwith;ofDwith;about12 . Must these old people pay for the medicine? _. It is free.ANo, they needntBNo, they mustntCYes, they mustDYes, they need13 . Your foreign teacher Miss Smith _us English since five years agoAtaughtBis teachingChas taughtDteaches14 . (题文)How many classes do you_on Monday?Seven.AhaveBwantCmeetDplay15 . You can add some sugarthe milk.AinBtoCfor16 . _give him a ticket to a ball game?AWhy not youBWhy dont youCWhy not to17 . - Drunken drive is dangerous, isnt it?- Yeah. That why drunken driversto prison even without causing accidents.AsentBare sentCsendDare sending18 . He has problems with his homework. He wants _ Lily _him.Ato ask; helpBask; helpCask; to helpDto ask; to help19 . Dale plans to go shopping _ going fishing this weekend.Abecause ofBnext toCinstead ofDup to20 . I _ myself down on the sofa when I came home from school.AthrewBthrowedCthrowDthrown21 . We are very grateful you your kindness.Ato; forBto; toCfor; forDfor; to22 . Britney couldnt wait her present after she it.Ato open; gotBopen; getsCopening; gotDto open; gets23 . The bus is comingLets _ one by oneAget it onBget on itCget it offDget off it24 . The interest _ into five parts according to the agreement made by both sides.Amay divideBmust to divideCneed divideDshould be divided25 . I cant understand what the book is about because it _ in English.Awill writeBwritesCis written26 . He can play , but he can t play .Apiano; the footballBfootball; the pianoCthe football; the pianoDfootball; piano27 . Lukes mother will be _him if he wins the reading competition.Aproud ofBtired ofCworried aboutDstrict with28 . Martin and Susan _ for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday.Aput offBfell offCset offDkept off29 . When shall I hand in my report?As soon as it _ tomorrow.AcompletesBwill completeCis completedDwill be completed30 . Many people talk about Didi. I really wonder _.You call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone easily.Ahow can I use themBwho uses them mostCwhat they are used for二、完型填空Hi Sally, Do you know the woman in the photo? Her names Guo Caijie. And her _ name is Amber Kuo. She is from Taiwan, China. Her _ is on February 19th. Guo is an actress(女演员). You can see _ in many films(电影). She is my favorite _. I think shes very beautiful.Guo has a new film Sky, on Fire. We can _ it on November 25th. Are you _ on that day? I want to go and watch the film _ you. You will love it _ Daniel Wu is in the film, too. I know you _ him very much. Please _ me if you like to go. My phone number is 6637-4288.Li Siyu31 . AfirstBmiddleClastDEnglish32 . AclassBbirthdayCtripDgame33 . AherBsheCmeDI34 . AteacherBclassmateCstarDfriend35 . AfinishBwatchCbuyDplay36 . AfreeBhappyCniceDcool37 . AinBforCaboutDwith38 . AbecauseBsoCthenDbut39 . AgetBhelpClikeDwant40 . AaskBcallCthankDhave三、阅读单选Chinese buyers used to prize foreign brands, thinking that products made by American or European companies are of higher quality(质量) than Chinese ones. Increasingly, thats no longer the case.Chinese people born before 1985 generally think that foreign brands are better than Chinese ones, billionaire William Li told Business Insider during a recent interview on CCTV 9. But for who were born after 1985, it is a different picture.“When I first went to the United Kingdom in 1997, I thought that the difference between China and Europe was quite big,” Li said. “But for those born in the 1990s, when they visit Europe or the US, they do not think there is a big difference.”The change in thinking among Chinese buyers is showing up in many markets in China where western companies used to control. A study by Credit Suisse published in March found that young Chinese buyers are increasingly showing a home brand bias.” More than 90% of young Chinese buyers would prefer to buy home appliance brands, according to the study. Meanwhile, home companies producing food, drinks, or personal care products increased their share of the market by 3, 3% over the last ten years to nearly 70%.“Chinese buyers, especially the younger ones, dont just believe that foreign brands are better. Right now, Chinese buyers think China is good and Made in China is not bad at all,” Charlie Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse, told South China Morning Post in March.The Chinese smartphone market is controlled by home companiesHuawei, Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi. Apple is the only foreign brand in the top five, but it has lost large ground to the home brands in recent years. Its market share is believed to be down to 37% from a 2015 high of 54%.41 . What is this passage mainly about?AThe quality of Made in China.BThe change in Chinese buyers thinking.CChinese products in the eye of foreigner.DDifference between older and younger Chinese buyers.42 . Which of the following is true according to the text?AMore and more foreigners go to buy Chinese products.BForeign products are more expensive than Chinese ones.CMore and more Chinese buyers prefer Chinese products.DOlder Chinese people dont like foreign products any more.43 . Which fact best explains “home brand bias”?AApple had a market share of 54% in 2015.BMore than 90% of young Chinese buyers prefer home brands.CChinese people born before 1985 think that foreign brands are better.DWilliam Li found a big difference between China and Europe in 1997.44 . Who did most of the research for this report?ACredit Suisse.BCCTV 9.CSouth China Morning Post.DBusiness Insider.45 . Whats the best title for this passage?AChinese products get more popular at homeBYoung Chinese are crazy for foreign brandsCMade in China is welcomed all over the worldDApple has lost large ground to Huawei in ChinaALostA bag.My names Peter.Please call me at 529-6403.FoundA dog.Its brown and white.Please call Mrs Green at685-6034.LostI lost a ping-pong bat.My name is Mike.Please call 235-0285.FoundIs this your math(数学) book?Please call Alice at 495-3456.LostA camera. Its blue.Please call Tom at 495-3539.46 . You found a bag. Maybe(可能)it is_.AAlicesBTomsCPetersDMikes47 . Tom lost his_.Amath bookBcameraCdogDbag48 . If you find a ping- pong bat, you can call_.A235-0285B495-3539C529-6403D495-3456In the early 1900s Jews(犹太人) and Chinese were the two biggest immigration groups in America. They were also non-Christian(不信奉基督教的)groups. They did not celebrate Christmas. During the religious(宗教的) holidays and celebrations most of the restaurants are closed. The Chinese restaurants remained open, even on Sundays. They could do this as it was not a religious time for them.Usually Jews eat kosher food(犹太洁食). Kosher does not allow dairy products such as milk or cheese to be mixed with meat. Kosher also does not allow the eating of pork in any form. The Chinese traditionally do not use dairy products in their dishes. They do eat pork(猪肉) though, but it is cooked separately. So Chinese food is prepared in a similar way to Jewish food. The Jews could eat this as long as they stayed away from the pork dishes. They remained kosher by eating Chinese food.The Jews were happy to eat at the Chinese restaurants. They ate food they liked .They could get food that was prepared .In a similar way to theirs. The Chinese restaurants were open and the others were closed over Christmas time.The American Jews today have continued with this habit, and it has now become a tradition. They now enjoy chop suey(炒杂碎,用肉、蔬菜炒成的中国菜)and dumplings at the Chinese restaurants. Chinese food has become a big part of Jewish life in America. It is also a time when Jewish people can remember their own faith. In this way new traditions start American Jews eating at Chinese restaurants on Christmas has become a happy tradition. It has also become a busy time for the Chinese restaurants so they make more money. They try to please their customers and make it a very happy time of celebration for all.49 . What does the underlined word “dairy products” mean in the sentence “Kosher does not allow dairy products such as milk or cheese to be mixed with meat”?A肉制品B豆制品C奶制品D海产品50 . Which of the following do Jewish Americans eat?AMeat mixed with cheese.BPork.CMeat mixed with milk.DRoast duck (烤鸭).51 . Which of the following is WRONG?AChinese eat pork meat.BChinese restaurants only make kosher food.CChinese restaurants remain open on Christmas.DChinese were one of the two biggest immigration groups in America in the early 1900s.52 . Which is NOT the reason for American Jews eating at Chinese restaurants on Christmas?AIt has become a habit.BIt has become a tradition.CIt can give them a happy time.DIt can remind them that they are not Christians.Mr. Jenkins is a farmer. One day he drives his truck to town and on the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt(弄伤) him. He takes the boy to a hospital and he pays a lot of money for that, but the boys parents want to get more money from him, so they say their son cant lift(举起) his right arm above his head.Mr. Jenkins lawyer comes and asks the boy some questions. “Now, my boy,” he says, “Mr.Jenkins truck knocks you down in the street.”“Yes, sir,” he says.“And you cant lift your right arm now?”“Yes, sir,” he says.“Could you show how high you can lift your right arm?”Slowly the boy lifts his right arm before his nose.“Poor boy,” says the lawyer, “And how high can you lift before the accident?”“Oh, I can lift it very high.” Says the boy, and the right hand goes up high above his head.53 . Mr. Jenkins truck knocks down _.Aa lawyerBa boys fatherCa boy54 . The boys parents want to get _ from him.Amore trucksBmore moneyCmore monkeys55 . Mr. Jenkins lawyer asks the boy to _.Aask some questionsBanswer some questionsClift his left arm56 . The boy says he cant lift his _ now.Aright armBleft armCright foot57 . There is _ wrong with the boy.AsomethingBanythingCNothing四、句型转换58 . I bought this pet dog two months ago(同义句转换)I_this pet dog_two months59 . Why dont you buy a present for your mother?(同义句转换)_a present for your mother?60 . Tom has learned Chinese for two years(对画线部分提问)_has Tom learned Chinese?61 . He got exercise by running(对画线部分提问)_he get exercise?62 . He has been a teacher in our school since last year(改为一般疑问句)_he_a teacher in our school since last year?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。63 . This play has three acts and shows the lives of c_ (普通的) people.64 . He always t_ (扔) rubbish everywhere in the past.65 . With the help of the scientists, pandas can p_(繁殖) more babies now.66 . Suddenly he f_(跌落) off his bike and hurt his knee.67 . Lao she is one of Chinas g_(伟大的) writers.68 . Eating junk food more often is h_(有害的) to our health.69 . We can visit the museums and learn about some l_ (当地的) history.70 . Many years ago, my hometown was a q_(安静的) village.71 . I dont like this colour. It is not my first c_ (选择).72 . I am interested to know all the Chinese t_(传统).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。73 . Could you please _ (lend) me your bike?74 . Linda is a careful girl. She hates _(make) mistakes.75 . The cleaner _ (sweep) the leaves here just now.76 . My father often asks me _ (sweep) the floor.77 . Thanks for _ (buy) us the drinks and snacks.78 . Jim spent five hours in finishing_ (draw) the picture.79 . Toms mother is very busy, so he needs_ (help) out around the house.80 . I invited him _ (play) the game.81 . It took me an hour _ (write) the letter.82 . I spend two hours _ (do) my homework.七、单词填空B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词, 并将答案填写在横线上。Lisas new home is far from the city. It is a big wooden house n83 . to the Deer Natural Park, so Lisas family has a s84 . neighborthe deer. Rose and her c85 . Dudu are the first visitors to Lisas house. Rose thinks the house is her place, so she takes her child there and enjoys the flowers and f86 . there. Rose loves the flowers and Dudu loves the strawberries.The deer not only love the food a87 . Lisas house, but also Lisa and her family. They e88 . staying with Lisas family. They often walk around the house or l89 . down on the grass. But they are shy sometimes. I90 . someone visits Lisa, the deer will never get close. They o91 . know Lisas family well.More and more deer c92 . to visit Lisas house. Lisa and her family have to learn how to live happily with them.八、填空阅读短文,填写表格,每空一词。What do you think is the most important invention? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report show that they are not the only important invention. Here are three other important inventions.One of the simplest inventions is the toilet(厕所). Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from peoples houses. Illness were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because here was not enough food for them in winter. After hay(干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “ close work” after the age of 45. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above 45.93 . Some most important inventionsThere other simple inventionsBefore the inventionsThe TV The94 . The telephoneThe computerThe toiletHay/Animal food95 . waste ran into rivers from peoples houses. Illness were common in big96 . , and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.most animals were killed every autumn because there was not97 . food for them in winter the world would be difficult for the people above 45.九、材料作文98 . 书面表达近日,为庆祝三八妇女节,学校开展向世界杰出女性学习的活动。我准备向全班同学介绍屠呦呦的事迹,内容如下:基本情况1. Tu Youyou,1930年12月30出生于浙江,2. 第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性。主要经历3. 1950年毕业于北京大学,大学期间学习刻苦,受到同学和老师的好评。4. 多年研读古代医学。尽管困难重重,她没有放弃。主要成就5. 她努力推进中医运用。6.她发现了治疗malaria(疟疾)的方法。她的发现拯救了很多生命。我的感想7. 她是我们的骄傲和榜样。我们应该注意事项:1. 短文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2. 第7个要点,用12句展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3. 词数在90个左右,短文开头已在答题卷上给出,不计入总词数;4. 短文内容必须写在答题卷指定的位置上。5.参考词汇: graduate from(毕业于)第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、


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