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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sam, you are late for school, you are really a good student! Thank you, Mr. Li.AseldomBusuallyCnever2 . Alice was given some advice on how to improve her _ skills, and she gladly accepted.AhearingBhearClisteningDlisten3 . My teacher helped me to _ the answers myself no matter how hard they were.Awork outBput outCtake out4 . This knife is very sharpDont hurt _AyouByourCyoursDyourself5 . We have at seven in the morning.AlunchBbreakfastCeggDdinner6 . We went to Qingdao last week. _ quite a lot of people on the beach.AThere isBThere wasCThere areDThere were7 . Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?You are _. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris.AfunnyBrightCcoolDclose8 . -Your parents are very great.-Yes. They supported my schooling _they were very poor at that time.Aas ifBeven thoughCso thatDin spite of9 . Why are you in such a hurry(匆忙)? Oh, Im nearly _ school.Alate toBlate fromCearly forDlate for10 . Sorry,Tommy. Ive lost your dictionary. _Ive got another one.AYoure welcome.BI hope so.CThats all right.DOf course not.11 . He _ angry because he _ for a long time.Ahad gothad waitedBgotwaitedChad gotwaitedDgothad waited12 . Life is so hard these days!_! Things are not so bad as they seem.AThats rightBForget itCCheer up13 . Excuse me which is the way to the library? _AGo along the street, and tum left at the first crossing.Its on your left.BGo along the street, and tum right at the first crossing.Its on your left.CGo along the street, and turn left at the first crossing.Its on your right.DGo along the street, and turn right at the first crossing.14 . Would you please _ so much noise?Anot to makeBdont makeCnot makingDnot make15 . Do you know where my key to the bike is, granny?Im not sure. Itbe in your drawer.AmustBmightCshould二、完型填空My family moved into our home nine years ago and we called the area in front of our house “rock garden” _ it was full of rocks.Last summer, I found a tiny little _ in the yard. I didnt know its name, but I knew I _ plant it. We decided to let it go on growing until we could _ what it was. Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the unknown plant, I noticed the flower_ to be a sunflower. I decided to treat it with care and clear away the grass _ it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the grass, I noticed something _. The sunflower had begun _ a big rock. It was really surprising.From what I _, I got to know that if a tiny little sunflower didnt let a big rock stand in its _ of growing up, we should also have the ability of doing the _ thing. As a result, We need to believe in _, keeping in mind that we have the _ in making our dreams come true. Like the sunflower, it was sure of the success.Stand tall like _, be proud of who and what you are and everything around you will begin to _ you. You will find a way to reach your dream.16 . AbeforeBafterCbecauseDso17 . AgardenBhouseCplantDrock18 . AcouldntBdidntCshouldntDmustnt19 . Awatch outBwork outCgive outDfind out20 . AseemedBsoundedCtastedDsmelled21 . AbetweenBbehindCaroundDamong22 . AunsureBunusualCunknownDuncomfortable23 . AuponBunderContoDover24 . AsawBheardCreportedDwrote25 . AplaceBcourseCwayDspace26 . AsameBdifferentCinterestingDboring27 . AthemBthemselvesCusDourselves28 . AdifficultyBpossibilityCabilitiesDpersonalities29 . Athe sunflowerBthe grassCyouDme30 . AprotectBpreventCsaveDsupport三、阅读单选MOVIE GUIDE OF TOWN CINEMA FridaySkiptrace3D:1h 44 minAction,Comedy,Adventure(冒险)Skiptrace is another movie by Jackie Chan.This time,he is a policeman from Hong Kong who teams up with an American to fight against a Chinese criminal.Exciting and wonderful!Come and watch it!Time:9:0013:00Moana3D:1h 47 minCartoon,Adventure,ComedyMoana is a 16-year-old girl.Shes very beautiful and helpful,and also very brave.She crosses the big sea to help her people.Do you want to enjoy happiness with her?Be sure to watch this great cartoon!Time:11:0015:3019:00Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemIMAX 3D:2h 13 minAdventure,Family,Fantasy(魔幻)Seventy years before Harry Potter read the magical book,its writer meets some witches and wizards(巫婆与巫师) in New York!Exciting!Dont miss it!Time:15:0023:00Suddenly Seventeen2D&3D:2h 20 minComedy,LovestoryA new movie by Wallace Huo,a great actor,is coming.Its very funny and relaxing.Come and have fun!Time:Time:19:30(3D)21:00(2D)Ticket:30 yuan for a 2D movie;50 yuan for a 3D movie;80 yuan for an IMAX 3D movieStudents between 6 and 18:half price;Children under 6:FreeTickets-booking:Tel:96795656WeChat:towncinemaWebsite:www.towncinema.com31 . Mr.Wang finishes his work at 21:40 on Friday,so he can only enjoy .ASkiptraceBMoanaCFantasticBeastsandWheretoFindThemDSuddenlySeventeen32 . Wallace Huos fans can watch .Athe action movieBthe cartoonCthe fantasy movieDthe love story33 . Mrs.Liu and her ten-year-old son went to watch Skiptrace,they should pay .A50 yuanB75 yuanC100 yuanD150 yuan34 . acts as a policeman in his new movie.AJackie ChanBMoanaCHarry PotterDWallace Huo35 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AYou can only book the tickets on the phone.BYou can only watch Skiptrace in the daytime.CMoana is the shortest one of these four movies.DAll the stories of these four movies happen in New York.The koalaSize: 7090cmWeight: 514kgThe koala with thick hair looks cute but it has very sharp (锋利的) teeth and claws (爪子).The male koala is larger than the female one.Food: The koala eats eucalyptus leaves (桉树叶). Each koala eats about 500 grams of leaves per day.Habit: The koala sleeps for up to 1618 hours. It prefers to move around in the evening.Baby fact: A healthy female koala can have one child each year. A baby koala is very small when it is bornonly a quarter of an inch. It has no hair and it cant see either. It lives in its mothers pouch (育儿袋) for half a year. During this time, it only drinks its mothers milk.Danger: The number of koalas in Australia is getting smaller every year, mainly because of people. People cut down a lot of trees, so many koalas have no places to live in and they dont have enough leaves to eat. There are fewer than 100,000 koalas in the world. Some scientists say if people dont protect them, we wont have any koalas within 30 years36 . When does the koala often move around during a day?AIn the morning.BIn the evening.CIn the afternoon.DAt weekends.37 . If someone sees a newly born koala, he will find that _.Ait can see everythingBit is really smallCit has thick hairDit is very big38 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe female koala is smaller than the male one.BAn adult koala often weighs more than 16kg.CThe koala doesnt have sharp paws or teeth.DThe koala often sleeps for more than 20 hours.DA Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens. The first 6,000 copies of the book were sold out in a week. And the book has inspired many plays and movies. The first play was put on in 1844. The first two movies were silent films made in 1901 and 1908. Since then, the story has been remade more than 60 times for television and cinema. What makes such a tale so attractive? Audiences have always loved a good plot, a villain(反面人物) who harms other people or breaks the law, and the ending of right over wrong. The book offers all three.The book tells the story of a man named Ebenezer Scrooge. He is mean and cruel to his clerk and turns away(避免)his only living relative. One night, Scrooge is visited by three spirits(幽灵). The first shows scenes from Scrooges youth that led to this present state. The second takes him to the homes of his clerk and his nephew. Here Scrooge sees that people can be happy without lots of money. The spirit also shows him the desperate(绝望的) poor people of London. The third spirit shows Scrooge will die alone, and no one will care if he continues to live as he has. At last the message is understood, and Scrooge repents. He becomes generous and caring to all around him, especially to his clerks sick son, Tiny Tim.Every year, thousands of people watch A Christmas Carol. Why? They may be touched by its lessons on the true meanings of wealth and happiness. They may enjoy the special effects and feelings or watching every year may be just a habit. Viewers never seem to grow tired of the old miser(守财奴), Scrooge, and his dramatic message of hope and change.39 . What do we know about the book A Christmas Carol?AIt was written in the early 19th century.BDickens completed the book in a week.CIt has been adapted(改编)for cinema and television.DIt didnt attract readers when published for the first time.40 . The third spirit shows Scrooge .Awhere he will die and who will care about himBhow others care about his present lifeCwhen and how he will die aloneDwhat his future life will be like41 . The underlined part “Scrooge repents” probably means .AScrooge feels sorry for what he has doneBScrooge does things as he did beforeCScrooge is angry with the three spiritsDScrooge gives the three spirits a hand四、用单词的正确形式完成句子(题文)carry, blind, understand, lonely, ownercarry, blind, understand, lonely, owner42 . (小题1)Sarah felt _ when her best friend left the town.43 . (小题2)Just now, Mrs. Black _ the food to the table.44 . (小题3)Mark is the _ of the car. He bought it last month.45 . (小题4)The man is _. He cant see anything.46 . (小题5)The girl _ my words and took my advice.五、单词填空Michael Leung a famous TV host in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It is not only47 . (help)to children, but also good for all ages . The following are chosen 48 . his letter. My darling son,Hope this letter will reach you on your birthday. Life is short. While you are49 . (waste)it today, youll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the 50 . (early)you can enjoy it. You might not be successful51 . you dont study hard, although a lot of successful people havent received higher education. I dont expect you to support me for the rest of my life, so Im not going to do52 . same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up. You can require 53 . (you) to be nice to others, but you shouldnt expect the same from others. Ive been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty54 . (years),but Im still poor. I have never even got the55 . (three) place . You have to work hard56 . (be) successful. There is no free lunch in the world.六、材料作文57 . 书面表达英语课上,你们开展了一次以“What can we do to make home a happier place?”为主题的讨论,请结合表格的信息,用英语写一篇80100词的短文,向校刊English Learning投稿。一些学生认为spend more time with familyshare happiness and worriesremember family members birthdays你认为In our English class, we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place. 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、

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