人教新目标英语八下Unit 1单元测试

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人教新目标英语八下Unit 1单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If by any chance Peter comes to us, please ask him to leave a _.AletterBsentenceCmessageDnotice2 . Linda,the TV a little bit. Im trying to read the book named The adventures of Tom Sawyer.Aturn onBturn offCturn downDturn up3 . We havent seen the film _AalreadyByetCever4 . Mr. Smith will have an important meeting_ this afternoon.Awill joinBwill attendCattendDto attend5 . _I have a feverAHow are you doing?BAre you all right?CWhats the matter with you?DDo you have a fever?6 . We must prevent hunters from wild animals.Ato killBkillCkillingDkilled7 . The book_BetweenaRockandaHardPlace is very useful to the mountain climbers.AcallsBcallingCcalled8 . I have a sore back.You should _ down and rest.Ato lieBlyingClieDlied9 . Mary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the cinema_ her.AexceptBbesidesCforDwithout10 . What are you going to do _ the weekend? _. Im going to stay at home.Ain; EverythingBat; NothingCat; EverythingDin; Nothing11 . Which of the following is “dominoes”?ABCD12 . - Jimmy has made great progress these days.- _, and _.ASo has he; so have youBSo has he; so you haveCSo he has; so you haveDSo he has; so have you13 . Whats the matter?I have a sore back. I cant _.Ahear youBsee youCsleep wellDsmell well14 . They advise us football on the road.AplayBto playCnot to playDnot play15 . Doesknow the answer to the question?Yes. Let me try.AsomebodyBanybodyCnobody二、完型填空Now more and more people get to know that exercise is important. We_need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes us_and healthier._who often exercise are more alert (机灵的). This means they do_in exams and schoolwork than those who dont exercise.There are many ways_. You can walk, run, swim, or play ball games. You have to likeyoure doing. Try all kinds of things_you find one, two, or even three sports that you feel right for you. Its best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time_enough (足够的).You can exercise at fitness centres (健身中心). They have a lot of equipment (器材). The equipment can_exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body_you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes, but it is very expensive.16 . AbothBallCeveryDsome17 . AhappyBhappierChappilyDmore happily18 . AParentsBTeachersCChildrenDFriends19 . AbetterBworseCwellDbadly20 . AexerciseBexercisingCto exerciseDfor exercising21 . AwhyBwhatCwhereDwho22 . AwhenBafterCbecauseDuntil23 . AareBisCdoDdoes24 . AuseBspendCbringDhelp25 . Ato makeBmadeCmakesDmake三、阅读单选In a chatting room on the Internet, some children are talking about what they like to do at school.Flying fish: I think music is my favourite. I like listening to many beautiful English songs. I need to_after a days work. So I often listen to my favourite music after supper.Singing Bird: I like music, too. But I only listen to Chinese songs. I also like drawing. Maybe I can be a great artist when I grow up. I also like reading. Reading makes me clever.Jumping Tiger: I dont like music or drawing. They are a waste (浪费) of time, I think. I am a good basketball player. I can help our school team win. Dont you think its cool?Running football: I am not a good basketball player. But I play football well. Playing football makes me strong. I feel great when I am on the football field. I spend thirty minutes a day playing football.Swimming cat: I am not like many other boys, I dont like sports very much. I just think reading is my favourite. I can learn a lot from books. I spend an hour reading books every day.26 . The underlined word “relax” means “_” in the passage.Awork harderBdo houseworkChave a restDhave supper27 . What does Jumping Tiger think is cool?AMusic.BBasketball.CFootballDDrawing28 . Who only likes reading books ?AFlying fishBSinging BirdCSwimming catDRunning footballWe know music is very important in our daily life. Today most stores,stations,restaurants and other places play music. Do you notice music playing at any of these places when you go somewhere?You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave. They think that the sound of Western classical(古典的)music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music,people spend less money. Without music,people spend even less.Scientists also believe that loud,fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music at mealtimes. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way.Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.Next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might influence the way you do things.29 . According to the text, scientists believe that music _.Acreate different feelings for usBhelp us to develop good habitsCdevelop our interest in moneyDinfluence natural environments30 . Western classical music is often considered to be _.Aa sign of being slowerBsomething about mannersCa sign of being richerDsomething with new style31 . Which type of music below can make people work faster?ALight music.BRock music.CSweet music.DSoft music.32 . The habit of listening to music can make a student _.Aslow in actionBcare about mannersCfresh in mindDworry about studies33 . Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AMusic in RestaurantsBGood and Bad MusicCTypes of MusicDMusic and BehaviorToday, people want to do sports and exercise to keep healthy. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it. “A plate of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy.”The best meal before games should have carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Food like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich (富含的) in it, but chicken and meat are not. “54”No. Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be good for you. If an afternoon or an evening is better for you, and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthy, then you can exercise at that time. So choose any time to exercise! “If you drink water when you exercise, youll feel tired.”You must have some water when you exercise. And after exercising, you also need to have some water. If you dont drink any water, then you may feel tired.“Exercising every day is quite important.”Wrong. Too much exercise is bad for us. You need to give your body a day of rest.34 . This is most probably (最有可能) from _.Aa lunch menuBa sports stampCa travel postcardDa health book35 . The underlined word “it” refers to (指代) _.Aa good mealBa plate of chickenCcarbohydratesDbread36 . The writer would like you to _.Aeat much meat before exercisingBdrink some water after exercisingCtake exercise only in the morningDexercise every day37 . Which of the following is the most suitable (合适的) for54?AThe best time to exercise is early in the morning.BThe best time to exercise is late in the afternoon.CThe best time to exercise is early in the evening.DThe best time to exercise is any time during the day.38 . Which of the following will be the best title (标题)?AReasons for sports and exerciseBQuestions of sports and exerciseCBest time for sports and exerciseDWrong ideas about sports and exercise四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句中所缺的单词。39 . Susan took her temperature and found she had a high f_.40 . I have a t_ and I cant eat anything.41 . You look so tired, so you need to have a r_.42 . Tony usually plays games with his classmates during the b_ between two classes.43 . I have a s_ throat so I cant say a word.44 . We usually walk with our _ (脚) and see with our eyes.45 . Im feeling terrible. I have a _ (胃痛).46 . The river is too deep, but Tom and Tony take _ (冒险) of swimming there.47 . Alex got hurt in the car accident and lost much _(血).48 . Kates mother works in a hospital. Shes a _(护士).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空49 . He came back home early_ (cook) supper for his son.50 . There is a foreign teacher_(call) David in our school.51 . Vienna is the centre of_(Europe) classical music?52 . Xian xinghai wrote many_ (piece) of music in his life.53 . Liz is my_(old) sister.54 . Not only Tom but also Kate_(like) that movie.55 . _ (thousand) of visitors came to visit Xian on May Day.六、完成句子根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。56 . 你应该躺下来休息一会。You should_and rest for a while.57 . 让他们意外的是,后来天变晴了。_,it became sunny later.58 . 你们最后为什么放弃了这项计划?Why did you_the plan at last?59 . 现在谁管理着这家计算机公司?Who_this computer company now?60 . 你现在习惯冒险了吗?Are you used to_now?七、语法填空My uncle and my aunt live on a big farm in the countryside. They keep cows and sheep and grow a lot 61 . corn on the farm. We often go there for our holidays. We always enjoy 62 . on the farm.It was Thanksgiving last Thursday. My uncle and my aunt asked our whole family to their house for dinner. We got up very early that day. Before63 . (start), we bought some gifts. Then, we went there by bike. It took us one and 64 . half hours to get there.My uncle and my aunt were glad to see us. We gave the gifts to them and they were very happy. Then we 65 . (sit)down and talked. My uncle told my brother and me the story of Thanksgiving. About 400 years ago, the first 66 . (travel) came from England to live in America. They had a long, hard winter, and many of them died. In the next autumn, they gave thanks 67 . life and food in their new home. These days, most Americans still c68 . this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. It was time 69 . (have) lunch. My aunt served us the 70 . (tradition) food-turkey It tasted delicious and we all enjoyed it. At about 5 oclock in the afternoon, we said goodbye to them and went back home. What an interesting day it was!八、书信作文71 . 书面表达。假如你是Martin,你的笔友Alice在给你的来信中说她经常生病,情绪低落。请你给她写封回信,告诉她应该怎样做。参考词汇: healthy food, do more exercise, enough sleep, keep happy, talk about your problems.要求:1.根据参考词汇,并适当发挥; 2.字数不少于70词,注意字迹工整。Dear Alice,Im sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、书信作文1、


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