人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 7 生日聚会和生日礼物

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人教新目标版 七年级 阅读专练 7 生日聚会和生日礼物姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Most people who celebrate Saint Patricks Day arent Irish. Every year on March 17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish_all over the world. There are parades in New York, London, and Tokyo. There are all-night parties in Argentina. People_and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there are some celebrations in Ireland, too.What is Saint Patricks Day? Saint Patrick was a priest hundreds of years ago who made many Irish people_Christianity(基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important_in Irish culture. There are many stories about him,_killing all the snakes in Ireland and speaking with Irish ancient kings. Saint Patricks Day is a religious holiday to remember_, but today it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general. So_do people celebrate it? The most_way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is also famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏、掐),_pinching people who forget to wear green is another Saint Patricks Day tradition. But perhaps the second most common way to celebrate, if you are_enough, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer. Remember only adults can drink beer. Otherwise, you will be punished for being too young.1 . AhabitBholidayCparadeDgame2 . AdrinkBsmokeCfightDswim3 . Atake inBhand inCbring inDbelieve in4 . AsoldierBheroChunterDking5 . Afor exampleBalong withCinstead ofDsuch as6 . AherBhimCthemDit7 . AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere8 . AinterestingBspecialCcommonDstrange9 . AthoughBsoCuntilDas10 . AbraveBoldCstrongDexcitedMs. Steen is our English teacher.She is from England.She began to teach _last year.But now she is leaving for her country.We are so _to see her go because she is a good teacher.Were going to have a _for her.We think it is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”We _to have the party this Saturday.Now,we are _it.Wang Lei and Wei Wei _all the teachers.Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang _come.Her family is taking a trip to Beijing this weekend._,the other teachers promised that they would come.Look!Li Ye _a thankyou note (便条)We want to show _were going to miss Ms. Steen.He asks Wu Shan to read it to Ms.Steen,because Wu Shan _very good English.Chang Hong is practicing _an English song.Jack is going to buy some fruits and drinks _the party.Im going to play a piano piece for Ms. Steen at the party.And I also _a fun game to play at the party.All of us are looking forward to _Ms. Steen a big surprise!We hope the party will be very great.11 . AweBusCourDours12 . AgladBsadCrelaxedDexcited13 . AtripBmealCprizeDparty14 . AplanBrefuseCforgetDhappen15 . Aprepare forBpreparing forCget ready forDget ready16 . AcaughtBbelievedCsawDinvited17 . AwillBcantChas toDdoesnt18 . AProbablyBUsuallyCLuckilyDFinally19 . AwriteBwritesCis readingDis writing20 . AhowBhow manyChow muchDwhen21 . AwritesBspeaksClikesDshares22 . AsingBto singCsingsDsinging23 . AforBtoCinDat24 . Ahear fromBrun downCmake upDthink of25 . AgiveBgaveCgivesDGiving二、阅读单选From: 11350cse, eduTo: jennysmithsina.comSubject: Party!Jenny,I am going to have a party this Friday in my house.Some friends will be there. Most of them come from their office. My best friend, Tom, will come, too. I want you to meet him.Do you want to come? Well play games and talk. Then well have dinner. Everyone will bring food or drinks. The party is on this Friday. It will begin at 4:00 p.m. Itll end at 8:00 p.m. or 9:00p.m.Well have a great time! Can you come? I hope so! If you can come, call me or send me an e-mail.Lisa26 . Who sends this e-mail?AJenny.BTom.CLisa.DJenny Smith.27 . The party begins at _.A4:00a.m.B6:00a.m.C4:00p.m.D8:00 p.m.28 . Tom is _ best friend.AJennysBLisasCAnnsDJenny Smiths29 . What is TRUE about the party?AIts on Saturday.BIt will last four or five hours.CPeople will not bring things.DPeople will have lunch.30 . If Jenny wants to go to the party,what should she do first?ABuy food for the party.BCall Tom.CSend an e-mail to Lisa.DCome to Lisas house.Fun DayTo celebrate the Year of the Goat Organized by Lam Tin Youth Center and Kwun Tong High SchoolDate: February 18, 2015Time: 10 am5 pmPlace: Kwun Tong PlaygroundFee: $20 (buy three to get one free)Programs: drama, lion dance, Chinese folk music and Beijing OperaHighlights: 1. Enter the lucky draw to win a camera.2. Learn to make festival food.Join us on the Fun Day! All are welcome! Free Soft Drinks!Note: Tickets are available at the General Office of Lam Tin Youth Center. For those who would like to be a volunteer, please contact Miss Olivia Wong one week before the activity.31 . What you have just read is most probably a _.AnoteBreportCpiece of newsDposter32 . What is going to take place on 18 February, 2015? _AA big event to welcome a Chinese new year.BA social event for volunteers to show their love.CA party for close friends to meet and have fun.DA meeting of Kwun Tong High School students.33 . How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together? _A$20.B$40.C$60.D$80.34 . You can enjoy all the programs below EXCEPT_.AChinese folk musicBdramaClion danceDa movie about Beijing Opera35 . Which of the following is TRUE? _ATickets are sold in Kwun Tong High School.BIts unnecessary to take soft drinks with you.CFree cameras are sent out to everyone.DFestival food will be enjoyed for free.Dear Mike,How about coming to Susans eleventh birthday party this afternoon?Now Amy,Peter,John and I are at Susans home. We are helping Susan prepare(准备) food for her party. There are oranges,bananas and hamburgers on the table. Oh,I also see icecream. Its your favorite. The party is at 3:00 in the afternoon. When you come,please take my guitar with you. Its in the bookcase in my room. If you cant find it,just call me.Yours,Sonia36 . Now, you can see _ people in Susans home.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive37 . Mike likes _.AorangesBbananasCicecreamDhamburgers38 . The party is at _.A2:00 pm.B3:00 pm.C5:00 pm.D7:00 pm.39 . 画线单词it所指代的是“_”。Athe roomBthe bookcaseCthe guitarDthe violin40 . About Susan,we know she _.Acan play the guitarBis 11 years oldChas no friendsDlikes sports三、填空A:Hi,Peter.B:Hello,Simon.Can you come to my party this Saturday?A:Party?What party?B:Its my 15th birthday.A:Really?Happy birthday to you,Peter.Id love to.What time?B:At 6 pm.,October 25th,at my home.Do you know my address?No.108 Green Street.If you cant find it.Give me a call,24606776.By the way,can you ask Ann to come together?A:OK,I will.Thanks for asking us.根据以上对话完成下面的邀请。Its a 36.41 . party!For whom:37.42 . Time:38.43 . Place:39.44 . Phone number: 40.45 . Come and have fun! 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、填空1、


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