人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 17 日常规范

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人教新目标版 七年级 阅读专练 17 日常规范姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空When you watch people on streets coming and going, you may wonder why theyre so busy, and what theyre busy with. We live in such a busy society that we even have _free time to rest or relax ourselves because of heavy work and living pressure. More and more people become _So, its very important for us to have healthy lifestyles.Have healthy _We must eat something with less oil, salt or sugar. More fruit and vegetables are quite_Exercise more often. We should do sports every day for an hour _Its quite a useful way to keep healthy and strong, even _young.Often relax _We should find more time to have a good rest. Have relaxing hobbies to enjoy ourselves, or get close to nature for _Stay happily. No matter what worries or difficulties we _, we should keep happy.Besides, we should have some other good _habits. Keep windows open to let fresh air in. Drink more water instead of other drinks. Get enough sleep even though how much were busy.1 . AmuchBfewClittleDseveral2 . AunluckyBunhappyCunableDunhealthy3 . AfoodBbodyCspiritDmind4 . AexpensiveBnecessaryCcomfortableDpeaceful5 . Aat lastBat mostCat onceDat least6 . AremainBremindCrealizeDregard7 . AmyselfBthemselvesCitselfDourselves8 . AtripsBrisksCwishesDmarks9 . AmakeBavoidCmeetDhide10 . AsleepingBlivingCreadingDlearningDear Darning,Thank you for your letter. I am very _ that I can hear from(收到来信)you. In your _, you say your school is very big and you _ your classroom. Thats great! I like my _ too, because mine is big, clean and beautiful._ best friend is Jack. He is a fiat boy, and we _ have a good time together. I like to play tennis, but he likes to play basketball. We both like to play _, so we often play baseball together at the weekend. I go to the computer club of our school every Thursday evening. I think it can help me _ my studies.You say Chinese is your favourite lesson, but I dont _ any Chinese words. Next time you write to me, can you tell me some Chinese words?I _ I can see you soon.Henry11 . AhelpfulBcleverChappyDafraid12 . Ae-mailBletterCdiaryDbook13 . AlikesBdislikesClikeDdislike14 . AlibraryBschoolCplaygroundDclassroom15 . AMyBOurCYourDTheirs16 . AalwaysBafterCSometimesDnever17 . AfootballBtennisCbaseballDbasketball18 . AwithBonCatDin19 . AreadBsayCseeDknow20 . AaskBhopeCwantDthink二、阅读单选Douglas Grace talks about his ideal city of the future.I see the city of the future in three zonesinner, middle and outer. In the inner zone there will be no private cars. Public transport will be free and there will only be ambulances, fire engines, taxis and police cars. This inner zone will be the residential(住宅的) and recreational(娱乐的) area of the city. People will live there and go out to enjoy themselvesto cinemas and restaurants. There will be parks and open spaces, trees and lakes, schools and universities. This way, when people are at home, they can go out easily and safely.Just outside the inner zone there will be big car parks for all private cars.The banks and most of the shops and hospitals will be in the middle zone. These are things that people dont need every day.All the factories and offices will be in the outer zone. People will travel out of the center to work, and back to the center in the evenings. The inner zone will be cleaner and better to live in and there will be more space for industry on the outside.This is my ideal city of the future a very beautiful place! But I dont really think things will ever be like that!21 . Where will people live and go out to enjoy themselves?AIn the middle zone.BIn the inner zone.CIn the outer zone.DIn the inner and middle zone.22 . Where will big car parks be?AJust outside the middle zone.BJust inside the middle zone.CJust outside the inner zone.DJust inside the inner zone.23 . What will be in the middle zone?AThe banks,hospitals and schools.BThe banks,hospitals and police stations.CThe banks,schools and car parks.DThe banks,hospital and most of the shops.24 . Where will the factories and offices be?AIn the outer zone.BIn the middle zone.CIn the inner zone.DIn the middle and inner zone.25 . Douglas Grace is probably.Aa painterBa builderCa town plannerDa dentist(题文)Hi,Iam a Chincse boy.My name is ChenYang.My first name is Yang. My last name is Chen. My English name is Dale. I like red. My telephone number is 178-267.I have a good friend. He is English. His name is Jim Smith. Jim is his first name and Smith is his last name. His Chinese name is HuangQiang. His phone number is 362-597.26 . (小题1)Whats my first name?AYang.BChen.CChen Yang.DChenyang.27 . (小题2)Whats my English name?ATom.BJim.CDale.DBob.28 . (小题3)My telephone number is_.A362-597B362-567C178-297D178-26729 . (小题4)_is my good friend.ATom SmithBJim SmithCTom GreenDJim Green30 . (小题5)My friends Chinese name is_AChenYangBHuang QiangCBobDFrankHere is Li Mings timetable on Monday and Tuesday. Please look at it.Day TimeMon.Tue.8:008:45EnglishMath8:559:40ChineseMath9:5010:35HistoryChinese10:4511:30MathBiology Have lunch at school2:002:45PEEnglish2:553:40ArtGeography31 . Which subject doesnt Li Ming have on Monday or Tuesday?AEnglish.BPhysics.CGeography.DBiology.32 . What is Li Ming doing between 10:35 and 10:45?AHe is having an art lesson.BHe is doing some shopping.CHe is having lunch.DHe is having a rest.33 . What time are the morning lessons over?AAt 9:40.BAt 10:45.CAt 11:30.DAt 3:40.34 . How many math lessons does Li Ming have from Monday to Tuesday?AThree.BTwo.CFour.DFive.35 . Where does Li Ming have lunch?AIn a restaurant.BAt home.CAt school.DIn a park.三、信息匹配任务型阅读。阅读下面各段落,然后从文后所给的AE五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入第7175题前的括号中。71.What animals do you like? My favorite animals are pandas and koalas. Because they are very smart. I often draw pictures of them.72.There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are cheap and nice. Many people go there every day.73.I keep a pet dog called Xiaohei. She is three years old. She can dance and play with a ball. All people in my family like her.74.Julie is my good friend. She is a good girl. At home, she often helps mom do the dishes. At school, she often helps her classmates with their studies.75.Elephants are smart animals, and they are kind and interesting. Some elephants can draw pictures with their noses(鼻子)AMyGoodFriendBElephantsCMyPetDANewClothesStoreEMyFavoriteAnimals36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、信息匹配1、


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