人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 14 愉快的周末生活

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人教新目标版 七年级 阅读专练 14 愉快的周末生活姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Philip is from England. Now he is staying in BeijingHe gets up at half past six_has breakfast at seven oclock. After that, he_goodbye to his parents,and_home for schoolHis school isnt very far_his homeHe usually goes to school by bike_if it rains,he goes to school by busIt usually_him twenty minutes by bike and ten minutes by bus to get to schoolHe says he likes riding his bikeHe_that is a lot more fun than taking a busOne Sunday morning,Philip and his friend Li Qiang wanted to go to the Great WallAt about 7:00,they_a busThere were a lot of people on itPhilip and Li Qiang_their seats (座位)to two old womenThey took many photos on the Great Wall. Philip said he_the Great Wall and liked living in Beijing1 . AandBbutCorDso2 . AtellsBsaysCspeaksDtalks3 . AgoesBleavesCgetsDrides4 . AtoBforCwithDfrom5 . AButBAndCBecauseDWhen6 . AtakeBto takeCtakingDtakes7 . AhopesBthinksCwantsDdecides8 . Agot upBgot onCgot downDgot off9 . AmadeBletCgaveDhad10 . AvisitedBwalkedC1ikedDwatchedThe rain began last Friday and it went on for four _. The river suddenly rose. Most of the bridge was _water, After school a few children went to the bridge. They lived on the_ side of the river. A boy tried to cross the bridge. The other children stopped him, but he didnt listen to them. He became _in the middle of the bridge and fell into the river and the water washed him away. His friend called out for help. An old man heard them while he was _by the river. He jumped into the water and pulled the boy out. The children thanked him very much but they forgot to ask who he was.11 . AdaysBweeksCmonthsDyears12 . AoverBunderCbelowDabove13 . AanotherBbothCotherDeach14 . AhappyBinterestingCsadDafraid15 . AeatingBsingingCwalkingDplaying二、阅读单选ItwasaSaturdayinMay.WhenMrs.Blackopenedthedoorandlookedoutshesmiledandsaid,“Itsabeautifulday.”Shewokehersmallsonupateightthirtyandsaidtohim“GetupTod.Letsgotothezootoday.Washyourhandsandfacebrushyourteethandeatyourbreakfastquickly.WearegoingtoNewYorkbytrain.”Todwassixyearsold.Hewasveryhappynowbecausehelikedgoingtothezooverymuchandhealsolikedgoingbytrain.Hesaid“Idreamedabout(梦见)thezoolastnightMummy.”Hismotherwasbusybutshestoppedandsmiledatherlittleson,“Andwhatdidyoudointhezooinyourdream?”Todlaughed(大笑)andanswered,“YouknowMummy!Youwerethereinmydreamtoo.”16 . WhatdidMrs.Blacksaywhenshelookoutofthewindow?A“GetupTod.Letsgotothezootoday.”B“Itsafineday.”C“Whatdidyoudoinyourdream.”D“Whatdidyouseethere?”17 . WheredidTodlive?Helivedin_.AthezooBChinaCEnglandDtheUSA18 . WhywasTodsohappy?Becausehe_.AdreamedlastnightBHelikedtogotothezooClikedtogobytrainDBothBandC19 . Whichisnottrue?AThestoryhappenedonaAprilmorningBThestoryhappenedinEnglandCTheywenttothezoobytrainDMrs.Blackwokeuphersonatnight20 . WhattimedidTodgetup?ABefore8:30BAt8:30CAfter8:30DBetween8:30and9:30Last week Johnny had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room. That made his mother very happy. In the afternoon, he did his math homework. It was not difficult, so it only took him one hour to finish the homework. And in the evening, he went to visit his aunt with his parents. They had a big dinner there. The next morning, he went swimming after getting up. Usually he goes swimming twice a week. He loves it very much. After lunch he went to school playground and played football. That exercise makes him in a good health. On Sunday evening, he watched TV for an hour at home and then put the books in his schoolbag for the next day.21 . What did Johnny do on Saturday morning?AHe went shopping.BHe cleaned his room.CHe did his homework.DHe went running.22 . What about Johnnys math homework?AIt was easy.BIt was difficult.CIt was too much.DIt was important.23 . Where was Johnny on Saturday evening?AAt home.BIn his school.COn the playground.DAt his aunts house.24 . What did Johnny do after lunch on Sunday?AHe played basketball.BHe played football.CHe went swimming.DHe had a rest.25 . How long did Johnny watch TV on Sunday evening?AHalf an hour.BOne hour.CTwo hours.DThree hours.Jenny has just finished travelling alone in Europe. Are you interested in her trip? Lets read some of her travel diaries on Wechat.JennyJuly 12 at 19: 35 New York I am so excited. Also a little nervous!I am off in a journey on my own. Yes! Alone! I am feeling so brave and cant wait to start. I am going to Europe to see some cities I really want to visit. I am going to travel by train in Europe.JennyJuly 15 at 15:30 Salzburg Now I am in Salzburg, Austria. The quiet hills of Austria are a great place to relax. The movie The Sound of music was filmed around the area. I can enjoy the view of the mountains and the river from my hotel window.JennyJuly 17 at 8:15 Amsterdam The train ride to Amsterdam was a long one. It gave me time to write some postcards to send back home.Amsterdam is a fun city, full of friendly locals and tourists. I spent the whole day visiting the art museums here. The museums are historic and filled with beautiful art.JennyJuly 19 at 21:20 CopenhagenTravelling alone, I have been very careful to keep safe. Luckily I am in Copenhagen, Denmark, and I am told that it is one of the safest places in the world. Andersen, a famous writer of childrens books, was born in this city. I bought two of his fairy tale books.26 . Jenny travel by _ in Europe.ACarBBoatCPlaneDTrain27 . Jenny wrote the postcards on the way to _.ANew YorkBSalzburgCAmsterdamDCopenhagen28 . Which is TRUE according to the diaries?AJenny went to Europe with her friend.BJenny show great interest in the art museum.CJenny watched the movie The Sound of music in Salzburg.DJenny bought two magazines about Andersen in Copenhagen.三、句子配对从栏中找出与1栏匹配的回答。I29 . I got hit with a basebal bat on the head.My head hurts alot now.30 . Id like to cheer up the sick kids.31 . Dad, could I go out for dinner with my friends?32 . You look tired.Whats the matter?33 . What were you doing at eight last night?A1 studied until midnight last night so 1 didnt gst enough sleep.BSure, that should be OK.CYou could ask hospitals to let you visit them.DI was taking a shower at that time.EYou should go to the doctor and get an Xray.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、句子配对1、


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