人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 11 丰富多彩的社团

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人教新目标版 七年级英语 阅读专练 11 丰富多彩的社团_第1页
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人教新目标版 七年级 阅读专练 11 丰富多彩的社团姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Do you like your teachers?What kind of teachers do you like?Heres a survey_popular teachers at Green Middle School.Most students think a popular teacher should be like this:A good teacher should_lessons with a smile. He or she can make classes interesting, make his or her subject easy, make students interested in this subject and make study fun. A good teacher should be humorous. Sometimes he or she_a joke and makes a funny face. He or she should be kind and_. He or she regards his or her student as friends after school. He or she is friendly to students. He or she_ basketball with boys or chats with students after class. He or she is strict _students in study. He or she had better not be very angry or shout at _when we make small mistakes. Because we will be_ if he or she gets angry. He or she never gives _ homework to students. We dont like too much homework. It is _ thing for students.As for his or her appearance(外貌), he or she looks a little cool and trendy (时髦的). But this isnt very important. If you are a teacher like that, you will be the most popular teacher among all the students.1 . AinBforCabout2 . AgiveBbringCtake3 . AsaysBtalksCtells4 . AfriendlyBseriousCcareful5 . AplaysBmakesCbuys6 . AonBafterCwith7 . AherBusCme8 . AexcitedBinterestedCafraid9 . Atoo littleBtoo muchCtoo many10 . Athe most beautifulBthe most boringCthe most popular(题文)Working parents feel that they are not giving their children enough care. They think that their children feel_and want to spend more time with them.Scientists in some colleges have found that working parents believed that they knew_their children, but_had ever asked their children what they thought. So scientists interviewed (采访) over 1,000 children of working mothers or fathers to_what they wanted. They asked the children_they wanted their parents to stay at home and some_questionsAfter they collected the answers, it was surprised that only 10% of the children in their study said that they wanted more time with their parents._, the children who were interviewed said they wanted their parents to give more care to them. They said that their parents were as_as a bee. When the children were asked about what they_most, a large number of the children said that they wanted to feel important and loved.So parents should know what their children really want and how to get along_with them.11 . (小题1)AtiredBafraidCunhappyDworried12 . (小题2)AofBatCaboutDover13 . (小题3)Aevery oneBsomeoneCanyoneDno one14 . (小题4)Atry outBfind outCtake outDput out15 . (小题5)AifBwhyCwhenDhow16 . (小题6)AotherBothersCthe otherDthe others17 . (小题7)AButBAlsoCHoweverDtoo18 . (小题8)AsmallByoungClazyDbusy19 . (小题9)AtalkedBlearnedCneededDstudied20 . (小题10)AgoodBniceCfineDwell二、阅读单选Happy childrens palaceMonday 19:00-20:30English learningProf.(教授)G. WhiteWould you like to make your English better?This is for middle school students. (2 weeks)Tuesday 17:30-19:00PhotographMr. GreenLearn to lake good photos. Bring your camera with you. (4 weeks)Wednesday 18:00-19:00ComputerProf. J. BrownLearn how to use the new software (软件). (10 weeks)Friday 19:00-20:30DrawingMiss Yang LinWould you like to learn drawing? Its for beginners (初学者)only. (16 weeks)Saturday 15:00-16: 30Cambridge Young Learners English (剑桥少儿英语)Prof. W. LambertThe lessons are for the children of 5-10. (20 weeks )Sunday 10:00-11:00Swimming ClubMr. Liu XinWant to keep in good health? Want to swim like a fish? Come to the club. (9 weeks)21 . You cant go to Happy childrens palace to learn some skills (技能)on_.AMondayBWednesdayCThursdayDSunday22 . Tom is a student in No. 4 Middle School. If he wants to make his English better, he can learn it from_.AProf. W. LambertBProf.CWhiteDProf. J. BrownEMr. Liu Xin23 . If youd like to learn to use the new software, you have to go to Happy childrens palace at least_.AtwiceBnine timesCten timesDsixteen times24 . Happy childrens palace is forty minutes ride from Henrys home. After learning drawing on Friday evening, Henry can get home at about _ by bike.A21:00B21:10C21:30D21:4025 . The underlined word “photograph”means“_” in Chinese.A摄影B画画C舞蹈D演讲Dear Mrs. WebDear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend. Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and comments. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her email address is mrswebadvice.com.Help Line VolunteersEvery year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English aged people. We are in need of volunteers who are:warm-hearted and patientcan work 10 hours every weekPlease call us at 0241-85902 or email us. helperlineservice.comSave the Earth ClubEarth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Clubs goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also meet to discuss some real solutions to save the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4 times a month. Come and Join us!根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。26 . What is Dear Mrs Web?AIts a teacher who helps people with problems.BIts a web site that gives free advice.CIts a TV program that answers peoples questions.DIts a magazine that helps people when they have too much stress.27 . If you want to volunteer your time to help other people, you can _.Aemail Dear Mrs Web.Bcall 0241-85902Cjoin Save the Earth ClubDvisit Green High School28 . If you want to be a Help Line volunteer, _.Ayou must be warm-hearted and patientByou must work ten hours a day.Cyou must be able to tell funny stories.Dyou must provide information service to ole people.29 . What doesnt the Save the Earth Club do?AEncourage cycling.BEncourage school campus clean up.CDiscuss solutions to save the Earth.DImproving the environment.30 . Where can you find the passages?AIn a science book.BIn a story book.CIn a movie theater.DIn a newspaper.CBSNBCThe CWABCFOX8:00 p. m.How I Me YourMother(9/24)Chuck (9/10)Everybody Hates Chris(10/1)Dancing with theStars (9/21)Prison Break(9/17)8:30 p.m.The Big BangTheory (9/17)Aliens in America(10/3)9:00 p. m.Lost (9/24)Heroes(9/14)Girlfriends(10/5)K-Ville (9/17)9:30 p.m.Gossip GirlThe Game(10/1)Samatha Who?(10/15)10:00 p. m.CSI: Miami(917)Journeyman (9/14)X Factor (9/24)31 . Which kind of TV programs is the longest?AHeroes.BChuck.CDancing with the Stars.DPrison Break.32 . How many TV shows start to be on show on September 17th?AOne.BTwoCThree.DFour.33 . Which TV station produces the most TV shows?ACBSBNBC. C.The CW.CABC.34 . The TV program Prison Break lasts for_.A30 minutes.B60 minutes.C90 minutes.D120 minutes35 . The TV program Journeyman will be shown on _.ASeptember 14th.BSeptember 24th.COctober 1st.DOctober 15th.三、信息匹配配对阅读。左栏是5个人的情况描述,右栏是7个相关的信息,请为每个人选择合适的信息,并将答案的字母填写在题号前括号里。1. Paul, 18 years old, plays basketball well. He studies in No. 11 Middle School.2. Kate lost her schoolbag yesterday. Its blue. There are some books and a pencil case in it.3. Peter came to study in Beijing last week. He needs a small and clean room .4. Sandra, 21 years old, swims well. She is a nice and kind girl. She likes children very much.5. Vera has great sports collection. He likes to play sports. He always buys some sports things from different places.A. Sports SaleA lot of sports things are on sale. Basketballs, baseballs, volleyballs, skateboards and more. Im sure you will buy something that you like here.B. Room RentNear the Beijing Library, not very big. There is a bed, a sofa and a desk in it. You can play computer in it.C. Swimmer wantedCan you swim well? Do you like Children? Call # 659-8346D. LostA blue schoolbag. My name is Jim. Call # 282-6592.E. FoundA new schoolbag, blue. Call Allen at 324-8566.F. Beijing TV StationLook for a reporter. Work every day. Can speak English well.G. Basketball Player WantedAre you good at playing basketball? Please call Mr Lee at 356-8546.36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、信息匹配1、


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