2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试

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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试_第1页
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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级英语下册 Unit 1单元测试_第3页
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2019-2020学年上海新复兴牛津上海版六年级下册 Unit 1单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - How do you do?- _AHello!BGood morning!CHow do you do?2 . More and more people give out “red packets” on WeChat to celebrate festivals.Thats true. I have just received_ from my friend.AitBthatConeDthem3 . I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday._ Why didnt you tell me earlier?AYou did?BI hope so.CHave a good time.4 . Little Kate went to school _ it rained heavily yesterday.AthoughBifCbutDsince5 . They have rice, vegetables and meat _lunch.AonBforCatDin6 . (2017江苏盐城 14)I had a very good time at the charity show. Thanks for your invitation._.AAll rightBYou are welcomeCGood luck to youDNot too bad7 . The light in his room is still on. Do you know _?In order to prepare for the coming exam.Aif he works hardBwhy he stays up so lateCwhy is he so busyDwhen he will stop working8 . Its said that the forest is disappearing.Yes._, many kinds of birds and animals are dying out.AFor exampleBAs a resultCSince then9 . In front of these housesa river, which is not wide or deep but very clean.AstandBstandsCrunDruns10 . Televisions have made _ possible for us to watch movies at home.AthatBthisCitDthey11 . Tiananmen Square is one of _ in the worldAthe biggest squareBthe biggest squaresCbiggest squareDbiggest squares12 . -How much is your car?-Its very expensive and costs me_ money.Alots ofBa littleClittleDsome13 . Sam has a very modem house in Shenzhen.Wow, that must be very expensive.Anew and fashionableBold but cleanCbig and beautiful14 . (2016河南中考)Almost every university now has a website which allows us to _ the information about it.Alook atBlook afterClook aroundDlook through15 . Do you often chat with your friend _ at weekends? No, I often watch games _.Aon phone; on TVBon the phone; on the TVCon phone; on the TVDon the phone; on TV16 . About _ of the teachers in tour school were born in _.Atwo thirds, 1970Btwo thirds, the 1970sCtwo third, 1970sDtwo third, the197017 . _ have you studied in your school? Since 2015.AHow oftenBHow muchCHow longDHow far二、完型填空Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, or looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and _ are creative. _ can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. David Smith is a student. His hobby is _ . In senior high school, he wrote a book and it _ out in 2003. Many teenagers love his book. As a result, David has become a successful young _.In spite of his great success, David sees writing _ only one of his many hobbies and interests. “I like playing badminton,too,” says David. He isnt sure if he is going to write more books _.David is very lucky _his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. But he is _ in many other things, and he spends time playing badminton for his school team.Its something difficult to remember that we shouldnt _ all our time on our favourite hobby. There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different.18 . A. the other B. anotherC othersD. other19 . AFriendsBHobbiesCHabitsDLife20 . AreadingBpaintingCwritingDfishing21 . AcameBwentCworkedDpainted22 . AeditorBengineerCwriterDhost23 . AasBwithCforDto24 . Ain the pastBjust nowCat presentDin the future25 . AthoughBbecauseChoweverDif26 . AinterestingBinterestCinterestedDinterests27 . AtakeBspendCpayDcostIn our school, there is an English club, a music club, a football club, a tennis club and many other clubs.The_club is the most popular(最受欢迎的) one. And I am in the club because tennis is my _sport.There are more than 80_in the tennis club. About 50% of them are boys. There are_teams in the clubRed Team and Yellow Team. There is one_every week. Matches_me happy.Zhang Yue is an old member in the club. _is tall and he looks very strong. He is_Beijing. His parents are tennis_,too.Yang Le is a short boy. He is the youngest member in the club. He is 11 years old. He is also good at _.so he is a member of the swimming club.Im the tallest girl in the club. Li Na is my favourite tennis player. She is my hero. I hope I can be a player like her.28 . AtennisBfootballCbasketballDswimming29 . AgoodBbestCfavouriteDboring30 . AboysBmembersCteachersDgirls31 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour32 . AmeetingBpartyCmatchDclass33 . AhaveBmakeCaskDhope34 . ASheBHeCTheyDIt35 . AcomeBcomesCfromDcomes from36 . AworkersBfarmersCplayersDswimmers37 . ArunningBdrawingCswimmingDsingingIts well-known that New Years resolutions dont have a high success rate(成功率)But why do people make _ every year even though so few of them follow through?One reason is the idea of _The beginning of a year gives people a fresh startThe idea of making themselves better is another _Most people have a natural habit of self improvement,and New Year give_ a special day to get ready for improvementMany people _ making New Years resolutions can go as far back as Babylonian timesIts said that Julius Caesar started the tradition_ making resolutions on January 1stIts _to make a New Years resolutionPeople keep making resolutions every year _ they dont always follow through in the end,but the fact is they try to improve themselves and become betterSome studies_ making a New Years resolution can get people closer to their goalsOne study found people who make resolutions are more _ than those who had a goal and thought about it,but as last didnt make a resolution38 . ApredictionsBresolutionsCcompetitionsDpreparation39 . AstartingBtrustingCorganizingDrefusing40 . AtalentBexperienceCeventDreason41 . AitBhimCthemDus42 . AadviseBbelieveCexpectDwonder43 . AinBonCofDfor44 . AgoodBcarelessCcreativeDdifficult45 . AbecauseBorCsoDthough46 . AshowBchooseCacceptDquestion47 . AsuccessfulBthankfulCpopularDfriendly三、阅读单选I used to have a friend called Matilda. We were together at secondary school. When we were 16, she moved because of her fathers job, but we kept in touch. We used to write long letters to each other. I went to stay with her a couple of times too. We lost contact (联系) after university. Id love to see her again because we used to be really good friends.I used to hate a couple of teachers at school, but I think the one I hated the most was my French teacher. He was really terrible. I dont think he liked children or even teaching. He used to be impatient with us and he didnt explain things well. I failed French it was the only subject I ever failed at school.I used to play a lot of squash (壁球), but I recently started playing tennis and now I like it better. The problem with squash is that its pretty hard and maybe Im just not strong enough to play it. Also the friend I used to play with always beat me. The great thing about tennis is that its outdoors so I can enjoy the fresh air. Its less competitive and more fun. The only problem is that you cant play when it rains. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。48 . What does the underlined phrase “kept in touch” mean in Chinese?A失去联系B保持联系C总是争吵D从不争吵49 . When did the writer and her friend Matilda lose contact?AAt secondary school.BDuring high school.CDuring college.DAfter university.50 . The writers French teacher was _.Avery strict with his studentsBgood at playing tennisCbad at teachingDvery humorous51 . In the writers opinion, squash is _.ArelaxingBinterestingCeasy to learnDhard to play well52 . According to the passage, the writer _.Ahated learning FrenchBhas more friends than beforeCthinks tennis is more fun than squashDhas never lost a game in playing tennis四、句型转换53 . This is a pen. (对划线部分提问)_?54 . Is Liu Qiang your brother? (作否定回答)_, he _.55 . These are my sisters. (改为单数句)_ is my _.56 . My name is Tom . (对划线部分提问)_name?57 . Im fine. (对划线部分提问)_ you?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空58 . S_ is Zhao Liying. I like (喜欢) her.59 . I am y_ English teacher (老师).60 . Im Mary. _ to meet you !61 . This is a boy. H_name is Mike.62 . His n_is Li Yifeng. Can you spell it?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words.63 . As teenagers grow up, they want to get more _ from their parents. (independent)64 . In the US, some students get paid by looking after babies. Noa Mintz, a 16-year-old girl in the US, already has her own _ company. (babysit)65 . Last week, some doctors told students about _ eating habits. (health)66 . When someone _ you to an important party, it is not polite if you dont answer the _ because it could cause trouble for the host. (invite)67 . In America, women tie yellow ribbons (丝带) to trees to show their _ to their husbands who died in wars. (remember)68 . A city should try to preserve (保存) its old, _ buildings because they can tell people their ancestors (祖先的) stories without words. (history)69 . “Music and the Brain is a program (计划) that helps children develop their brains and become more _ through music,” the program _ Lisha Lercari said. (create)70 . The Nobel Prize usually goes to doctors, writers or scientists. But Bob Dylan became the first _ in the Nobels 115-year history to win the Nobel Prize in Literature (文学). (music)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空71 . Remember _ (post)the letter for me on your way to school.72 . My grandfather is _ (come)either today or tomorrow.73 . We are very proud that a student from our school has _ (win)the first prize.74 . He went to school without _ (have)breakfast this morning.75 . There is no great _ (different)between the two boxes.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填词 ,从以下8个词中选择6个,并用正确形式填空。custom speak feel except get supposed besides haveIm having a great time on my student exchange program in France. At first, I was a bit nervous. But there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice.They go out of their way to make me 76 . at home. Im very comfortable 77 . French now. Now my biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. In France, youre 78 . to put bread on the table instead of on the plate. Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands 79 . bread, not even fruit. You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork. I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually80 . used to it. I dont find French81 . so strange anymore.八、单词填空JJack DDavid J: Christmas used to be my favorite time of year, but right now I feel terrible.D: No wonder, Jack. Its our 82 . Christmas away from home to study here. A 83 . of situation would easily affect peoples feelings.J: What do you 84 . most as Christmas is coming, David?D: Of course, my family. I spent every Christmas with my family before this year.J: Me, too. 85 . in the world is better than being with my family at Christmas time.D: At least, your brother is here with you. J: Thats true. Sometimes he can be boring to me, but now, 86 . I do feel great to have him 87 . on this special day here.D: Maybe hell be here soon. I hope he will like the gift we bought for him.J: Im sure he will. Hes always wanted a 88 . so that he can record every 89 . that moves him deeply here in Beijing, and he can 90 . whats recorded with my family.D: Perfect. In this way, your parents can see peoples happy life in Beijing and understand China better. One more thing, our Chinese classmates are going to hold a Christmas party for us, and they want to spend Christmas with us.J: They are friendly. Im very glad to get their 91 . . I will go to the party with you.九、回答问题Aron Ralston is an American man. He is interested in mountain climbing. He is used to taking risks, and there were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, when he climbed in Utah, he found himself a very dangerous situation. He struggled (抗争) and fought for five days. At last, he saved his own life but lost his right arm. Even after this experience, he kept on climbing mountains. He also wrote a famous book with a single arm.Arons story tells us never to give up. Every person has a dream. It makes us do what we are doing, because its what we believe in. And everyone has moments when life seems too hard, but never stop going like Aron. Our biggest enemies are hiding in us-laziness(懒惰) and doubt. We should be warriors (勇士) of our dreams and goals and we should keep on fighting for them.92 . What is Aron interested in?_93 . When did Aron climb in Utah?_94 . How long did Aron struggle to save his life in Utah?_95 . Did Aron keep on climbing mountains after the serious accident?_96 . What are the biggest enemies hiding in us?_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完型填空1、2、3、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、


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