五年级下册英语课件-Unit2 《My favourite season》Part A 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共28张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit2 《My favourite season》Part A 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共28张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit2 《My favourite season》Part A 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共28张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 2 My favourite season Review,荣昌区吴家镇中心小学,刘宏,Summer、winter、spring and fall. Spring and fall 、 spring and fall. Summer、winter、spring and fall. Whats your favourite season? Summer、winter、spring and fall. Spring and fall 、spring and fall. Summer、winter、spring and fall. Whats your favourite season?,Whats your favourite season,son,sea,There are 4 seasons in a year.,spring,summer,winter,autumn/fall,Can you describe the four seasons?,观察图片,说说四季的特征。 Spring is Summer is ,Spring is green with flowers and songs.,Summer is hot and the days are long.,Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.,Winter is white and the year is gone.,_ is green with flowers and songs.,_ is hot and the days are long.,_ is golden and farmers are busy.,_ is white and the year is gone.,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,Lets chant,哪一个,季节,最喜欢,Which,season,do you,like best,?,Whats your favourite season?,最喜欢的季节,?,Which season do you like best?,spring,summer,winter,autumn,I like _ best.,go swimming,go on a picnic,pick apples,make a snowman,I can_.,What can you do in_?,Free talk,A: Which season do you like best? B: I like .best. A: Why ? B: Because I can ,Tips,1.Talk about with your partner.(1minute) (两人一组一问一答,完成表格。) 2.Use the words under the table . 用表格下面的词组完成对话。 3. When you finish the task, please put up your hands.(完成任务后请举手。) 4. Who shows the dialogue can draw an apple on your tree.( 展示成果,可以在苹果树上画一个苹果。),1,2,3,4,5,down,across,practice,g,n,r,s,p,s,u,m,m,e,r,w,i,n,t,r,e,a,s,o,n,f,l,l,go swimm_ _ _,go on a p_ _nic,pi_ _ apples,make a sn_ _man,ing,ic,ck,ow,Words: season、spring、summer、autumn、winter. go on a picnic 、 go swimming 、 pick apples 、 make a snowman. -Which season do you like best? -I like summer best. -Why do you like summer? -Because I can swim.,Read and try to remember them.,Summary,- Which _ do you like best? - I like _best. - _do you like autumn? - Because the colours are . - Autumn is good, but _ is my favourite season. - Why? - _I like summer vacation.,Fill in the blanks:,In different seasons, we should wear different clothes . Choose the right one.( 不同季节选择合适的衣物。 ),In spring, its warm. We can wear . In summer, its so hot. We can wear . In fall, its cool. We can wear . In winter , its cold . We can wear .,shirt and pants,skirt or dress,sweater and jeans,jacket or hat,Extension,Different months of the seasons in different countries. 不同的国家一年四季分布的月份也有所不同。,Why are they different in the season?,地球分为南北和东西半球。东西半球决定了时区划分。比如北京时间1:00,东京时间2:00. 而南北半球则因太阳、地球的公转、自转因素导致自然形成不同的气候。 南北半球所受到的太阳光照是不相等,日照更多的半球是夏季,另一半则是冬季(澳大利亚、中国)。春季和秋季则为过渡季节,当太阳直射点接近赤道时,两个半球的日照情况相当,但是季节发展的趋势却还是相反-当南半球是秋季时,北半球是春季。,winter,summer,summer,winter,winter,winter,New Zealand,Australia,China,UK,USA,Canada,Different season has different weather. (不同的季节有着不同的气候),Spring is windy and warm.,Summer is sunny and hot.,Winter is snowy and cold.,Autumn is cloudy and cool.,With the continuous change of the weather, there are also some natural disasters. (随着气候的不断变化,也存在着一些不可预知的自然灾害。),512汶川地震,发生于北京时间2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,根据中华人民共和国地震局的数据,此次地震的面波震级达8.0Ms、矩震级达8.3Mw,地震烈度达到11度。地震波及大半个中国及亚洲多个国家和地区。 截至2008年9月18日12时,512汶川地震共造成69227人死亡,374643人受伤,17923人失踪,是中华人民共和国成立以来破坏力最大的地震,也是唐山大地震后伤亡最严重的一次地震。,Natural disasters are unavoidable, but we should try our best to keep the environment. ( 自然灾害是难以避免的,但是我们可以尽自己最大努力保护我周围的环境。),新华社长沙记者7日从湖南省宁乡县举行的2017年防汛抢险救灾情况通报会上获悉,据初步统计,全县受灾人口815万,占全县人口的56,全县派出12个救灾核查组,累计核实因灾死亡、意外落水溺亡、失联人员共44人。 6月22日以来,宁乡发生了历年同期历时最长、范围最广、雨量最多、强度最大的强降雨,遭遇了宁乡有水文、气象记录60年以来最为严重的自然灾害。,1. Searching some other different things about the four seasons. (搜集其他有关于四季的不同地方。) 2. Writing a short passage about your favourite season. (写一段关于你最喜欢的季节的话语。),Homework,Thank you,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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