五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 《my day》Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共24张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 《my day》Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共24张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 《my day》Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共24张PPT)_第2页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit1 《my day》Part B 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(共24张PPT)_第3页
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Unit1 My day,B Read and write,PEP小学英语五年级下册,陕西省旬阳县城关小学 晏焕芝,Every weekend ,I climb mountains. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend ,I read some books. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend ,I go shopping. What do you do? What do you do? Every weekend ,I go hiking. What do you do? What do you do?,爬山,郊游,More activities 谁能说出更多活动,play basketball play football play ping-pong play computer games play the pipa play the erhu do kung fu sing and dance listen to music watch TV,swim go shopping go for a walk jump and run do morning exercises read books do homework draw pictures take a dancing class clean the room cook wash the clothes,-I always/usually/ often/ sometimes ,-What do you do on the weekend?,Look and talk in pairs:,Who are they? Where are they?,They are in a play.,在一部剧本里,They are Robin and Zoom.,Robinson Crusoe,Writer: Daniel Defoe,鲁滨逊 克鲁索,丹尼尔笛福,英国青年鲁滨逊从小喜欢航海,曾三次离家到南美各地旅行。一日他怀着云游四海的高远志向,告别家人,越过大西洋和太平洋,在惊心动魄的航海中经历无数险情,后来整条船在太平洋上不幸罹难,船上的人都葬身海底,惟有他一人得以奇迹般地活下来,并只身来到一座荒无人烟岛上。他从绝望的缝隙中得到了生命的启示,性格坚强的鲁滨逊在岛上独立生活了28年。他在孤岛上劳作生息,开拓荒地,圈养牲畜,生产水稻和小麦,年复一年与孤独为伴,克服了种种常人难以克服的困难。他凭着惊人的毅力和顽强不息的劳动,他盖起了房子,收获谷物,驯养山羊,用兽皮制作衣物。他曾与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇。后来他搭救了一个土人,称他为“星期五”,把他收作仆人。他以非同寻常的毅力和勇气,用勤劳的双手,为自己创造了一个生存的家园。 一直到第28个年头一艘英国船来到该岛附近,鲁滨逊帮助船长制服了叛乱的水手,才返回英国。这时他父母双亡,鲁滨逊收回他巴西庄园的全部受益,并把一部分赠给那些帮助过他的人们。他成为了一位受人尊敬的英雄。,He is Robinson Crusoe,He is Friday.,Robins play,罗宾的戏剧,Here is a letter from him.,信,Where does Robinson live?,Task1 : Read the letter silently and answer. (默读这封信并回答。),居住,He lives on an island.,a cave,He lives in .,1.What does Robinson do in the morning?,2.What does Robinson do in the afternoon?,Task2: Read loudly ,circle the answers: (大声朗读,圈出问题的答案。),He always gets up early every day. He washes his face, and he eats breakfast. Sometimes he cleans his cave. He often goes swimming in the water.,早的,He plays sports with his friend.,去游泳,Task3:Read again and answer. (再读并回答。),1.Who does Robinson play sports with? 2.What is he good at? 3.Who often wins?,擅长于,赢,He plays sports with his friend,Friday.,He is good at sports.,Friday.,My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. sometimes I clean my cave, too.,Robins play,I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday.,Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him,B: My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. sometimes I clean my cave, too.,Robins play,C: I often go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday.,D: Friday is good at sports. He often wins.,A: Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him,Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning.,Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays.,Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon.,( ),( ),( ),Task4 : Tick or cross,迟的,只,仅仅,一起,Task5:Write a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often do every day. (给Robin写封信,告诉他你每天都做些什么?),Dear Robinson, My name is . I live in . I often and . In the afternoon, I with . I hope you can get off your island soon. Yours, _,离开、下来,很快,不久,希望,英语书信的格式,Dear. (左上角写称呼) 正文 Yours, XXX (右下角写敬语和落款),Task5:Write a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often do every day. (给Robin写封信,告诉他你每天都做些什么?),Dear Robinson, My name is . I live in . I often and . In the afternoon, I with . I hope you can get off your island soon. Yours, _,Xunyang,clean my room,go for a walk,go shopping,my mum,Yan Huanzhi,Yan Huanzhi,My day Hello! My name is . I live on . I always_early every day. I_ , and then I _ . Sometimes I _,too. I often _ in the water. In the afternoon, I _with . He is good at_. So he often _. This is my day. What about you?,Robinson,an island,get up,sports,wash my face,eat breakfast,clean my cave,Task6:Help Robinson to introduce his day. (帮助Robinson介绍他在岛上一天的活动。),go swimming,play sports,my friend,wins,My day,Hello! My name is Yan Huanzhi. I live in Xunyang. In the morning, I always get up early every day. Then I go to work ,do morning exercises, eat breakfast ,and have English classes. In the afternoon, I usually read some books .I often go for a walk and play sports .Sometimes I watch TV . This is my day. I am very busy, but I am very happy.,Task7:Introduce your day(介绍你的一天),Words bank: go shopping go for a walk do morning exercises read books do homework draw pictures take a dancing class clean my room play sports,My day Hello! My name is_. I live in _. In the morning, I always _ . In the afternoon, I usually_. I often _.Sometimes I_ . This is my day. I am very busy, but I am very happy.,Happy and healthy every day! 祝大家天天健康快乐!,Please Remember! 请记住:,The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃。,Homework,1.Try to recite “Robins play”. (试着背诵罗兵的戏剧) 2. Finish Exercises on Page 7 of Activity book. (完成活动手册第7页的练习题),Thank you ! Goodbye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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