人教PEP版英语四年级上册Unit6 Meet my family 单元测试卷

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人教PEP版英语四年级上册Unit6 Meet my family 单元测试卷_第1页
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人教PEP版英语四年级上册Unit6 Meet my family 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There _ many sweets over there. ( )AareBisCam2 . AGo to the kitchen. Have a snack.BGo to the bedroom. Have a nap.CGo to the study. Read a book.3 . 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(10分)(1)A. B.(2)A. B.(3)A. B.(4)A. B.(5)A. B.4 . is this blouse?knows?AWhos;WhoBWhose;Whos CWho;WhosDWhose;Who5 . This is my fathers brother. He is my . ( )AgrandfatherBauntCuncle二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hi. Welcome to my home. Im Amy. Look at these photos. These are photos of my family. There are three people in my family. My dad, my mum and me. My mother is a teacher. She is very nice. My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. I am seven years old. Im a student. My mother takes me to school everyday. I like to go to school.6 . How many people are there? ( )AThree.BFour.CFive.7 . What does Amys father do? ( )AHe is a teacher.BHe is a student.CHe is a doctor.8 . Whats Amys mother like? ( )AShe is tall.BShe is friendly.CShe is strong.9 . How old is Amy? ( )ASix.BSeven.CEight.10 . Who takes Amy to school every day? ( )AHer mother.BHer father.CHerself(自己).三、情景交际11 . 奶奶问你将怎样去北京,她应说:_( )AHow will you go to Beijing?BHow is the weather in Beijing?12 . 当你告诉别人“今天是星期二”时,你会说:_( )AToday is Tuesday.BTomorrow is Tuesday.13 . 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:AWhos this boy?BWhos that boy?CWhos that girl?14 . 你提议一起去喂鸭子,应该说:( )ALets feed the monkeys.BLets feed the ducks.15 . 你想表达“我饿了。”时,你会说: _ ( )AIm thirsty.BIm hungry.CIm fine.四、填空题给下列单词分类。AbirdByellowCdogDchameleonEredFblackGgreen H. cat I. blue J. panda16 . 颜色类:_17 . 动物类:_单词分类nurse cook aunt father soup chickensoup doctor mother beef farmer uncle bread18 . 职业:_19 . 家庭成员:_20 . 食物:_五、汉译英21 . 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.你妈妈是干什么工作的?她是一名教师。_your mother? Shes a_.2.我喜欢鸡肉和牛肉。I like _ and _.3.男孩子们上哪儿去了?_the boys?4.那个女孩是谁?Whos _?5.请把铅笔和尺子递给我。Please pass me the _ and the _.六、判断题22 . 看图,读句子,与图片相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。(_) 1. This is Mr. Jones. He is a teacher. (_) 2. This is Amy. She is from China. She is a student. (_) 3. Im a panda. I am from China. (_) 4. Look at the giraffe. Its so tall. (_) 5. Look at that monkey. Its fat. Ah! So cute. 七、改错选出句子中错误的一项,并改正。23 . Howgood do you sing? (_)_A BC24 . ThisisAmy sister. (_)_A B C25 . Lily can plays football well. (_) _A B C八、匹配题读问句,选答语。A. Yes, I do.B. No, she doesnt.C. Yes, he was.D. Yes, I did.E. I did my homework.26 . What did you do last weekend? (_)27 . Did you watch TV yesterday?(_)28 . Does Amy go to the park? (_)29 . Was your father happy yesterday? (_)30 . Do you often watch TV at home? (_)第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、填空题1、2、五、汉译英1、六、判断题1、七、改错1、八、匹配题1、

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