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高考短文改错必刷题 高 考 短 文 改 错 必 刷 题 Last Saturday we organize a trip to the countryside The countryside has taken on a new look everywhere All around us the hills are covering with green trees and colorful flower Rivers are clean with bridges over them that makes a beautiful picture Farmers are living in nice houses which are equipped fine furniture Nowadays the farmers there is caring more about our life quality With their life greatly improve they have more time for a leisure That may be why people look more energetic and young for their age A man was driving on the road Suddenly his cars stopped He got out of the car try to find out the trouble It s the motor said the voice behind him He was surprising and turned around But he saw only an old horse Did you say anything he asked I said you should check yours motor the horse replied The man rushed to the nearest house With a very excited voice he told the farmer had happened The farmer therefore showed no sign of excitement He explained He didn t know anything about cars He can only repeat that what I often say 13 Henry sleeping in his room when suddenly he woke up and sensed that something unusual on last night He looked out of the window and find a store nearby on the street was on the fire He immediately shouted at the top of his voice Fire Fire Help He phoned 119 at once and then went out to put out the fire So it was so bigger a fire that he couldn t put it out by himself Lucky enough a lot of neighbor came out and soon firefighters arrived The fire was finally put out and when the firefighters praised Henry for her quick action he smiled felt very pleased i There are many people who think that wealth is good than health I used to thinking so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes He was American billionaire who got everything he wants Therefore in the last twenty years of his life his health became worse and she was miserable He had the best doctors and nurse But he could still find no relief I realized that health is worth all the money in the world If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor you will not be able to do that you want to do So 1 would like to say Don t hurt at yourself and try to make money Instead take good care of yourself and be happy at what you do Healthy is more important 15 May I have you attention please I have a little things to tell you When you have a class here in CD the language lab please be here a little early Change your shoes before enter the lab Don t bring anything here except your textbook When you are in please don t touch these machines without permit Always do as the teacher tell you to In class you should only speak the English not Chinese Recorders can be used to make a copy of the listening materials When class over make sure that your machines are turning off 16 I feel it is pity that you didn t want to take part in the speech contest In rhy view the speech contest can benefit from you in different ways Firstly it makes you look for more informations about your favorite scientists on the Internet or in the library learns more about them Secondly it is a challenge to prepare for a speech contest You not only have to write a good article and also have to perform them properly What s more after the contest you can find yourself with some newly good friends or even a prize I suggest you consider participating in the contest that will really do good to you If you change your mind please let me know as sooner as possible JL After a final examination I got a letter from my best friend and his parents lived on a farm They invited me stay with them for several weeks I was so exciting that I couldn t sleep all night When I got to their home I was warm received I lived on a big and nice room I enjoyed the life here very much Every morning we got up early and walk on the farm where we could enjoy the fresh air or beautiful scenery We gathered some flowers here and there and I found it full of funs In the afternoon we did our homework I did have a good time iA Failure is part of our life Somebody has ever achieved great success without lots of failures One experience left lasting impression on me I ve been fond of playing the piano since my childhood Last year there was a piano competition for teenager in my city and I take part in it I couldn t wait to show off The day finally came However when I was on the stage I was very nervous that I made several mistakes while playing My performance was a completely failure It was only after the competition when I realized my failure resulted in from my lack of practice From then on I devoted more time to play the piano because I firmly believe that practice make perfect I passed all the other course that I took at my university but I could never pass botany This was why all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a lab look through a microscope at plant cells but I could never see anything through a microscope This was used to make my professor angry I can t see everything M I said Then he began patient enough to explain how to see through it but I still couldn t make it At last we tried that with every adjustment of the CD 高考短文改错必刷题 microscope known to man With my pleasure I saw something and drew it quickly on paper What s that my professor asked That s what I saw I answered No you don t he shouted and he bent over and looked into microscope You ve fixed the lens so that it reflects You ve drawn your eyes All Senior 2 students of Taizhou High School is going to visit Zhejiang University in two days According to Mr Li headmaster of this school an activity had been held once a year since 2006 Apart from the students some of their teachers will also join in but they will set off at about 7 o clock and returning at about 4 pm In the morning we will visit the new campus of Zhejiang University In the afternoon they will have a directly and sincere conversation with some freshmen of the university who graduated Taizhou High School It is believed that this activity will help the students having a good knowledge of campus life in advance and make them to work hard to achieve their dreams in the near future Mr Zhang is sixty years old and has retired He taught ours biology when we were in Grade One He taught very good He tried his best to make his classes lively He usually made good preparations for the lessons and was strict in us Each time when we made mistakes in our homework he would ask us to correct it I was poor at biology He often helps me with my study patiently Under his help I made great progresses He was very kind to his students As experienced teacher he was respected or loved by all the students Hi I d like to tell you how I learn English I often read English aloud and try learn something important by heart that helps me remember it easily and form the good habit of thinking in English I listen a lot and talk with others in the English In this way I had improved both my listening and my spoken English great I keep a diary in English every day but my written English are becoming better and better I also try my best to master the necessary grammar knowledges By this means I can express me in English correctly That s the way I have been learning English I hope what I said is in use to you C13 Recently our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reasonable for middle school students to have classes on weekends Some of our classmates believe we should have classes on weekends because we can make fully use of free time to review the lessons we had learned Some others are against the opinion saying we had better to have a good rest on weekends so that we can work effective during the weekdays The rest agree with neither of the opinion They have the view keeping the balance between work and play are important for us They suggest one day of the weekend CD S 押 r 星火英语 is used to learn our lessons and during the other day we do something interested or have a rest Ui Many young boys and girls had the habit of smoking though they are middle school student As we all know that smoking does harm to human beings More and more people have realized what serious this problem is But they are never boring with it Some people think smoking is a kind of fashion but others think smoking can refresh himself In fact smoking causes much illnesses The most serious illness causing by smoking is lung cancer Meanwhile smoking is waste of money What s worse careless smokers may cause dangerous fires C15 Last weekend I helped my grandparents preparing their trip to Beidaihe On Saturday morning together with my grandparents I searched Internet for the train schedule the weather in Beidaihe and some hotel informations In the afternoon I went to the train station Although there were a long queue I manage to buy two tickets for my grandparents Before dinner I packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents needed them such as clothes glasses an umbrella and a map The next morning I went to the station but saw them off Waved goodbye to them on the platform I felt happily for them and wished them a pleasant journey CL6 We had a discussion about whether it is a only way out for senior students to go to college Views vary from person to person The majority of students considers it very necessary to go to college They think it can widen our knowledge and improve their qualities Only in this way can they find good jobs after graduation Very few students think it is no use go to university because the tuition is too high for their family to afford it What s more it s rather hard for college graduates seek satisfactory jobs Thirty percent of the students therefore believe All roads lead to Rome It doesn t make any different whether they go to college and not In my opinion we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland The student union hold a competition last week The theme of it was to make the better of waste materials aimed to cultivate the good habit of protecting the environment From Feb 3rd to Mar 15th more than 900 students participated active and presented through the Internet over 1 000 pieces of work About 200 participants got first second and third prizes respectively Li Ming his work Protecting the forests including you and me was made of old newspapers and magazines he got the first place From this activity the students have shown their enthusiasm but raised their awareness of environmental protection as well CD 高考短文改错必刷题 More and more middle school students are having tutors at the weekend There are two different viewpoint about it Some think it necessary First of all it s too effective to study with a teacher than by themselves Besides it can strengthen that is learned in class Others think it unnecessary For the one thing students can easy form the habit of dependence For another students need time relax from time to time What s more the purpose of some family teachers are to make money On my opinion whether a tutor is needed just depends If you are really weak at or interesting in a certain subject maybe it s OK for you to have one And be sure to choose a good and suitable teacher otherwise it would be a waste of time and money 19 广 My brother Jack disliked learn maths and didn t do well When the day of the exam came Jack sat next to Brian whom was always good at maths Jack careful copied Brian s answers At the end of ihc exam the teacher collected the papers and graded it Then she decided to give a prize to the studem who got the high grade But making a decision was a bit of difficult because Jack and Brian got same grade The teacher thought about that and made up her minds to give the prize to Brian Jack said it was unfair That s true the teacher said Therefore Brian s answer to Question 18 was I don t know Yours was So do 1 m Dear Ms Li I m very happy that you are my English teacher As the world is becoming global village English is getting more and more important so mastering English mean we can see the world through a new window My English is not bad and I have two main problems in my study First I feel it difficult to learn words with heart Besides I often feel nervously when speaking English I real hope that you can give me some good advices on how to memorize new words Another suggestion is that what you should give us more chances to practice speak I believe I can make many progress in English with your help Thank you Yours LiHua C2L We participated in a voluntary activity organizing by our school last Sunday We gathered at the square i passing leaflets to passer by from which they can learn what an earthquake is and how to protect ourselves in the earthquake The leaflets drew the attention of the public to the damage that an earthquake can cause and that told them to take action in a right and efficiency way Some made a CD S 9Wt 霣火英语 public speech told people about the best place where they can hide when earthquake occurs We have learned many from the voluntary activity what offers us an opportunity to contribute to society We told the public about the situation because we thought everyone should be concerned of each other and take responsibility for promoting a public cause 22 Whatever one does one should do it with confidence Equipping with confidence we can deal with any challenges and difficulties until we succeed When I entered Senior 3 I found myself faced to difficulty learning English and even failed in my English exam As the consequence I began to feel being frustrated losing confidence in myself It was at this moment when my parents encouraged me and my teachers gave me some valuable advice on my studies told me to be confident With their help I regained my confidence and began to make steady progresses As the saying go Where there is a will there is a way If we are to make a difference we should build up our confidence that is of vital importance if we want to overcome any obstacles and final achieve our goals Usually most divers don t go very deep Mainly they dive to a deep of about 20 meters Then they swam around as they slowly return to the surface Everyone who wants dive must first have diving lessons There are the number of dangers that you have to learn about For one thing you might have problems with its air bottle A diver must know however the equipment works and be able to recognize possible problem There are also dangerous types of fish you must look out for You must be familiar to the environment that you ll be diving in Before you go on a dive make sure you know that what you are getting into Diving may look easily but if you don t have the necessary training it can be both difficult and dangerous C 4 Dear Ma Yun CEO of Ali Baba My name is Li Hua I m Senior 3 student from Xinhua Middle School I am writing to ask you a favor Would you please to come to our school or give us a speech The speech is scheduling to be given on May 30th in the school playground the theme of it will be how to realize our dreams through personal efforts We are eagerly to hear you talk about your own experience and unique views I sincerely hope you can take time out of your busy schedule and I would appreciate that very much if you could come Thank you on advance and wish you all the best I am looking forward to receive your reply at your earliest convenience Sincerely Li Hua CD 高考短文改错必刷题 Three years ago I failed a important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary school Disappointing as I felt we found the teachers here patient and considerate Beside I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere on class I decided to make the best of it I work hard and got along well with my teachers and classmates Whenever I had difficulties they were not helpful Soon I became one of the top student in my class which great increased my confidence and got me motivated My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it which determines who you are 26 More and more senior three students are getting stressing in their studies In order find out effective ways to release the stress a survey is made last week in five schools Altogether 500 students were interviewed but some interesting results were as follows About thirty five percent of the students let out their stress by do sports They play football in instance Meanwhile another forty five percent of them release our stress by listening to different kind of music The rest twenty percent usual get help from their parents and teachers When I am stressed I usually do plenty of weightlifting to get me tired Then I ll have a good sleep And then I feel being relaxed caz I was at a party a few weeks before which was more excited than I had expected We were all having a good time then suddenly a fire broke in the kitchen Someone shouted Don t panic and all the people started to run There was smoke everywhere and we were all trying to find the way to out Fortunately my friend found a fire extinguisher 灭火器 and put a fire out He was about to coming out of the house when the firefighters arrived The fire chief praised my friend and tell us that we all had a luckily escape m Some people may think that one who wants to achieve great success shouldn t pay much too attention to details And sometimes it is the details that determines our success for they may be the very thing that has a great impact on what we re doing Since we have realized the important of details what should we do First we should form a habit of being careful because a careful person will rarely overlook details What s more we should learn to keep the balance between quantity and quality We may find that when face with lots of work the faster we do it the much mistakes we will make Because when we work at high speed the only thing we care about is quantity in that case we are more likely to neglect the details As far as I m concerned we should keep in mind that quality comes first without which quantity is in no significance CD Spar 垦火英语 29 Nowadays we can find more and more people sit for too long which has many side effect on health According to health experts too many screen time has kept many people sitting for too long Beside heavy work or study stress can also contribute to the present situation There is no doubt whether it has led to serious health problems such as backache overweight heart disease and even death Well go the saying Prevention is better than cure M Do remember to try our best to build up our leg power to cut the diseases of potential risk Firstly walking and cycling to school or work will be a good choice Secondly please take stairs instead elevators Thirdly it is recommended that we walk around for the while during the breaks Last but not least why not to take regular exercise and have fun every day Come on and take action now 030 In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise our school organize an activity to climb the mountain last week Hundred of us took part in it It was a nice day At 8 00 am we gathered at the foot of the mountain and set out for the top in high spirit All the way we were chatting singing and laughing enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery When some fell behind other would come and offer help About two hours late we all reached the top Bathe in sunshine we jumped and cheered with joy The activity benefited to us a lot Not only did it get us close to nature or give us relaxation from heavy school work it also promoted the friendship among us What wonderful time I m an Australian boy aging 17 and I m crazy about music It is one of the most important thing in my life I listen music whenever I can I have a minidisk player with it I can have access to music whether walking in the street or ride on the bike At home there is a CD player in my room but the music is on all the time I like rock music better of all My favorite band is Rolling Stones which has produced 40 albums since 1966 It so happened that there had a live concert of Rolling Stone

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