四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the farm B Let's learn人教PEP(2014秋)

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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the farm B Let's learn人教PEP(2014秋)_第1页
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PEP4 Unit 4 B Lets learn,What a _ farm!,Zoo?,Farm,?,Farm,Is it _?,c,f,vegetables,fruits,animals,armer,p,d,p,g,t,c,beautiful,otatoes,Whats on the farm?,Wow! A nice farm!,Welcome!,hens,cows,horses,sheep,dogs,ducks,cats,pigs,Listen and tick. 听音,勾出农场上的动物。,hens,hen,cows,cow,horses,horse,/iz/,sheep,sheep,Tips: sheep的单数和复数是一样的哦!,I have ,hens _,cows _,horses _,sheep _,dogs _,ducks _,cats _,pigs _,Listen and write. 听音,写出农场上动物的数量。,20,6,15,?,?,?,20,6,9,17,15,10,How many (s) do you have?,The farm is so _!,?,?,?,I have ,This is the map of the farm.,09:00,MacDonalds farm,Lets go and see.,Baa!,Neigh!,Moo!,Cluck!,Visiting Area (参观区),What are those?,Moo,Moo,The farm is so _!,: _! _!,: What are those?,: They are _.,Group work.,四人小组选择一种动物演一演。,cows,: Wow! They are _.,(tall, short, big, small, strong, fat, ),tall and strong,11:00,MacDonalds farm,Oh! Its 11:00. Lets go and feed the animals.,Feeding Area (喂养区),grass,class,Are they _?,Read and guess!(要猜对谜语才能赢得食物哦!),They are on the farm.,They are pink.,They are big and fat.,They like vegetables and fruits.,Riddle(谜语),Are they _?,Read and guess!(要猜对谜语才能赢得食物哦!),1. Read 4人一组,先读一读手中的谜语。,2. Guess 再用Are they _?猜一猜,Feeding Area (喂养区),grass,cows,grass,Cows,cows,Grass,grass,Lets act.,四人小组,用自己手中的食物喂动物,注意别喂错食物哦!,: I have _.,: OK! Lets feed the _. They like _.,: _, _. Come here. _ for you.,: Yummy, yummy. I like _. ( No, I dont like _.),Feeding Area (喂养区),Look! They are _. They are _. They like _. I can _. Its so fun!,milk the cows,ride the horses,shear the sheep,sheep,white and cute,carrots,Choose and say. (选一件有趣的事情说一说),feed the hens,What a _ farm!,shear the sheep,14:00,MacDonalds farm,Oh! Its 14:00. Lets go to the Comment Area.,comment area,Sarah,beautiful,Visiting Area,cows,tall and strong,milk the cows,beautiful,You,Tick and say. (在评论单上勾一勾,说一说),The farm is _.,I like _.,I see _.,They are _.,They like _.,I can _.,What a _ farm!,grass,Vegetables or Fruits,Farm animals,poo-poo,Ready?,Go!,The End!,Watch the video about poo-poo.,They are pigs. Plop, splat! They have soft(软软的) and brown poo-poo.,They are hens. Splish, plish! They have white and wet(湿湿的) poo-poo.,They are horses. Flump- plump! They have big and round(圆的) poo-poo.,They are rabbits. Rat-a-tat-tat! They have small, round(圆的) and bean like(豆子样的) poo-poo.,They are sheep. Plippety plop! They have brown, round(圆的) and ball-like(球形的) poo-poo.,They are cows. Kersplosh! They have wet(湿的) and brownish-green poo-poo.,Vegetables or Fruits,Farm animals,poo-poo,Green farm makes green life!,What a green farm!,Homework: Finish the comment. 完成你对Mr MacDonald农场的评论。 2. Introduce the Green Farm to your family or friends. 将绿色农场、绿色食品的概念介绍给自己身边的家人及朋友。 3. Read “The story of the little mole”是谁嗯嗯在我的头上 in Chinese.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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