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人教PEP版英语五年级上册期末专项训练:阅读理解(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、任务型阅读1 . 请根据短文将下列句子补充完整。It is Mikes birthday. He is ten years old now. Mum wants to make a birthday cake for Mike. Mike likes chocolate and he wants mum to make a chocolate cake. Mum bakes a very nice chocolate cake for Mike. And Mike puts some fresh strawberries on the cake. Mike likes the cake and shares it with mum and dad.【小题1】Today is _birthday.【小题2】Mike is _years old.【小题3】Mum wants to make a _for Mike.【小题4】Mike puts some fresh _on the cake.【小题5】Mike shares the cake with_.Doctors must learn all about our body. So they have to stay in their medical(医学的)schools for a very long time. And they learn a lot of things about our bodys system(系统). When we feel sick, we will go to see a doctor at once.Teachers also spend(花时间) a lot of time in learning how to teach others. There are teachers for each subject, for example, Chinese teachers, Maths teachers, English teachers and so on.Waiters are trained to take the orders(点菜) from customers(顾客) and bring the right food to them in time. They should control(控制) the plates in their hands. They are always busy during the mealtime. 2 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案1. Doctors must learn in medical schools. (_)A. different subjects B. all about our body C. how to serve guests2. When we feel sick, we can go to . (_)A. school B. a restaurant C. the hospital3. Teachers are trained a lot to learn how to others. (_)A. help B. teach C. play with4. The underlined word “trained” means . (_)A. taught the skills B. a kind of vehicle C. Both A and B.5. Waiters are very busy at . (_)A. night B. lunchtime C. mealtime3 . 阅读短文,回答问题1.What do doctors learn in medical schools? _.2. When you feel sick, what will you do?_.3. Do doctors stay in medical schools for a very long time?_.4. What do Chinese teachers learn before they teach?_.5. What do waiters do?_.阅读对话,给下列人物选择想要的食物。In a fast food restaurant(快餐店)Waiter: Can I help you?Dad: Yes, Id like some chicken and rice, please.Waiter: What would you like?Mum: Id like some noodles and vegetable.Waiter: Sorry, we dont have noodles today. Would you like some bread?Mum: OK. some bread, vegetables and soup, please.Dad: What would you like, Amy?Amy: Id like some beef, fish and juice.Waiter: OK.A. B. C. D. E. F.G. H.4 . Mum_5 . Dad_6 . Amy_阅读短文,完成下列各题。There are many holidays in China. New Years Day is in January. Spring Festival is usually in February, sometimes in January. Tree Planting Day is in March. Dragon Boat Festival is usually in June.There are also some holidays in western countries. Easter is in April. April Fools Day is also in this month. Fathers Day is in June.7 . 在日历表中圈出你在文中读到的月份。8 . 在节日后写出它们所在的月份。1.New Years Day(_)2.Easter(_)3.Dragon Boat Festival(_)4.Fathers Day (_)9 . 结合短文信息完成下列对话。John: Hi, Mike. 1._Mike: Spring.John: Why?Mike: 2._We have Tree Planting Day and Easter.John: When is Easter?Mike: 3._John: I like winter. Because we have winter holiday.Mike: 4._John: Its usually in January or February.Its in AprilWhen is winter holiday?Whats your favorite season?Because the weather is warm.阅读短文,判断句子Mr. Black is a teacher. He lives in the school. His house is near the school playground. The children often play football on the playground. Sometimes they break Mr. Blacks windows.One afternoon, Mrs. Black is at home. She is reading a book. Soon she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. At that time, a little boy knock at the door. Mrs. Black opens the door and asks, Do you break my window again?Oh, no, answers the boy. Your window is open this time. Our football is in your room. Can I get it back, please?10 . Mrs. Black is a teacher, too. (_)11 . Mr. Black lives in the school.(_)12 . The children never break Mr. Blacks windows.(_)13 . The little boy breaks the window again. (_)14 . The football is in Mr. Blacks room.(_)阅读材料Lily: Hi, Mike! Where do you want to go for your summer holiday?Mike: I want to go to China with my family.Lily: How will you get there from the USA?Mike: By plane, of course. What about you, Lily? Lily: I want to go to both Korea and China.Mike: How will you get there, then?Lily: I want to go to Korea from the USA by plane, and then go to China from Korea by ship. Mike: Wow, its a long trip!Lily: I think it will be very interesting!Mike: Maybe, well meet in China.Lily: Haha, I hope so!能力测试根据课文内容,补充下列句子,将正确的答案填写到横线上。15 . Mike wants to go to _ with my family.16 . Mike will get there by _.17 . Lily wants to go to both _ and _.18 . Lily wants to go to Korea from the USA by _.19 . Lily wants to go to China from Korea by _.20 . 阅读短文,完成表格Its Sunday today. Mike and his friends are talking about the things they could and couldnt do six years ago. Mike could read English books six years ago, but he couldnt sing English songs. What could Helen do? She could draw beautiful pictures and dance, but she couldnt play the piano. Now she can play the piano very well. What about Su Hai? Su Hai could fly the kite. Su Yang could fly it too. But Su Hai couldnt cook meals and Su Yang couldnt make the bed. What could you do? What couldnt you do? Can you tell us?NamesThings they could doThings they couldnt doMikeread English books1._Helen2._play the pianoSu Hai3._4._Su Yang5._6._阅读短文,判断正误。My father has nice sunglasses. Theyre five yuan. Theyre very cheap. My mother has a pretty scarf. I have an umbrella. Its 50 yuan. Its very expensive.21 . The sunglasses are very cheap.(_)22 . The scarf is my mothers.(_)23 . The umbrella is mine.(_)24 . The scarf is too expensive.(_)第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、任务型阅读1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、

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