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上海(牛津版)初中英语语言点及语法总结6A Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingLanguage PointsRemarks1 Family and friends1Family and relatives(P2)A family treeHow questionsWh-questionsAdverbs of frequency重点是How-questions 和 Wh-questions的运用2 I have a good friend(P9)Good friends Friends of the earthAdverbs of frequency and timePresent perfect tense重点是现在完成时态的概念理解和简单运用3 Spend a day out together(P16)Green islandWh-questionsPresent perfect tenseHow-questionsSimple future tense “going to”重点是现在完成时的运用以及一般将来时的特殊形式“going to”的运用2 Places and activities4. What would you like to be? (P26)Interviewing a doctorModal verb: would/would notWh-questionsConnective: because重点是情态动词would 的用法5 Open Day (P32)Open Day programmeOn Open DaySimple future tense “will”Adverbs of sequenceSimple past tensePrepositions:at,on, in重点是一般将来时和一般过去时的用法;难点在于几个介词的用法比较:at, on,in6 Going to school(P39)Travelling time to schoolSimons way to schoolHow questionsConnective: whenA few, some, a lot of重点是a few, some a lot of 等修饰数量的限定词的用用法7 Rules around us(P45)Rules and signsModal verb: must/must notimperatives重点是祈使句的用法及情态动词must的用法3 The natural world8 The food we eat(P55)Dinner menuWh-questionsPresent perfect tensePrepositions: in, at重点是现在完成时的基本用法和运用9 Picnics are fun (P62)Planning a picnicModal verbs: shall, would, may Connective: because重点是情态动词:shall, would may的用法10 Healthy eating(P69)Good diets and bad dietsA little, some, plenty of , a lot ofAdjectives to make comparisonsModal verb: should/should not重点是情态动词should 的用法II Lets make a pizza(P77)How to make a pizzaNoun phrasesAdverbs of sequencePrepositions: on, in, above, below重点是名词短语和几个介词on, in, above,below6B Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingLanguage PointsRemarks1 City life1 Great cities in Asia(P2)Great cities in Asia(P4)How questionsPreposition: byGerund: like/enjoy/love doingAdverbs to show position重点是几个接动名词做宾语的动词:like, enjoy, love2 At the airport(P8)A trip to Los Angeles(P8)Prepositions: in, forPresent perfect tense重点是现在完成时的用法3 Dragon Boat Festival(P14)Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival(P14)Modal verb: wouldPrepositions: with, withoutConnective: but重点是情态动词would的用法4 Staying healthy(P21)Indoor and outdoor activities(P21)Wh-questionsHow questionsConnective: becauseAdverbs of degree and frequency重点是几个程度副词(too much ,more, less, fewer)和频度副词(once ,twice _times)的运用2 Changes5 What will I be like?(P33)My possible future(P33)What will you be like?(P37)Adjectives to describe peopleSimple future tenseModal verb: have toAdverbs of sequence重点是情态动词have to 的用法6 Seasonal changes(P40)Uniforms for different seasons(P40)Modal verb: mustMany, not manyConnective: because重点是情态动词must 的用法7 Travelling in Garden City (P46)Travelling by bus(P46)Pronouns to show quantitiesAdjectives to make comparisonsSimple future tense重点是一些数量代词的用法(all of, most of, some of, none of)3 The natural world8 Windy weather(P57)The typhoon(P757)Connective: whenModal verbs: can, may, shouldAdverbs of manner重点是情态动词can, may, should的用法9 Sea water and rain water(P62)The oceans, rain and water(P62)Connective: if Preposition: by重点是连词if 的用法10 Forests and land(P70)Forests(P70)Preposition: fromAdjectives to describe objects重点是掌握描述物体的一些形容词II Controlling fire(P77)Taking about fire(P77)Modal verbs: may, mustThere bePrepositions : outside, near, on重点是情态动词may, must的用法;还有介词outside, near ,on 的 用法7A Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingLanguage PointsRemarks1. Relationships1.Relatives in Beijing (P2)Welcome to Beijing Adjectives to make comparisonsNouns and adverbs to show positionHow questionsPresent perfect tenseWh-questionsSimple future tense “be going to”2.Our animal friends(P10)Animals, our friends Wh-questionsHow questionsImperativesSimple present tenseConnective: if3.Friends from other countries (P27)Foreigners in Garden City Prepositions: near, far away fromWh-questionsPresent perfect tenseThere beModal verb: would like2. My neighbourhood4. Jobs people do (P.27)Peoples jobsDifferent people and different jobsWh-questionsYes/No questionsSimple present tenseSimple past tensePast continuous tense5. Choosing a new flat (P35)Thinking about a removalImperativesPrepositions of positionModal verbs: need6. Different places (p42)Kittys new flatThere beWh-questionsPresent continuous tenseConnectives: when, becausePronoun: itSimple present tense7. Signs around us (P48)Signs and rulesModal verbs: can, must(not)Wh-questionsThere be.Preposition: in on at3. Diet and health8. Growing healthy, growing strong (P59)To be a healthy childSo/NeitherConnective: ifModal verb: used toQuantifiers to describe amountsModal verb: shall, shouldConnective: ifSimple past tense9. International Food Festival (P67)Different foods of for the festivalWh-questionsHow questionsSimple past tenseImperativesSimple future tense(be going to )10. A birthday party (P75)Preparing for Bens birthday partySimple future tense “going to”Adverbs of sequenceModal verbs: would likeWh-questionsModal verb: shallII. My food project (P83)An interview at the frozen food factory Wh-questionsHow questionsModel verb: would like7B Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingLanguage PointsRemarks1. Garden City and its neighbours1.Writing a travel guideShanghai-an interesting cityWh-questionsModal verb: canConnective: ifThere be2. Going to see a filmChoosing a filmPrepositions: into alongSoneitherImperatives3. A visit to Garden CityRelatives and their jobsPrepositions: for, sincePresent perfect tenseWh-questionsSimple present tense4. Lets go shoppingGoing shoppingPrepositional phrases and adjectives to describe objectsSimple present tenseSimple future tense(be going to,will)2. Better future5. What can we learn from others?The happy farmer and his wifeConnective: althoughSimple past tense6. Hard work for a better lifeA poemThe grasshopper and the antAdjectives to describe eventsStart doingPresent continuous tense7. In the futureOur hopesSimple future tense “will”Agreement and disagreementThere will(not) be8. A more enjoyable school lifeMy ideal schoolModal verb: wouldReflexive pronouns to identify peopleModal verb: can3. The natural elements9. The wind is blowingMr wind and Mr sun Adjectives to make comparisons and describe peopleAdverbs of sequencePronouns to identify possessionWh-questionsSimple past tense10. Water FestivalPreparing for the Water FestivalConnective: whenImperativesPrepositions: near, atPresent perfect tenseII. ElectricityElectricity around usThe Airport ExpressWh- questionsHow- questionsConnective: when, but8A Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingGrammar pointsRemarks1. My life1. Penfriends A letter from a penfriendAsking Wh-questions and How questionsUsing a and anSimple present tenseSimple future tense(will)2. Work and playA day in the life ofWhizz-kid WendyThe simple present tenseAdverbs and adverbial phrases of frequencyImperatives3. Trouble!Dealing with troubleThe simple past tenseAdverbial phrases for the pastPast continuous tense2. Amazing things4. NumbersNumbers: everyones languageCardinal and ordinal numbersDecimals and fractionsInstructions and statements about numbersimperativesModal verb: should5. EncyclopaediasLook it up!Countable and uncountable nounsUsing another and otherSimple past tense3.Science fiction6. Nobody wins(I)Caught by GorkThe simple future tense(will)The simple future tense(be going to )Adverbs and adverbial phrases for the futureAsking questions using question tagsSimple past tenseThere be7. Nobody wins(II)Escaping from GorkPreposition of locationUsing some and anyUsing somebody, someone, something, etc.ExclamationsPrepositions: on, in, beside, under, above, next to ,in front of , behind, between8B Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingGrammar pointsRemarks1. Nature and environment1. TressPollution fightersThe present continuous tenseGerund:-ing2. WaterWater talkTalking about amountsPast continuous tense3. ElectricityA dangerous servantModal verbs: can, must, mayObject clauses(I)Passive voice2. Mass media4. NewspapersA new newspaperModal verbs: should, ought toObject clauses(II)Its great that5. Magazine articles Blind man and eyes in fire dramaUsing pronounsAdverbial clause(I)Connective: as soon as3. Leisure time 6. TravelFrance is callingUsing theUsing conjunctions: and, but, soPassive voice7. Poems1. My Dad at home and at work2. My schoolUsing who and whoseUsing mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirsUsing one and onesOn the building siteAt workFeel like doing9A Contents AbstractModuleUnitReadingGrammar pointsRemarks1. Myths, traditions and opinions1. Ancient GreeceThe night of the horseThe present perfect tenseImperatives2. Traditional skillsFishing with birdsPassive voice(I)Object sentences3. PetsHead to headPassive voice(II)Using adverbsSimple past tense2. Computers VS humans4. ComputersComputer factsComparison of adjectivesComparison of adverbsIt is +adjective+noun that5. The human brainMemory Adverbial clause(II)If sentences3. Fighting crime6. DetectivesProtecting the innocentUsing infinitivesWh-questions7. Escaping from kidnappersComic stripsUsing adjectivesBe+adiectives 7 / 7

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