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北师大版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(七)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . She _ to go shopping with his parents tomorrow.( )Ais goBgoingCis going2 . It will _ rainy in Beijing. ( )AisBhaveCbe3 . Would you like some ? ( )AtomatoBtomatoesCtomatos4 . I dont like pears.Me, neither.A我不喜欢吃梨子。但是我喜欢。B我不喜欢吃梨子。我也不喜欢。5 . I_thirsty,Mum.( )AisBareCam选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词6 . AageBaloneCacrossDabout7 . AeggBelephantCexerciseDeleven8 . AbikeBfinishCsometimesDfind9 . ApoliteBtogetherCclothesDcarrot10 . AJulyBsummerCrulerDJune11 . Christmas is the most important holiday in_. ( )AChinaBthe UKCHong KongDJapan12 . 选出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1.A.young B. old C. Chinese( )2.A.teacher B. strict C. funny( )3.A.maths B. like C. PE( )4.A.art B. kind C. young( )5.A.Mr. B. head C. Mrs.13 . There_ an egg on the table. ( )AamBisCare14 . Tom often _ to feed Coco. ( )AforgetBforgetsCforgetting15 . Please be _! Im working. ( )AquietBlateCclever16 . -Do you have grapes? ( )-Yes, I do.AsomeBanyCa选出与图意相符的句子,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。17 . ( )APut the bag on the box.BPut the bag in the box.CPut the book on the box.18 . ( )APut the pencil on the table.BPut the pencil in the desk.CPut the pencil on the desk.19 . ( )AThat is Jiamins desk.BIts Jiamins chair.CIt isnt Jiamins chair.20 . ( )AThis room is tidy.BThat room isnt tidy.CA lady is in the room.21 . ( )AThe book is on the desk.BThe book is under the table.CThe book is under the desk.22 . Do you agree _ me? ( )AwithBforCat二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Li Jia. I live in Beijing. I like doing different things in different seasons. In spring, it is warm and windy. I can fly kites when it is windy. Sometimes I go hiking(去远足)with my parents. Summer is sunny and hot. So I can go swimming every day. It make me healthy and strong. Autumn is a harvest season. I like it because I can eat delicious fruit in this season. Winter is cold and snowy. When it snows,everything is white. I can play with snow, make a snowman and skate(滑冰).So I like winter best.23 . How many seasons are there in a year? ( )A. Three B. Four C. Five.24 . Li Jia can fly kites when its_ ( )A. sunny B. snowy C. windy25 . Sometimes Li Jia and her parents go hiking in _ ( )A. Winter B. spring C. summer26 . Li Jia often _ in summer. ( )A. goes swimming B. goes on a picnic C. eats ice cream27 . Li Jia likes _best. ( )A. Spring B. Autumn C. winter三、完形填空完形填空。Im Jennifer. Listen! My mother is _ the piano. Shes a _ music teacher. Thats my father. He _ playing computer. Now hes on line. Im in _ room. Im _ a story-book. This book is very _ I like _ very much.28 . AlookingBreadingCplaying29 . AyoungBnewCold30 . AlikeBlikesCcan31 . AmyBhisCyour32 . AlookingBreadingCwatching33 . AinterestingBthickCthin34 . AtheyBit四、情景交际35 . 当你想问别人上周都做了些什么的时候,你会说:“ _ ” ( )AWhat are you doing last week?BWhat do you do last week?CWhat did you do last week?五、填空题36 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Whats_ (you) favourite song?2. There are many_ (bus) in the picture. 3. _ (have) your pen friend got a dragon kite?4. _ (not do) turn right here. 5. My father_ (want) to go to the UK. 6. He is_ (fly) to China now. 7. There are many_ (country) in Asia. 8. I like_ (write) stories in English. 9. Dont_ (talk) in class. 10. I_ (watch) a film with my parents yesterday.给下列方框里的单词分类,将其大写字母编号写在对应类别的横线上。AcoatBpurpleCelevenDsingEmusicFthirtyGcapH. learn I. science J. whiteK. blackL. artM. fiftyN. shirtO. takeP. understand Q. brown R. eighteen S. maths T. dress37 . 服装:_38 . 颜色:_39 . 数字:_40 . 动词:_41 . 学科:_六、排序题42 . 给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话_No, he isnt. Hes playing football._Is Jack running, too?_He is on the playground._No, he isnt. He is running._Is he skipping?_Where is Tim?43 . 仔细阅读以下句子,请按对话正确顺序,将A、B、C、D、E五个句子排序,其中首句已给出。Hey, Amy. What did you do last weekend?AOK! Lets go there by bus. Its faster than walking.BOh, Im sorry. I hope you feel better now.CI stayed in bed for two days. I had a bad cold.DThanks, Im fine. Now do you want to go to the bookstore with me?EI went boating and rode a horse. What about you?_七、阅读回答问题Read and judge阅读短文,判断句子正误,用或表示。Sally is my cousin. She is ten years old. She is little and thin. She likes reading, painting, and watching TV. She is good at Maths, English and Chinese. She doesnt like sport. She never plays ball games with us. She never does exercise in the morning or in the evening, so she is weak in PE. At the weekend, she often stays at home. Sally knows its not good for her. In the future, she wont read too many books, or watch too much TV. She will try to go to bed early and get up early. She will do morning exercise with us. She wont always stay at home at the weekend. She will go out and play ball games with us. So in the future, Sally will be tall and healthy.44 . Sally is small and thin now. (_)45 . Sally sometimes plays basketball. (_)46 . Sally doesnt do exercise in the morning. (_)47 . In the future, Sally will go to bed early. (_)48 . Sally wont read or watch TV. (_)49 . Sally wont stay at home at the weekend. (_)八、选内容补全对话选择正确的单词补全短文,将其写在横线上。Mike is a young man. Five years ago, he was a student. He 50 . (study, studied, studies) very hard. His school 51 . (is, were, was) old. It 52 . (had, has, have) only one small room. But now there 53 . (were, was, are) twenty 54 . (classrooms, classes room, classroom). Teachers 55 . (use, uses, used) chalks and blackboards when they 56 . (teach, taught, teaches) their students before. Now 57 . (they, them, their) have computers and TVs in each classroom. Mike 58 . (think, thinks, thought) the school 59 . (changes, change, changed) every day.九、匹配题60 . 选择正确的汉语意思。A.明信片B.向右转C.工厂工人D.做中国菜E.十字路口F.单词书G.乘渡轮H.邮局I.深呼吸J.向左转 K.学汉语L.乘船 M.连环画 N.数到十 O.去旅行【小题1】crossing (_)【小题2】by ferry (_)【小题3】cook Chinese food (_)【小题4】postcard (_)【小题5】comic book (_)【小题6】take a deep breath (_)【小题7】factory worker (_)【小题8】post office (_)【小题9】take a trip (_)【小题10】turn right (_)【小题11】count to ten (_)【小题12】word book (_)【小题13】turn left (_)【小题14】by ship (_)【小题15】studies Chinese (_)十、抄写题61 . 请朗读以下月份,并按其在一年中出现的先后顺序排列抄写。July August November February March Month List:十一、书面表达62 . 书面表达,以“My family”为题写一篇50个词左右的短文。要求条理清晰,字迹工整。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、情景交际1、五、填空题1、2、六、排序题1、2、七、阅读回答问题1、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、十、抄写题1、十一、书面表达1、

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