广州版六年级英语下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测试卷

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广州版六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _can he be healthy and strong?AHowBHow oftenCWhat找出下列单词中不同类的一项。2 . AsummerBwinterCwarm3 . AherBICthem4 . AAmericanBAustraliaCChina5 . AdancingBswimmingCsing6 . AmonthByearCwake7 . I went to the park. (改为一般将来时) ( )AIm going to the park.BI go to the park.8 . What are you to ? ( )Ago; buyingBgoing; buyingCgoing; buy9 . This is Mr. Jones. _ is a teacher. ( )ASheBHeCWe10 . What _you doing ? ( )AdoBisCare11 . We can learnabout the history of China.Aa lotBa lot ofClots of12 . -Will you go to Beijing by bus?-No, I _.AwillBwontCwould13 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_)1.A. your B. four C. colourApour(_)2.A. now B. arrow C. yellow(_)3.A. kite B. make C. desk(_)4.A. name B. bake C. man14 . 读一读,选择与划线部分相同类别的选项。(_) 1. We always go shopping on the weekend.A. breakfast B. sometimes C. sports(_) 2. I like Tree planting Day. I can plant trees.A. August B. December C. Christmas(_) 3. Autumn is cool. I can pick apples.A. clean my room B. morning exercises C. dancing class (_) 4. Winter vacation is in February.A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. May(_) 5. My favourite season is winter.A. spring B. April C. December15 . Helen _ some flowers for her mother tomorrow. ( )AbuysBboughtCis buyingDis going to buy二、阅读选择16 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. The stations are usually in cities. When you cant catch a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train. You can see many interesting things on your way. And the trains are fast too.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you dont need to reach a train station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.【小题1】Why do many people like to travel by plane? ( )ABecause it is fast.BBecause you can walk around in the plane.CBecause it is late.【小题2】Which is not the good thing about the train? ( )AIt is safe.BThe stations are usually in cities.CYou cant see interesting things on your way.【小题3】If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out? ( )AA bus.BA car.CA train.【小题4】We dont have to wait if we travel _. ( )Aby carBby planeCby train17 . 阅读短文 ,选择正确的答案。(5分)Wang Li has some backpacks. One is heavy. Its red. There is an English book in it. One is heavier. Its green. Some pencils are in it. There are many apples in the heaviest backpack. Its yellow. One day she lost her green backpack. She took a bus to the police station. The policeman found her backpack.( )(l)How many backpacks does Wang Li have?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.( )(2)What colour is the heavier backpack?A. Yellow.B. Green.C. Red.( )(3)Who found Wang Lis backpack?A. Policeman. B. Friend.C. Teacher.( )(4)Whats in the heaviest backpack?A. An English book. B. Some pencils. C. Many apples.( )(5)How did she go to the police station?A. By subway.B. By bus.C. By bike.三、完形填空18 . 完形填空。(10分)Mrs Brown(1)a shop. Its not big.(2)there are many things in it-eggs, milk, ice cream,bread, apples, oranges, school things (3) .The shop(4)from 8:00 a. m.(5)(9):00 p. m. . Mrs Brown is(6)kind old woman. (7) .many people go into the shop and(8)with some things in(9)hands. They like Mrs Brown and of-ten (10)things in Mrs Browns shop.四、填空题19 . 根据短文内容,将所给的词的恰当形式填入填在横线上。Today is Mothers Day. The children (1) _ (have) a party for their mothers. Lingling (2) _ (sing) a song. Amy (3) _ (dance) with the music. Fangfang (4) _ (play) the guitar. Their mothers are very happy. They (5) _ (clap).五、任务型阅读20 . 阅读短文,完成表格。The UKs life todayPeople in the UK like fast food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular-30% of people have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips!People in the UK dont do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week. 9% ride bikes and 8% play golf. Only 6% people play football.Films are very popular in the UK, and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every dayhalf an hour more than women.People in the UK love going on holidays. Most of these holidays arent in the UK-27% are in Spain, 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. I think this is because the weather is bad in the UK!_in the UK todayFood People in the UK like fastfood.More than half of people go to a _every month.Fishand chips are popular among 46% of the people.Sports People in the UK dont _a lot of sportsThey like swimming more than riding bikes, playing golf, playing football.TV and cinemaLots of people like to go to see_every month. Men watch TV more than women._People like to go to Spain, the USA and France to go on holiday because of the bad weatherin the UK.根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。The National Day is an important festival in China. Its on the first of October. On that day, we sing the national anthem (国歌)! People can have a seven-day holiday. We can go travelling with our family during the holiday. We can also have a rest at home. We can do what we want to do!21 . The National Day is on the first of October. (_)22 . On National Day we sing an English song. (_)23 . We can have a six-day holiday. (_)24 . We can visit Beijing on National Day. (_)25 . National Day means “中秋节” in Chinese. (_)六、汉译英短语26 . 暑假计划_27 . 谈论他们的暑假计划_28 . 回到伦敦_29 . 多久_30 . 呆在那儿_31 . 在那里呆一个月_32 . 拜访他们的阿姨和叔叔_33 . 乘飞机去北京_34 . 乘火车去那里_35 . 和我的家人去香港_七、英汉混合36 . 翻译下列句子1. What do you collect?_2. I collect markers._3.你有多少铅笔啊?_4.我有20支铅笔。_八、句型转换37 . 按要求完成下列句子。1I drank tea with my grandpalast weekend.(对画线部分提问)_you do last weekend?2Did John and Mike go to park last Monday?(作否定回答)_,_.3My sister usually reads a book on the weekend.(用last weekend改写句子)My sister _last weekend.4you,else,did,anything,do (?)(连词成句)_5want,the,to,I,new,buy,magazine,film (.)(连词成句)_九、填内容补全对话看图完成对话。A: 38 . will you go 39 . the winter holiday, Liu Tao?B: Ill go to Beijing 40 . my family.A: Will you go 41 . the Great Wall?B: Yes, we 42 . . Well go to Tiananmen Square too. What about 43 . , Su Hai?A: Ill go to London 44 . my parents.B: Thats wonderful. I want 45 . see the city too.A: Ill 46 . you some photos. And Ill 47 . some presents for you.B: Thank you.48 . 看图补全对话。【小题1】A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go to _.A: Will you _ Niagara Falls ?B:Yes, I _.【小题2】A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go to _.A:_you visit Buckingham _?B:Yes, I will.【小题3】A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go to _.A: Will you visit the _?B:Yes, I will.【小题4】A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go to _.A: Will you visit _?B:Yes, I will.十、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. What about you?B. How long will you have to work?C. Is there anybody to go with you?D. Do you like it?E. Wish you a good time.F. What are you going to do?G. We will go there together.A: The summer holidays will start next month. 49 . B: Id like to go swimming.A: Thatll be very interesting. 50 . B: Yes, Dad will go with me. He is very good at swimming. I need a teacher. I just started to learn it last year. 51 . A: I am going to help my father with his farm work. Its the busiest time of the year for him.B: 52 . A: Maybe three or four weeks. Then I can do some other things, like playing football or swimming.B: 53 . A: Thank you.十一、书面表达54 . 书面表达。愉快的暑假就要来到了,你想出去旅游吗?你想去哪些地方,哪些城市?请以“My summer holiday plans”为题,为自己制订一个旅游计划吧。My summer holiday plans_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、2、十、选内容补全对话1、十一、书面表达1、

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