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2019-2020年度陕旅版(三起)三年级上册期末测试英语试卷8C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We cant any cakes in the fridge. ( )AseeBseeingCsees选出不同类的一项。2 . AnewspaperBworkerCteacher3 . AyesterdayBholidayCtoday4 . Amobile phoneBtelephoneCnewspaper5 . AcouldBateCcan6 . AnewsBradioCTV按要求写单词。7 . tall(反义词)_8 . young(反义词)_9 . long(反义词)_10 . thick(反义词)_11 . beef(复数)_12 . tomato(复数)_13 . I(宾格)_14 . love(形容词)_15 . Good afternoon. ( )_AGood morning.BGoodbye.CGood afternoon.16 . Nian is a monster. He lives in the _. ( )AvillageBcityChills17 . It is _egg. ( )AaBanC/18 . -Hi, Im Aggie. ( )-.AHello, Colin.BNice to meet you.CHi! Im Toby.19 . It took us _ to climb to the top. ( )Afivety minutesBfifty minuteCfifty minutes20 . _( )-Fine, thanks.AMy name is Jack.BLets play.CHow old are you?DHow are you?21 . Once upon a time, there was _ old man. ( )AaBanCthe二、情景交际22 . 当你想询问别人最喜爱的食物是什么时,你应说: ( )AWhatsyourfood?BWhatsyourfavouritefood?23 . 你指着自己的照片说那时五岁,你可以说:( )AI am five now.BI was five then.24 . 你想现在画两只眼睛,你可以说:( )ANow draw two ears.BNow draw two eyes.25 . (题文)你想把LiYan介绍给你的朋友Lisa,你要说:( )ALiYan,thisismyfriendLisa.BLisa,thisismyfriendLi Yan.26 . 朋友的钢笔不见了,你问是不是在书里面,你应该说:( )AIs it in your bag?BIs it in your book?CIs it in your pencil box?27 . 询问别人的英语老师长的怎么样时”,你应该说:_AWhats your English teacher like?BWho is your English teacher?CDo you like your English teacher?28 . 你送鲜花给老师,老师会对你说:_ ( )AThank you.BYou are welcome.29 . 当你想知道同学有几把尺子时,你应该这样问:_ ( )AHow many pens?BHow many rulers?30 . 开学第一天,当你和好朋友见面打招呼时,你会说_.( )AVery good.BHello!31 . 你想问农民伯伯远处的那些是不是母鸡,你应说:( )AAre these hens?BAre those hens?三、匹配题32 . 依据句子选择正确的答语A. No, I cant. B. Peter can. C. Im from China.D. Yes, she can. E. Pleased to meet you, too.A. No, I cant. B. Peter can. C. Im from China.D. Yes, she can. E. Pleased to meet you, too.(_) 1. Where are you from?(_) 2. Can you write to her?(_) 3. Who can speak English?(_) 4. Pleased to meet you.(_) 5. Can Jingjing speak Chinese?四、字母题根据图片把字母的大小写补充完整。33 . _Nn34 . _ Ii_35 . _Gg五、连词成句连词成句。36 . the meals Sarah cook can (.)_37 . us about school your tell old (.)_38 . are There balloons many (.)_39 . isnt No it (.)_40 . this what is (?)_六、其他按要求完成下列各题41 . what, is, favourite, fruit, your(?) (连词成句)_42 . Shed like a cup of tea.(改为一般疑问句) _she _a cup of tea?43 . 你愿意和我一起去外面吗?(汉翻英)_44 . do , we, you , the , can, housework, help(.)(连词成句) _45 . I go roller skating once a month.(就划线部分提问)_do you go roller skating?第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、三、匹配题1、四、字母题1、五、连词成句1、六、其他1、

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