苏教译林版三年级上册Unit 6《Colours》ppt课件

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中小学课件站,Lets sing, 中小学课件站,Lets sing, 中小学课件站, 中小学课件站, 中小学课件站,Unit6,colours,Jin Gang Primary School Miss Guan, 中小学课件站,Brain Storm,说出与我所说同类的词,不能重复喔!,I say , you say, 中小学课件站,my ,Brain Storm, 中小学课件站,Look at my .,Brain Storm, 中小学课件站,red, red,Its red.,red, red,I like red.,Say a chant, 中小学课件站,Look at my .,Brain Storm, 中小学课件站,a yellow _, 中小学课件站,Practice,A: What colour is it ?,B: Its ., 中小学课件站,magic 魔术;神奇的,Colours magic show 颜色魔术表演, 中小学课件站,现在什么颜色?,你需要反复说咒语, 魔术才会成功哦!,咒语:What colour is it now ?,咒语:What colour is it now ?,咒语:What colour is it now ?, 中小学课件站,Magic show,A: What colour is it ?,B: Its .,now,tree,sweet,bee,green, 中小学课件站,B: Its ,Pair work,A: What colour is it now ?,and, 中小学课件站,Look and choose 看图片,选择,Look at Yang Lings .,A. T-shirt B. skirt C. jacket, 中小学课件站,Listen and circle 听录音,圈颜色, 中小学课件站,orange,Its orange.,Its an orange.,Its an orange,orange,_, 中小学课件站,Its an orange _ . I can see an orange _ . This is an orange _ . Look at the orange _ ., 中小学课件站,Listen and circle 听录音,圈颜色, 中小学课件站,Its yellow.,Its green.,Its orange.,Its red.,Its red and yellow., 中小学课件站,( ) Its red and yellow.,( ) Its green.,( ) Its orange.,Watch and oder 看卡通,标序号, 中小学课件站,( ) Its red and yellow.,( ) Its green.,( ) Its orange.,3,2,1,Watch and order 看卡通,标序号, 中小学课件站,What colour is my skirt now?,Its orange.,Its red and yellow.,What colour is it now?,Its green.,Try to read 根据所学内容以及标识,试读句子,表重读,表升调,表降调, 中小学课件站,Look at my skirt.,Look and match 观察图意,搭配,Look at my skirt.,What colour is my skirt now?,Its orange.,Its green.,What colour is it now?,Its red and yellow., 中小学课件站,Unit 6 Colours,Tip:注意模仿语音语调,并加上动作表演哦!,Dang dang!,Dang dang!,Listen, read and imitate 听录音,跟读课文,模仿语音语调, 中小学课件站,四人一小组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after one. (跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),(P38P39页),Happy reading, 中小学课件站,Good memory1,Look at her(她的) Its .,What colour is it? ,What colour ? , 中小学课件站, 中小学课件站,Good memory2,A: Look at her(她的) _.(skirt/ dress),What colour is it?,B: Its _.(red/ yellow),A:What colour is it _?(how/ now),B: Its _.(red/ yellow), 中小学课件站,Homework:,1. 抄写4个单词。,2. 听录音模仿跟读短文。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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