上海教育版英语三年级上册Unit 4《My friends》(第2课时)ppt课件

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上海教育版英语三年级上册Unit 4《My friends》(第2课时)ppt课件_第1页
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上海教育版英语三年级上册Unit 4《My friends》(第2课时)ppt课件_第3页
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,Unit 4 My friends,Module 2 My family, my friends and me,Period 3,本课件动画视频需安装swiff point player播放器才能正常播放,3,We are friends .,4,Animals are our friends.,6,How many animals ?,What animal is it ? Its _ .,climb,swim,sing,What is this ? Its a _ . What can it do ? It can _ .,walk,jump,run,What is this ? Its a _ . What can it do ? It can _ .,Story time,Picture Stories,P I C T U R,Picture Stories,12,title,writer,Taro Gomi (五味太郎) The famous Japanese painting writer,著名日本绘本作家。1945年出生于东京。30岁开始绘本创作,于短短20多年间,就拥有230多本图画书作品,堪称世界儿童图画 书界的创举。他的作品和日常生活息息相关,描写出有趣画面,充满了趣味和幽默感。主要作品:我的朋友、我是大象、兔子先生去散步、春天来了、巴士到站了等等。,1.Who are my friends ?,I learned to walk from my friend the cat .,16,I learned to jump from my friend the dog .,17,I learned to climb from my friend the monkey.,18,I learned to run from my friend the horse.,19,I learned to sing from my friend the bird.,20,I learned to read from my friends the books.,21,I learned to study from my friends the teachers.,22,I learned to play from my friends at school.,23,And I learned to love from a friend like you.,24,1.Who are my friends ?,2.What did I learn from my friends ?,27,I learned to walk from my friend the cat .,learned to walk,I learned to walk .,I learned to walk from my friend .,I learned to walk from my friend the cat .,walk,29,I learned to jump from my friend the dog .,learned to jump,I learned to jump .,I learned to jump from my friend .,I learned to jump from my friend the dog.,jump,31,I learned to climb from my friend the monkey.,learned to climb,I learned to climb .,I learned to climb from my friend .,I learned to climb from my friend the monkey.,climb,33,I learned to run from my friend the horse.,learned to run,I learned to run .,I learned to run from my friend .,I learned to run from my friend the horse.,run,35,I learned to sing from my friend the bird.,learned to sing,I learned to sing .,I learned to sing from my friend .,I learned to sing from my friend the bird.,sing,37,I learned to read from my friends the books.,learned to read,I learned to read .,I learned to read from my friend .,I learned to read from my friends the books.,read,39,I learned to study from my friends the teachers.,learned to study,I learned to study .,I learned to study from my friend .,I learned to study from my friends the teachers .,study,41,I learned to play from my friends at school.,learned to play,I learned to play .,I learned to play from my friend .,I learned to play from my friend at school.,play,43,And I learned to love from a friends like you.,learned to love,I learned to love .,I learned to love from a friend .,I learned to love from a friend like you.,love,walk,I learned to walk from my friend the cat.,Play a game,3.Read the story together,I learned to walk from my friend the cat .,I learned to _ from my friend the_.,I _ from my friend the _ .,I _ from _the_.,I _ from _.,I _ _.,I _ from _.,I _ from _at school.,I _ _ like you.,50,swim,I learned to _ from my friend the_.,51,dance,I learned to _ from my friend the_.,Continue the story,52,1.Read the story,Homework,2. Continue the story as you can.,53,Thank you!,福田区益田小学 叶少华,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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