人教PEP版英语四年级上册Unit 3《My friends》(第5课时)ppt课件

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,Guessing game,有部分课件由于控制文件大小,内容不完整,请联系购买完整版,Tall or short ?,She is short .,Strong or thin?,He is thin .,Boy or girl?,He is a boy .,He has .,glasses,What has a tongue but cannot talk? 什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?,Riddle (谜语),shoes,Whats his name?,His name is .,Xiao Shen yang,He has,Whats her name ?,Her name is .,Mei Yangyang,She has .,Whats his name?,His name is .,Guang Touqiang,He has,Read the dialogue,27,1.Mikes good friend is a .(boy/girl) 2.Mikes good friend glasses.(have/has) 3.His shoes blue.(is/are) 4.Mikes good friend is .(Zhang Peng/Wu Yifan),Read the text and answer the questions.,boy,has,are,Wu Yifan,Introduce your friends,介绍你的朋友,She is She has Her shoes are Her bag is,short and thin .,two small eyes and a small mouth .,red .,red ,too .,He is He has His shoes are His bag is,tall and strong .,two small eyes and two big ears .,yellow .,blue .,big eyes,Friends A little faith brightens a rainy day 小小的信念 照亮那下雨天 Life is difficult you cant go away 生命难困苦、你总不能逃避 Dont hide yourselves in the corner 不要于躲角落 You have my place to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠 Sorrow is gonna say goodbye 忧伤终会跟你说再见 Opens up Youll see the happy sunshine 张开眼睛 你会看见快乐的阳光 Keep going on with your dream 继续追寻梦想 Chasing tomorrows sunrise 向着明天的太阳追赶 The spirit can never die 不会逝去的、是信念与理想 Sun will shine, my friend 好朋友、太阳会闪耀 Wont let you cry, my dear 谁都不会令你流泪 Seeing you shed a tear Make my world disappear 你的一滴眼泪 都会让我的世界灰暗 Youll never be alone in darkness 在黑暗中、你永不会孤独 See my smile, my friend 好朋友、看我的笑颜 We are with you, holding hands 手牵手、我们和你一起走 you have got to believe, you are my destiny 在我宁静的心灵、你是我的信念与目标 Were meant to be your friends 我们永远都会在一起 Thats what a friendship be 因为我们是朋友,Please treasure your friendship! 请珍惜你的友谊!,Lets summary.(总结) What have you learnt today? 你今天学到了什么?,Homework: 1.Describe your friends or your classmates and so on. 2.Listen and read the dialogue.,Goodbye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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