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人教版(PEP)一年级下册Module3单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AisBwasCwere2 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AinBonCan3 . 给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译( ) (1) grandma A.爷爷 B.奶奶( ) (2) swim A.游泳 B.跑步( ) (3) twelve A.十一 B.十二( ) (4) here A.这里 B.那里( ) (5) big A.大的 B.小的读一读,选择与划线单词相同类别的选项。4 . I have a book.( )AblueBrulerCwhite5 . I see brown.( )AblackBmumChand6 . This is my body.( )AheadBbagCred7 . Show me your eraser. ( )AorangeBbrownCcrayon8 . Colour it blue.( )AmorningBgreenCbye9 . Two years ago he _ five, and now he is _.( )Awas; sevenBwere; sevenCwas; three10 . The students are so _ about the _ basketball match. ( )Aexciting; excitedlyBexcited; excitingCexcited; excitedly11 . 选出不同类的单词: ( )AboredBhappyCabout12 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AyellowBpurpleCit13 . _ is the cat? ( )Its on the desk.AWhatBWhereCHow14 . Those flowers are for _. ( )Ayou and IByou and weCyou and me15 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AbeBwentCsaid【小题2】AwasBwereCare【小题3】AmeBsheChim【小题4】AwroteBmetCsay16 . 选出每组中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. weather B. rainy C. snowy(_)2. A. math B. English C. have(_)3. A. blue B. today C. yellow(_)4. A. wash B. desk C. chair(_)5. A. on B. under C. am17 . Theyre going to sing, dance, and _ stories. ( )AtellBtalkCsay18 . Amy likes _ in the sea. ( )AswimingBswimsCswimming19 . Are these his _?( )AdressBshoesCsweater20 . _ are you? ( ) Im twelve. AWhereBHow oldCHow二、情景交际21 . 做游戏时,你想让同桌闭上眼睛,你应该说:_( )AClose your eyes.BOpen your mouth.22 . 你的朋友的宠物狗丢了,你知道后该怎么办? ( )AHelphertolookforherdog.BTakehertotheKFC.C. Tellherthatherdogisasilly(愚的)one.23 . 情景交际。如果你想知道我想要多少苹果,你应该说:_24 . 电脑在讲台上,你可以向朋友这样介绍:_ ( )AThe computer is on the teachers desk.BThe computer is near the teachers desk.CThe computer is in the teachers desk.三、单词拼写25 . Look and write:g_26 . 翻译下列单词1.肩膀_2.膝盖_3.手指_4.脚_5.身体_单词拼写27 . 发明家_28 . 画家_29 . 科学家_30 . 诗人_31 . 作家_按要求写单词。32 . can (否定形式)_33 . to (同音词)_34 . happy (反义词)_35 . her (人称代词主格)_36 . let us (缩写)_根据本课Unit 1 Big or Small的语音,把单词补充完整。37 . _appy38 . _ello39 . s_d40 . _nimal41 . bi_42 . _ood43 . _all44 . _able补全单词45 . h_d(手)46 . in_ct(昆虫)47 . go_(山羊)48 . ele_ant(大象)49 . f_e(火)根据首字母提示, 补全句子。50 . Do you often c_ your room?51 . I n_ play football. I dont like it.52 . Collecting dolls is my h_.53 . The snake can use its b_ to dance.54 . Dont talk in the classroom. Please be q_.四、英译汉55 . 翻译How many seasons are there in a year?_How many weeks are there in a month?_I like winter._I like the white snow._56 . 小小翻译家。(将正确的翻译写在横线上):And the other cats?_.五、汉译英按要求写句子57 . 我有一些奶奶的旧照片I have some old photos _ .58 . 他昨天在商店遇到一位他母亲的老朋友He met an _ of his _ in a shop yesterday.59 . 她是我的一个同学She is a classmate _.60 . There isnt a Japanese in the room.(变复数句)There _ in the room.61 . Is there a woman teacher in the classroom?(变复数句)_ there _ in the classroom?六、改错62 . 找出错误的一项,并改正:Look on the birds over there. (_)_A B C下列句子中均有一处错误,请选出来并改正63 . We washungryand thirsty. (_)_A B C64 . We sawlots ofmountain. (_)_A B C65 . Do you wash your clothes last night? (_)_A B C66 . Did you tookToms football?(_)_A B C67 . She playedaflute. (_)_A B C68 . 找出句中的错误并在横线上改正:We are not at school last week. (_)_A B C69 . 找出下列句子中的错误,在错误处画线,并在后面的横线上改正:These book are for our class. _70 . Read and correct the wrong word:Whatdo you love kangaroos?(_) _A B C七、匹配题71 . 看图选择正确的答句。1. Wheres the cat? ( )A. Its in the box.B. Its in the desk.2. Wheres the panda? ( )A. Its on the desk.B. Its under the desk.3. Wheres the hat? ( )A. Its in the desk.B. Its on the desk.4. Wheres the pen? ( )A. Its in the book.B. Its on the book.5. Wheres the bag? ( )A. Its on the desk.B. Its under the desk.6. Wheres the dog? ( )A. Its in the hat.B. Its under the hat.7. Wheres the book? ( )A. Its in the desk.B. Its on the desk.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、6、7、四、英译汉1、2、五、汉译英1、六、改错1、2、3、4、5、七、匹配题1、


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