外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 They were young 练习卷

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外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 They were young 练习卷_第1页
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外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 They were young 练习卷_第3页
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外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 They were young 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题单词释义。1 . 感到 ( )AwellBfeelCfunny2 . 呼吸 ( )AslowBhelmetCbreath3 . 害怕 ( )AafraidBworriedCshare4 . 打字 ( )AuseBtypeCwear5 . 主意 ( )AideaBattentionChurt6 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AdollBcryCtoy7 . -_ you wash the clothes, Susan?( )- Yes, I can.ADoBAreCCan8 . Its a bad monkey. ( )AB9 . Its a big butterfly. ( )AB10 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AwereBwerentCwasnt11 . Toms grandpa _ goes shopping by bike because he cant ride a bike. ( )AoftenBusuallyCneverDsometimes12 . Does the elephant like _?( )No, it doesnt.AriceBbananas13 . Jack, _ to be here at 8 oclock. ( )Ais sureBis sure thatCwill be sureDbe sure14 . His shorts _black.( )AisBareChave二、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空15 . There_(be) a lot of honey in the bottle this morning.16 . It_(be) sunny yesterday. We_(go) to Mochou Lake Park.17 . Mike and his friends_(fly) kites very high. They were very happy.18 . Jim_(not go) to school yesterday. Because he_(be) ill.19 . It is_(rain) now. Take an umbrella with you.20 . Was it_(rain) yesterday?21 . Liu Tao_(visit) his grandparents last New Years Day.22 . There are twelve months in a year. The_(twelve) month is December.23 . 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.She _(do not)like dolls .2.Listen, Maggie_(sing) in the music room.3.What _ (be) in the basket?There _ (be) some apples and some _ (juice).4.Three boys_their homework in the evening. They _their homework at night last weekend. (do)5.Its _(cold) in Harbin than in Guangzhou.24 . Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线一词)1. What_(do) you have?I have some_(dress).2. Its _(Sam) camera._(he) camera is new.3. How many_(aviary)?There is one_(aviary).4. Where_(be) you? Where_(be) your sister?5. What_(be) it? What_(be) they?25 . 选词填空。seasons days weeks months didnt werent lived Where What Who1.There are seven _in a week.2.There are fifty-two _ in a year.3.There are twelve _ in a year. 4.There are four _ in a year.5.Many years ago, there _ any buses or cars.6.Tim _ in a small house. 7.He _ have enough food.8._ are they? They are my friends.9._ did you do? I played football.10._ did you go? I went to the supermarket.26 . 用wasnt或 werent填空。1. Her hair _ long then.2. My grandparents _ old then.3. I _ fat then.4. We _ tall then.5. He _ thin then.27 . Read and write.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Henry, help me _ (carry) these books.2. You neednt make the cake for me. Just make one for _ (you).3. Cindy _ (lose) her dog this morning. She. _ (be) busy now, so she _ (go) to the police office and ask for help in ten minutes.4. Why _ (be) you late this morning? Youre always on time.5. Oh, this bell isnt _ (my).三、阅读回答问题阅读短文回答问题。Hi, Im Jerry. I have a very cute dog. Its name is Lucky. Its white and black. Its two years old now. It was small and thin then. Now its big and fat. It can help me open the door. I love it very much.28 . Whats the name of the dog?_29 . What colour is the dog?_30 . How old is the dog?_31 . Is the dog small and thin now?_32 . Does Jerry like the dog?_四、英译汉33 . 英译汉:They werent old then. They were young._34 . 翻译。1.在书里 _2. 在农场_3.on the floor_4.Its over there._5. beside the door_6. Wheres my lunch box?_35 . 英译汉:That T-shirt was dirty. But it is clean now._36 . 英译汉:She was short then, but she is tall now._五、句型转换37 . 按要求改写句子。【小题1】It will be cloudy in London (改为否定句)_【小题2】Mike likes morning exercises.(改为否定句)_【小题3】Do you like rice?(做肯定回答)_【小题4】Will you take your kite on Saturday? (肯定回答)_【小题5】They were old then. (改为否定句)_38 . He is very tall.(用then改写句子)_39 . They were my grandparents.(改为一般疑问句)_40 . That little girl is Linda.(对划线部分提问)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、阅读回答问题1、四、英译汉1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、2、3、4、

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