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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -_that? ( )-Its a book.AWhatsBWhoCWhat2 . 选出与图相符的单词( )AfloorBstudentCfarmer3 . Its tail is .( )AlongBshortCtall选出每组中不属于同一类的词。4 . AhourBminuteCtime5 . AboughtBdroppedCcome6 . AoldByoungChappily7 . AriverBplaneCtrain8 . AchocolateBcheeseCmountainRead and choose.选出每组中与提示词同类的选项。9 . worker ( )AcookBstudyCsee10 . news ( )AbetweenBsitCreporter11 . cold ( )AstopBsnowyCgo12 . first( )AthirdBtwoCfive13 . go ( )AworkerBcinemaCstop14 . They aretheir song and dance. ( )ApractisingBpractisedCpractise15 . - is the box?-Blue.AWhatBWhat colourCHow many16 . What are these? ( )_ are my old shoes.AThisBThatCThey17 . 情景选择。( )(1)当你的你家来了一个客人,你想问你的妈妈,他是谁的时候,你会说:A.What is it ?B.Where is it ?C.Who is he?( )(2)当你的朋友问你,女孩是谁的时候,你会说:A.She is a teacher.B.He is Jack.C.She is Kate.( )(3)当你的爸爸问你正在做什么,你会说:A.I am going my homework.B.I am a student.C.I want to go shopping.( )(4)在语文课上,老师问你会写刚学过的词组吗,你该说:A. You can write them.B. I can draw them.C. I can write them.( )(5)当你看到你的妈妈一个人打扫房间很累,你该说:A.I can help you.B.Are you busy?C.What can I do for you ?二、阅读选择阅读理解。A BoysDreamIt was 1957. A boy named Franklin Chang-Diaz stared at the night sky. He was trying to see a satellite named Sputnik. Franklin marveled at the satellite. It was amazing to him. Later, he had a dream. He longed to fly in space. He wanted to be an astronaut.When Franklin grew up, he left his homeland so that he could study science in the United States At first, Franklin was bewildered by life in the United States. But he studied hard and became a top student. In 1980, the United States space program picked him to become an astronaut! Franklin worked hard to become an astronaut. Six years later, his dream finally came true.18 . The boys name is . ( )A. Sputnik B. FranklinChang-Diaz C. UnitedStates19 . wasamazingtohim. ( )A. Satellite B. Sputnik C. Space20 . FranklinwasbylifeintheUnitedStates at first. ( )A. happy B. sad C. bewildered21 . Helefthishomelandsothathe . ( )A. couldstudyscienceintheUnitedStatesB. could becamea topstudentC. could grow up22 . Hisdreamfinallycametrue in . ( )A. 1957 B. 1986 C. 1980三、情景交际23 . 迈克想把他的爸爸介绍给你认识时,他会说:( )AThis is my dad.BThis is your dad.四、填空题选出正确答案补全句子。24 . He_ (plays / played ) football every day.25 . Where _ (do / does) your grandma live?26 . I _ (painted / paint) the pictures yesterday.27 . Yesterday it_ (were / was) raining.28 . He _ (get / gets ) up at six oclock every morning.写出下列单词的过去式。29 . make_30 . cook_31 . fix _32 . want_33 . get_34 . are _根据提示将下列单词分类,并将单词写在横线上。pear orange bear body panda catfifteen twenty hand twelve apple ear35 . _36 . _37 . _38 . _五、单词拼写39 . 根据首字母提示补全单词。1. Take the medicine on time and d _ some water.2. There is a r_ near the village.3. Im going to t _ around China.4. Some p _ are doing taijiquan under the tree.5. E_ is very happy.根据汉语提示填入所缺的词。40 . Heres a _ (礼物) for you, mum.41 . Oh, what a _ (意想不到)!42 . I can _ (听见) the violin.43 . Dad, its a _ (特别的) day.44 . Im writing a _ (短信) to my father.六、汉译英45 . 根据中文补全句子。1. 我怎样到达书店?_ do I _ the bookshop?2. 沿着这条街。Go _ this street.3. 在交通灯处向右转。Turn _ the traffic lights.4. 在公园车站下公交车。Get _ the bus _ Park Station5. 你可以在你的左边看见动物园。You can _ the zoo _ your _.七、判断题46 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)This is Monas bedroom. In the room we can see a map. It is a map of China. Books are on the desk. There is a clock on the desk,too. The skirt is on the bed. Her shoes are under the chair. Everything is tidy. Her room is not big. Its very nice. Mona likes it very much.Mona doesnt have a map in her room.We can see her books on the desk.We cant see her shoes.The room is big.She likes her room very much.八、填内容补全对话47 . 给下列问句补全相应的应答语W: _?M: She goes by bus.九、看图题48 . 根据图片和首字母提示补全单词。1. Teachers Day is in S_. 2. I like the cloud and the r_. 3. We can play with s_ in December. 4. Look at the w_. Its cold. 5. This is a race. The girl is the s_. 十、音标题49 . 选择划线字母发音不同的一项。(_)1.A.yearB. pearC. nearD. dear(_)2.A.armB. warmC. parkD. party(_)3.A.hereB. wearC. earD. near(_)4.A.e-bookB. cleverC. penD. weather(_)5.A.wantedB. cookedC. workedD. jumped(_)6.A.kiteB. filmC. giveD. this(_)7.A.climbedB. talkedC. pickedD. worked(_)8.A.herB. brotherC. doctorD. worker十一、抄写题抄写。50 . How do you come to school?51 . Usually, I come on foot.52 . Sometimes I come by bus.53 . I usually walk.54 . Thats good exercise.十二、书面表达55 . 书面表达以“My friend”为题用所学的句型介绍一下你的朋友,介绍他的外貌、他有什么?他会做什么?(不少于6句话) _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、四、填空题1、2、3、五、单词拼写1、2、六、汉译英1、七、判断题1、八、填内容补全对话1、九、看图题1、十、音标题1、十一、抄写题1、十二、书面表达1、

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