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人教版(PEP)一年级下册Module6单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I usually _ in the afternoon. ( )Aplay sportsBplaying sportsCplay sport2 . I like . It is . ( )Awinter; hotBsummer; coolCspring; warm3 . Ill meet at the school gate.( )AtheyBthemCtheir4 . Its a month. Its the first month of the year. ( )ADecember.BJanuary.CMarch.5 . 为句子中的划线部分选择正确的汉语意思。【小题1】grandpaA爷爷B妈妈【小题2】heA他B老师【小题3】inA在的旁边B在的里面【小题4】catA老鼠B猫【小题5】doctorA司机B医生6 . he watching TV now? ( )AIsBAreCAm7 . My jacket is green. ( )AB8 . If you dont know, you can _ on the Internet. ( )Alook for itBlook at itClook it up9 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_) 1. A.capitalB.sunC.moonAstar(_) 2. A.redB.orangeC.colour(_) 3. A.sisterB.friendC.brother(_) 4. A.blackboardB.becameC.said(_) 5. A.excitedB.tiredC.noise10 . Dont _ the window. Its cold (冷) in the library. ( )AopenBcloseCrun11 . 根据课文内容回想一下,只填序号【小题1】当你想表达自己不知道时,应说:( )AGood idea!BI dont know!【小题2】当你想让对方触摸自己的鼻子时,应说:( )ATouch your nose.BTouch your mouth.【小题3】你想知道他们是什么时,应说:( )AWhere are they?BWhat are they?【小题4】当你想和对方一起去动物园时,应说:( )ALets go to school!BLets go to the zoo!12 . _ he_ the letter?Not yet.AHas; readBHas; readedCHave; readDHave; readed13 . Lets putour clothes! ( )AinBonCat二、英译汉14 . shirt ( )A鞋子B衬衫15 . 翻译句子:What are they doing?_16 . 英译汉:Youre going to the wrong way._三、汉译英17 . 汉译英。1. 汉堡包_ 2. 玉米片_3. 饥饿的_ 4. 爆米花_5. 早餐_ 6. 吐司_7. 面包_ 8. 不好的_根据中文意思,完成句子。18 . 汤姆会打篮球。Tom _ basketball.19 . 我一点也不会跳舞I cant _。20 . 你唱歌唱得好吗?Can you _?21 . 她在海边卖贝壳。She _ at the seashore.22 . 我认为我会做得很好。_ I can do that well.四、改错23 . 选出错误的一项并改正:These ismy shorts. (_)_A B24 . 找出下列句子中的错误。1. What colour are it ? (_)A B2. How manypet are there ? (_)A B3. Have you get a pet ? (_)A B4. Pits fishare purple and red. (_)A B5. Kitty have got three cats. (_)A B25 . Choose and correc:Dont walkson the grass. (_)_A B C26 . 找出错误并改正:These is my eyes. _五、抄写题27 . 在四线三格中正确抄写下列单词short tall cute go horse 六、连词成句28 . 连词成句。(1)am / I / Li Lin (.)_(2)I / am / yes(, .)_(3)Sam/ Im/ hello (,.)_(4)Su Yang/ you/ are (?)_(5)am/ I/not/ Mary (.)_29 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. I, to,everyday,go,school (. )_2. hamburgers,I,and, like,hot dogs (. )_3. I, rabbit, have, a (. )_4. at, my, look, elephant (. )_5. like, some, I, cake (. )_30 . 连词成句1. get, I, to, can. how, train, station, the (?)_2. take, bus, taxi, can, you, a, a (.)_3. is, away, far, it (.)_4. I, can, take, which, bus (?)_5. how, I, get, to, cinema, can, the (?) _31 . 连词成句。1.Robin, house, his, is, at (.)_2.the, many, are, buildings, There, in, city (.)_3.any, trees, there, Are, in, village, the (?)_4.there, a, forest, lake, Is, in, the (?)_5.are, three, lake, the, ducks, There, on (.)_七、连线题32 . Look and match.把图片与对应的单词连线。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. chair b. boat c. cap d. ball e. car第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、英译汉1、2、3、三、汉译英1、2、四、改错1、2、3、4、五、抄写题1、六、连词成句1、2、3、4、七、连线题1、

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