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第二课时 Children sconcertWelcome welcometoourschool Theheadmasterwelcomesyou Theteacherswelcomeyou Andthestudentswelcomeyou too Let ssing threeamimals 1 2 3 first second third 在句中 序数词前一般要带定冠词the 但序数词前面有了物主代词如my her his等 就不能再用定冠词the Fighttotheend让我们一起闯七关 争当 优秀校园小向导 Round1说一说 做一做 Thisisabeautifulschool Let sgotoschoolanddosomethingintheschool garden Gotothegarden Watertheflowers library Gotothelibrary Readabook teachers office Gototheteachers office Sayhello play Gototheplayground Playfootball ground playground garden library teachers office Lookandsay 看图 快速说单词 Gotothegarden Watertheflowers Gotothelibrary Readabook Gototheteachers office Sayhello Gototheplayground Playfootball 边说边演 Round2考眼力 What smissing It sonthefirstfloor secondfloor library teachers office garden Where sthelibrary playground Round3比一比谁的知识多 Whatsubjectsdoyoulike computermusicart computerroom musicroom artroom 你还知道其他校园场所吗 classroombuilding教学楼dinningroom餐厅Gatehouse传达室 门房meetingroom会议室men sroom男厕所women sroom女厕所 Round4交际小能手 Where sthel It son Thelibraryisonthefirstfloor thelibraryonthefirstfloor second first ibrary Is Whereisthe library teachers office classroom artroom It sonthe floor first second third pairwork artroom library teachers office classroom Is onthe floor computerroom musicroom Yes itis No itisn t It sonthe floor Round5Chant小能手 watertigersisterdinnercomputereraserruler er er er er erSisterwaterstheflowers Brotherdrawsthetiger Mothercooksthedinner Fatherplaysthecomputer Better better whodoesbetter Let schant Round6Talkshow Canyoutellmesomethingaboutyouandyourschool Introducemyschool介绍我的学校 Welcometomyschool Thisisthelibrary It sbig It sonthesecondfloor Thatisthe It s It sonthe floor It snextto Andwehave Myschooliscleanandnice Ilikemyschoolverymuch ShowTime Round7当堂完成练习 1 完成书上第6页Look listenandwrite练习 2 从右栏为左栏句子选出合适的答语 Doyouhaveanartroom A It sonthefirstfloor Isthisthelibrary B Yes wedo IsthattheplaygroundC No itisn t Where stheteachers office D Yes it sthelibrary Here smyhomework E Thankyou B D C A E 3 连词成句 the Where is playground Whereistheplayground Have anartroom Doyou Doyouhaveanartroom this is theteachers office Isthistheteachers office 你们太棒了 颁发 优秀校园小向导 证 2 Designanidealschoolingroups Homework 1 Readthewordsandthesentencesfourtimes


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