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人教PEP版三年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What animals did they see? ( )AThey saw many bones.BThey saw many postcards.CThey saw many castles.DThey saw many hippos.2 . 选出与句中画线单词同类的一项:Look at the picture near the window. ( )AwallBforChour二、情景交际3 . 当你想知道那些是不是鸭子,你可以说:_( )AAre these ducks?BAre those ducks?情景交际。AShes my mother.BNice to meet you.CThis is my family.DWhats your name?EI am eight.4 . 当你想知道对方的名字时应该问:(_)5 . 当别人指着你妈妈问“Whos she?”, 你应回答:(_)6 . 当老师问玲玲“How old are you?”, 她应回答:(_)7 . 想表达见到朋友时的喜悦心情, 你应说:(_)8 . 当你向别人介绍你的一家时, 你应说:(_)9 . 当你想将你的爸爸介绍给同学时,你应该说:_( )AThis is my father.BThis is my mother.10 . 同学来家里做客,你介绍你的书房,应该说:_ ( )AThis is my study.BI like my study.11 . 如果你想知道这是不是办公室,你可以说:AThis is the office.BIs this the office?三、填空题12 . 根据提示完成句子。【小题1】The green pencil is _(你的)【小题2】Danny _(想)to learn Chinese.【小题3】I am _(wash)my hands now.【小题4】Here _(come)the school bus.【小题5】I have many beautiful _(连衣裙)。【小题6】Everyone in the classroom is _(quiet)【小题7】Today is _(rain),I have to put on my rain boots.【小题8】Danny _(love)winter very much, because he wants_(play)in the snow.【小题9】Look! They are _( sit)on the couch.四、任务型阅读13 . 读一读,找出他们生日的月份并在相应的表格中打“”。Mike: My birthday is in March. When is your birthday, Jack?Jack: My birthday is in May.Mike: When is your birthday, Tom?Tom: Its in May, too.Mike: When is your birthday, Jim?Jim: My birthday is in January. My sisters birthday is in June.NameJanuaryMarchMayJuneMikeJack TomJim五、判断题判断下列图片与单词是(T)否(F)相符。14 . elephant(_)15 . table(_)16 . seven(_)17 . shoes(_)18 . mango(_)六、匹配题选择合适句子。A. Drink some milk.B. Its time for English class.C. Lets go home.D. Sing and dance.19 . Its 8:00 in the morning. (_)20 . Its 4:30 in the afternoon. (_)21 . Time for music class. (_)22 . Time for breakfast. (_)读句子,选择对应的答语。AWow, so beautiful.BGood idea!CI see eleven.DI have ten.EMy new crayons.23 . How many crayons do you have? (_)24 . Whats this? (_)25 . How many birds do you see? (_)26 . Look at the kites. (_)27 . Lets have a race! (_)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、判断题1、六、匹配题1、2、

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