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测 试 题 ch1 一 虾米宝典之 be 动词用法填空 我用 你用 用于她他它 单数名词用 复数名词全用 二 在下面的题目中填上恰当的 be 动词 1 I from Australia 2 She a student 3 Jane and Tom my friends 4 My parents very busy every day 5 I at school 6 He at school 7 We students 8 They from China 9 Yang Ling eleven years old 10 Where your friends 11 How old you last year 12 Which dog yours 13 Ten and two twelve 三 填出主格和宾格 我 你 他 她 我们 你们 他们 它 主格 宾格 四 填空第一组 1 is a teacher 她 2 is a good boy 他 3 is in the classroom 它 4 are very smart today 你 5 你们 are students 6 Jim is English I like playing with he 7 I love they very much 8 Miss Li often looks after she 9 They are waiting for they 10 Do you like Li Ming No I don t like he 五 填空第二组 1 don t know her name Would you please tell we 2 So many dogs Let s count they 3 I have a lovely brother is only 3 I like very much he 4 May I sit beside you 5 The girl behind is our friend she 6 I am a teacher 7 My father is talking with I 8 he often plays basketball after school 9 she is good 10 we buy a pair of shoes for he 测 试 题 ch2 一 填表格 人称代词主格 人称代词宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 my your his her our yours their its 二 用人称代词填空 1 Tell 他 how to get there 2 Put 它 there 3 他们 say 她 is very clever 4 Who is there It s 我 5 What time is 它 s 它 12o clock 6 How far is 它 to the zoo 7 它 is so cold today 8 Tell 我 how far is from Shanghai to Nanjing 9 s damp and cold 我 think s going to rain 10 Show 他们 how to do 它 三 用物主代词填空 1 Is this 你的 classroom No it s not 我们的 It s 他们的 2 他的 father is an architect and 她的 is an engineer 3 谁的 keys are these are 他的 not 我的 4 This isn t 我的 car 我的 is being repaired 5 Is the coat 你的 or 她的 It s 我的 not 她的 6 她的 views of life and very different from 我们的 7 This is 我的 umbrella and that one is 你的 8 This coat of 你的 is much nicer than 我的 9 Those ties of 他们的 must be more expensive than 我们的 10 I like 你的 better than 她的 三 单项选择 1 She is a student name is Lily A its B her C hers D his 2 piano is too old but she likes playing it A she s B She C Her D hers 3 Where is new toy I can t find it A you B your C yours D mine 4 Let begin class A us us B we us C we our D us our 5 These shoes aren t They are A his you B his her C his mine D yours her 6 My uncle bought a new bike for A theirs B they C me D I 7 Here s a postcard for you Jim Oh is from my friend Mary A he B it C she D it s 8 Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to A he B his C her D him 9 Will anyone go on a trip with him Not A I B me C mine D he 10 Among those lovely toys the brown toy dog was given by A he B his C him D he s 11 Your football clothes are on the desk Please put away A they B them C their D theirs 12 English teacher is Mrs Green We all like A We she B Us her C We her D Our her 13 bike is missing and this is not A Mine me B I mine C My mine D My my 14 Tom can t find his book can you help A him B his C he D Her 15 Between you and he is not a real friend A me B I C he D His 16 Here s a postcard for you Jim Oh is from my friend Amy A he B its C it D he 17 Among those toys this one was given by A he B she C her D His 18 Will anyone go on a trip with him Not A he B him C she D they 19 My uncle bought a new bike for A he B his C I D him 20 Mary knows that she should not take the things that do not belong to A her B his C he D she 测 试 题 ch3 1 写出下列名词复数 leaf puppy box knife fly fox bus bench brush kiss church dish ruler peach glass pencil boy zoo man roof sheep deer lady key story watch bamboo city 2 用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空 1 There are so many wolf in the forest 2 There are three chair in the classroom 3 These tomato are red 4 hero are great 5 My brother looks after two baby 6 There are some deer eating the grass 7 My father likes to eat potato 8 Chinese people like to eat noodles 9 I have a lot of toy in my bedroom 10 I help my mother wash dish in the kitchen 11 I have two pencil box 12 There are some bus in the street 13 Peter has eight foot 14 Linda has three tooth 15 There are some child in the garden 16 Michael likes the mouse 17 There are some goose in the river 18 My uncle and father are man 19 Tom and King are boy 3 选出正确形式 1 I can see three in the zoo A monkey s B monkeys C monkey 2 The pig has four A foot B feet C foots 3 My two brothers are both A policeman B policemans C policemen 4 There are four in the class A Japanese B Japaneses C Japan 5 I can see ten in the picture A sheep B dog C pig 6 The has three A boys watches B boy watch C boy watches 7 C an you see on the plate A bread B breads C breades 8 The girl often brushes her before she goes to bed A tooth B tooths C teeth 9 Mr Black often drink some A milk B milks C milkes 10 There are some on the floor A child B water C Books 4 选出正确形式 1 There on the wall They are very beautiful A are photoes B are photos C is a photo D is photos 2 This car made in Shanghai A is B are C were D has 3 There are four and two in the group A Japanese Germen B Japaneses Germen C Japanese German C Japanese Germans 4 That s art book A an B a C the D are 5 The boys have got already A two bread B two breads C two pieces of bread D two piece of bread 6 The old man wants A six boxes of apples B six boxes of apple C six box of apples D six boxs of apples 7 There some in the river A is fish B are fishs C is fishs D are fish 8 There two in the box A is watch B are watches C are watch D is watches 9 We should clean twice a day A our tooth B our tooths C teeth D our teeth 10 In Britain are all painted red A letter boxes B letters boxes C letter box D letters box 11 There are birds in that big tree A hundreds of B five hundreds of C five hundred of D hundred of 测 试 题 ch4 一 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级 1 tall 2 smart 3 long 4 nice 5 large 6 busy 7 heavy 8 big 9 thin 10 pretty 11 many 12 little 13 difficult 14 lovely 15 few 二 用所给词的恰当形式填空 1 Which is big the sun the moon or the earth 2 Which is beautiful the black coat or the blue one 3 This moon cake is cheap of all 4 He is strong in the class 5 English is widely spoken in the world 6 Summer is hot season of the year 7 Shanghai is one of big cities in the world 8 The Huanghe River isn t so long as the Changjiang River 9 Who is tall the girl or the boy 10 I think English is interesting than math 11 The more the good 12 The people s life in Southern Africa is getting and bad 13 Things are much light on the moon than on the earth 14 He is old of the two brothers 15 The car driver is very careful when he is driving 三 单项选择 1 She is than A busier us B busier we C more busy us D more busy we 2 Jane is than Betty A taller B less tallest C less tall D not as tall 3 China is country in the world A the third largest B the largest third C the third large D a third largest 4 Which is season in Beijing I think it s autumn A good B better C best D the best 5 Which is the sun the moon or the earth Of course the moon is A small B smaller C smallest D the smallest 6 The air in Beijing is getting much now than a few years ago A clean B cleaner C cleanest D the cleanest 7 Mobile phones are very popular now and they are than before A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest 8 I study English as as my brother A hard B harder C hardest 9 Which is a bicycle or a computer A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive 10 The Yellow River is one of rivers in China A long B longer C the longest 四 单项选择 1 Which is season in Beijing I think it s spring A good B well C best D the best 2 He is in the class A the strongest B strongest C the most strong D stronger 3 Alice is not as as Mike A taller B tallest C the tall D tall 4 Which is heavy a hen or a chicken A the heavier B heavier C more heavy D the heaviest 5 How is Sally A the tall B tall C tallest D taller 6 Please wait just minutes I m going to clean myself up A few B a few C little D a little 7 people know where Phillip lives Only his parents can tell us A Few B A few C Little D A little 8 Ladies and gentlemen I have words to say A few B a few C little D a little 9 Can you get here earlier next time A few B a few C little D a little 10 Now be quiet for minutes and listen to this A few B a few C little D a little 测 试 题 ch5 1 Fill the blank with on in at 1 five o clock 2 sunset 3 2006 4 midnight 5 the afternoon 6 the evening 7 summer 8 noon 9 Monday morning 10 Tuesday 11 present 12 dawn 13 sunrise 14 noon 15 dusk 16 the morning 17 Sunday morning 18 the evening 19 Monday evening 20 2010 1998 2012 21 the morning 22 the afternoon 23 the evening 24 this week 25 May June July 26 September 1995 27 spring summer autumn winter 28 Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Sundays 31 May 1st 32 December 25th 33 May 4 1996 34 a cold night 35 a warm morning 2 Choose the correct answer 1 A Do many children in our class often skate winter B Yes they usually have fun winter A in in B on on C at at 2 A Saturday morning I often go to the Children s Palace B Me A In also B On too C At too 3 A Does the autumn start August B Sometimes it does But usually it starts September A in in B on on C at at 4 I like summer Is it cool autumn What summer Oh it is too hot A in about on B on about on C in about in 5 When is May Day It s the first of May A on B in C at 6 His birthday is June A on B in C at 7 They will move to the new school next Monday A on B in C 8 He always goes to school at 7 00 every day A on B in C 9 Jiamin will visit the museum Tuesday A on B in C at 10 My father usually likes watching TV night A on B in C At 根据中文提示 用适当的方位介词填空 1 There is a big pear tree 在 的前面 my house 2 Who was 在 的后面 you when you were waiting in a line 3 What s 在 的下面 the desk 4 The children are playing hide and seek Maomao is hiding himself 在 里 the wardrobe 5 The tallest boy in my class sits 在 的隔壁 me 6 They are standing the door 在 外面 B 用适当的介词填空 1 You can t see the ball It s the door 2 Shall we meet the gate of the cinema 3 Is he playing the street or the road 4 Are they a factory or a farm 5 I sit the twins The elder sister is my left and the younger one is my right 6 The big tree our classroom is nearly 100 years old 7 The teacher is writing on the blackboard the classroom 8 Where is the light It s just the table 9 Where are the lamps They are the desks 10 A plane is flying the clouds 四 翻译句子 1 梅梅坐在我的前面 我坐在她的后面 2 她正在学校门口等着妈妈 3 迈克坐在吉姆和萨姆之间 4 医院对面有一家银行 5 盒子里有什么 6 讲台上有些彩色的图片 7 看 孩子们跑进了屋子 8 我正站在玩具店的外面 9 床下有双运动鞋 10 黑板在教室的前面 11 教室前面有棵大树 12 那条河上有座桥 13 餐桌上面悬挂着一盏灯 14 许多鸟正从我们的头上飞过 测 试 题 ch6 一 Fill the blank with must should can shall may 1 we go fishing next Sunday 2 I go home now No you stay here 3 You take more exercise 4 you tell me how to get to the Yuanmingyuan Park 5 My mother is ill I stay at home and look after her 6 I make some tea 7 Must I borrow the book with my ID card No you 8 I use your car Yes you 9 we play football this afternoon 二 按要求改写句子 1 I can swim fast I swim fast 否定句 2 You must return the books now 一般疑问句 I return the books now No you 3 They can take the books out of the room 否定句 They the books out of the room 4 He can play basketball well 一般疑问句 he basketball well 5 You should get up early 否定句 You get up late 6 May I borrow your pen 肯定否定回答 三 Choose the correct answer 单选第一波 1 Lucy should her homework now A finishes B finishing C finished D finish 2 My mother would back soon A came B comes C come D will come 3 Could you me a hand A giving B gives C given D give 4 Should I now A started B starting C start D starts 5 I take this one A May B Will C Are D Do 6 Can you speak English No I A mustn t B can t C couldn t D may not 7 You go and see a doctor because you had a fever A could B may C should D must 8 Jim come tonight but he isn t very sure yet A should B may C must D should 9 The children play football on the road A couldn t B could C must D mustn t 10 Can I take this book out No you A must not B can t C won t D aren t 单选第二波 1 Cars stop when the traffic lights are red A can B must C mustn t D shall 2 Sam go to school because he has a cold A can t B don t C hasn t D mustn t 3 John stay in bed for two days he has a bad cold A can t B mustn t C must D Can 4 Bill looks better but he eat rich food yet A can B mustn t C must D may not 5 John come to see us tonight but he isn t very sure yet A may B can C has to D must 6 May I take this book out No you A can t B may not C needn t D aren t 7 You go and see a doctor at once because you re got a fever A can B must C dare D would 8 Can you speak Japanese No I A mustn t B can t C needn t D may not 9 Shall I get one more cake for you Dad Thanks but you I ve had enough A may not B must not C can t D needn t 10 Even the top students in our class can t work out this problem so it be very difficult A may B must C can D need 单选第三波 1 That be true I don t believe it A can B can t C must 2 Are you going to see the film with us I m not sure I go to Johnson s party instead A must B would C might 3 Where are you going to spend your holiday I m not sure We go to Egypt A may B may have gone C can t have gone 4 Is the ticket of film expensive Sorry I have no idea It expensive A mustn t be B maybe C may be 5 Jack you play with the knife you hurt yourself A won t can t B mustn t may C shouldn t must 6 She know the answer but I m not sure A can B must C may 7 The pen looks like mine but it isn t Whose pen it A must be B may have been C may be 8 Did they win the game I don t knoe They A must have won B may have won C may win 9 I saw them talking about the game happily They the game A must have won B may have won C may win 10 Whose shirt is it It Harry s I m not sure A might be B will be C mustn t be 单选第四波 1 You read that article if you don t want to A haven t B can t C mustn t D needn t 2 I get this done immediately or it will be too late A must B can C may D might 3 May I stop here No you A mustn t B might not C needn t D won t 4 Are you coming to Jeff s party I m not sure I go to the concert instead A must B would C should D might 5 Will you stay for lunch Sorry My brother is coming to see me A I mustn t B I can t C I needn t D I won t 测 试 题 ch7 一 分别给下题做出肯定和否定回答 1 Is this your shirt 肯定 否定 2 Is that my jacket 肯定 否定 3 Is it a cat 肯定 否定 4 Are these your pants 肯定 否定 5 Are these her shoes 肯定 否定 6 Are they ducks 肯定 否定 7 Can I wear my T shirt 肯定 否定 8 Do you have a library 肯定 否定 9 Do you like pears 肯定 否定 10 Can you jump 肯定 否定 11 Can the bird fly 肯定 否定 12 Can he run 肯定 否定 13 Can she swim 肯定 否定 13 Does she teach English 肯定 否定 14 Does he go to school by bike 肯定 否定 15 Are you a student 肯定 否定 16 Did you go hiking yesterday 肯定 否定 17 Can they jump 肯定 否定 18 Is she listening to music 肯定 否定 19 Is he making a kite 肯定 否定 20 Is there a bird in the tree 肯定 否定 21 Are there any flowers in the garden 肯定 否定 22 May I come in 肯定 否定 23 Shall we go shopping tomorrow 肯定 否定 24 Must I come tomorrow 肯定 否定 25 Shall I open the window 肯定 否定 二 将下列句子改成一般疑问句 并做肯定回答和否定回答 难度有点高哦 挑战请小心 1 It is a lovely dog Yes No 2 She is lovely girl Yes No 3 He is my father Yes No 4 They are Lily s cousins Yes No 5 We are classmates Yes No 6 I am a doctor Yes No 7 There is a bird in the tree Yes No 8 There are many stars in the sky Yes No 9 They are good friends Yes No 10 I love my parents Yes No 11 I play computer games every night Yes No 12 There are many books on the shelf Yes No 13 There was an ostrich in the zoo Yes No 14 We like to climb the mountain Yes No 15 They go to church on Sunday Yes No 测 试 题 ch8 特殊疑问词 单词 意思 用法 when 什么时间 问时间 who 谁 问人 whose 谁的 问主人 where 在哪里 问地点 which 哪一个 问选择 why 为什么 问原因 what 什么 问东西 what time 什么时间 问时间 what colour 什么颜色 问颜色 what about 怎么样 问意见 what day 星期几 问星期 what date 什么日期 问具体日期 what for 为何目的 问目的 how 怎么样 问情况 how old 多大 问年龄 how many 多少 问数量 how much 多少 问价钱 how about 怎么样 问意见 how far 多远 问路程 一 根据答句选择合适的特殊疑问词 1 A is the boy in blue B He s Mike 2 A wallet is it B It s mine 3 A is the diary B It s under the chair 4 A is the Christmas Day B It s on the 25 th of December 5 A are the earphones B They are 25 yuan 6 A is the hairdryer B It s blue 7 A is it today B It s Sunday 8 A was it yesterday B It was the 13th of October 9 A is this red one B It s beautiful 10 A is it from here B It s about two kilometres away 11 A Can I have some paper and some crayons B A I want to make a kite 12 A one is fatter the blue one or the red one B The blue one 13 A is your cousin B He s 15 years old 14 A do you have dinner B At 6 o clock 二 对画线部分提问 1 They bought a new bike yesterday 2 She is a nurse 3 She is my teacher 4 He bought the red one 5 It is my coat 6 I am looking for my sister 7 I get up at six 8 I am from Hubei 9 I went to school late because I got up late 10 It is windy 11 I am getting on well with it 12 My bag is red 13 The book is Li Hua s 14 I like math best 15 They are five yuan 16 I wash it twice a week 17 He will be back in four days 18 I didn t come to class yesterday because I was ill 三 选择题 1 Excuse me is the nearest bookshop Go down the street and turn left at the second corner A how B what C where D who 2 is a ticker for the film Hacker He About forty yuan A How old B How many C How much D How often 3 are you going I m going to the library A Who B Which C What D Where 4 It s a nice car have you been in it Just to Shanghai A How much B How soon C How long D How far 5 It s eight A W h a t d a y i s i t B W h a t s f i v e a n d t h r e e C How old are you D What s your telephone number 6 I ve got a headache and a cough A W h a t s y o u r t r o u b l e B W h a t s w r o n g w i t h i t C Can I help you D How are you 7 tea did you have Two cups A How many B How much C How soon D Which 8 shall we meet in the park What about half past eight A What B When C Where D Which 9 a year does your school have sports meetings Twice a year A How often B How soon C How long D How many times 10 The one behind the tree A Whose girl B Who s that girl C Which girl D Where s the girl 11 are you going to be in the future I want to be a person Yang Liwei A How like B How as C What like D What as 12 will your father be back A How long B how often C How soon D How wide 四 就划线部分提问 1 He often has lunch in the factory he often lunch 2 They will come back in a month will they come back 3 He hurt his leg last Sunday he hurt his leg 4 I got up at six this morning you up this morning 5 They were drawing a horse when I came in they when I came in 6 I didn t go to school because I had a bad cold you go to school 7 You d better take the No 3 bus bus I better take 8 He s feeling well he feeling 9 The girl in a red coat is my sister is your sister 10 He comes to China once a year he to China 11 He goes to see his grandma twice a week 对括号部分提问 12 My father goes to work by car 改为特殊疑问句 13 It take 15 minutes for a ferry to cross the river 对括号部分提问 14 You can dial 110 to call the police 对括号部分提问 can you dial to call the police 15 Ted put his bag in the desk 改为特殊疑问句 Ted in the desk 16 The students went camping last week 对括号部分提问 17 3 and 9 is 12 改为特殊疑问句 18 Diogenes came from Greece 对括号部分提问 Diogenes 19 The way to keep fit is to eat food and take morn exercise 对括号部 分提问 the way to 20 We landed on a small island 对括号部分提问 you land 测 试 题 ch9 一 将句子改成疑问句 1 There is a bee on the board 2 There are three chairs in my bedroom 3 There is some milk in the bottle 4 There are some apples in the basket 5 There are 3 bottles of milk on the desk 二 将下列句子改成否定句 1 There is a bee on the board 2 There are three chairs in my bedroom 4 There is some milk in the bottle 5 There are some apples in the basket 6 There are 3 bottles of milk on the desk 三 用恰当的 be 动词填空 1 There four seasons in a year 2 There not any trees two years ago 3 there a post office near your school Yes there 4 How many stops there There only one 5 There not any stamps on the envelope 6 there any birds in the tree 7 There a shopping centre near our school last year But now there no one 8 There only three of us my dad my mum and me 9 There some bread for you 10 In New York there a lot of rain in spring 4 选用 some 或 any 填空 1 There isn t milk in the fridge 2 I can see cars but I can t see buses 3 He has friends in England 4 Were there fruit trees on the farm 5 Here are presents for you 6 Does Tom want to take photos 7 Is there rice in the kitchen 8 There are new buildings in our school 9 Would you like cakes No I d not like cakes but I d like coffee 10 Are there pictures on the wall N


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