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UNIT 1Strangers1. The stranger looked at me skeptically for a few minutes and then drove away from the parking lot without a word.2. Though shes studied in a foreign language university for several years, she is a stranger French.3. The little boy felt strange amid so many foreign children. 4. It seems odd that John could afford a new BMW,for he was laid off from his job a year ago.5. She was very curious about the way he counted the votesafter the election for school president.6. My curiosity as well as anger rose as I watched him flip through the letterson my desk in his nosy way. 7. It is quite indifferent to me whether you agree or disagree with the argumentthat men are born evil.8. Its queer indeed that a stranger offered me a cup of teawhen I was thirsty on the train during the journey.9. The new regulations imposed by the police are very unusual and it will take time to get used to them.10. That newspaper is notorious for giving biased accounts.11. The old lady always slept under the bed with her clothes on,and this eccentric habit of hers actually saved her lifewhen an earthquake struck abruptly one night. 12. Too many people, especially young people,like to use screen names to chat online. 13. Though you can not tell how old your pal(伙伴) in an Internet room is,more often than not you can tell whether the chatter is a male or a female.14. Talkative persons are dangerous, for they have no secrets about themselves and keep no secrets of others.15. I like easy-going people and feel relaxed when talking to them. The monitor, for example, acts and thinks in one and the same way. 16. Speech is silver, but silence is gold. 17. Facial expressions are very important. We sometimes can tell from the way a stranger talks whether he or she is trustworthy or not. 18. Instant Messaging(即时信息), or IM, is a new phenomenon that has rapidly grown in popularity around the world in just a few years. Some experts now believe that IM may be one of the most popular computer applications ever. 19. IRC, or Internet Relay Chatting, has become very popularity on the World Wide Web, for it enables people from different part of the world to talk to each other via the Internet.20. MSN is a collection of Internet sites and services provided by Microsoft.Microsoft used the MSN brand nameto promote numerous popular Web-based services in the late 1990s,most notably Hotmail and Messenger,before reorganizing many of them in 2005 under another brand name, Windows Live.Some of the MSN services affected by the rebranding included MSN Hotmail,which became Windows Live Hotmail;MSN Messenger, which became Windows Live Messenger;MSN Search, which became Live Search, now known as Bing.?QQ is a popular instant messaging system that is commonly used in China and the Asia-Pacific. It enables real-time communication between PCs, mobile phones and pagers. Perhaps it is one of the best ways to develop contact in China.21. Tencent QQ, generally referred to as QQ,is the most popular free instant messaging computer program in mainland China.It enables real-time communication between PCs, mobile phones and pagers.The number of simultaneous online QQ users exceeded 100 million on March 5, 2010.?It is reported that the number of registered QQ users in China has exceeded 7 million. On February 18th, 2003 alone, the number of QQ users online was 295063.22. Skype is a popular chatting program on the Internet.The Skype communications system is notable for its broad range of features,including free voice and video conferencing,its ability to use peer to peer technology(点对点网络技术) to overcome common firewall(防火墙)and network address translation problems.?Mobile QQ is a service that seamlessly allows the customers PC-based instant messaging service to become integrated with his or her mobile phone, allowing the customer to stay in touch with PC-or mobile-based contacts from just about anywhere.UNIT 2UFOs1. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. Some people also call UFOs flying saucers,because their shapes look like saucers. 2. In its broader sense, the UFO includes any object or light, reportedly sighted in the sky, that cannot be immediately explained by the observer. 3. I remember as a child, I would save every penny my mother gave me to buy the latest UFO magazines from the grocery store.4. We cannot deny the existence of the UFO phenomenon simply because we have not seen it or cannot explain it. 5. Science has its limitations and many mysteries throughout the world have remained unsolved.6. Sightings of unusual aerial phenomena date back to ancient times. 7. The early cave paintings and ancient scriptures(经文) seem to indicate that we may have had visitors from other worlds or planets in the past. 8. In fact, ancient scriptures from many different cultures would give us the impression that weve had visitors from outer space.9. How do you explain ancient tales of chariots(战车) from the sky? And what are the flying ships appearing in science fiction novels before the first plane was ever thought about?10. Even the Bible has been suggested as possible evidence of alien contact,for its numerous accounts of objects in the sky, and other strange events. 11. What secrets lie with ancient Egypt, Stonehenge(Salisbury),or possibly even Atlantis ?Have there indeed been more advanced civilizations of man that have somehow been lost? 12. Some UFO enthusiasts even claim to have been abducted and taken aboard UFOs.But so far, no one has produced scientifically acceptable proof of these claims. 13. Some people believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft,even though no scientifically valid evidence supports that belief. 14. Scientists speculate that intelligent life may well exist elsewhere in the universe.15. In addition to many reports and sightings of UFOs,observers have provided photographs or even videos. 16. UFOs became widely discussed only after the first widely publicized US sighting in 1947.Many thousands of such observations have since been reported worldwide. 17. From 1947 to 1969 the US Air Force investigated UFOs as a possible threat to national security. 18. The UK Ministry of Defence recorded 634 UFO sightings in 2009,the second highest annual total after 1978, when there were 750,according to UFO expert Dr David Clarke.The UK Ministry of Defence recorded 634 UFO sightings in 2009,the second highest annual total after 1978, when there were 750,according to UFO expert Dr David Clarke.?A total of 12618 reports were received ,of which 701 or 5.6 percent were listef as unexplained.19. UFOs have been subject to investigations over the yearsthat vary widely in scope and scientific rigor.Governments or independent academics in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,Japan, France, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Spain, and the Soviet Unionare known to have investigated UFO reports at various times.UFOs have been subject to investigations over the yearsthat vary widely in scope and scientific rigor.Governments or independent academics in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,Japan, France, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Spain, and the Soviet Unionare known to have investigated UFO reports at various times.?Since 1959 no agence of the us government has had any active program of ufo investigation.20. In 1997 the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that the US military had deceived the American publicin an effort to hide information about high-altitude spy planes.21. At least 90 percent of UFO sightings can be identified as conventional objects, although time-consuming investigations are often necessary for such identification. 22. The objects most often mistaken for UFOs are bright planets and stars, aircraft, birds, balloons, kites, aerial flares, peculiar clouds, meteors, and satellites. UNIT 3Part A1. We are living in an era of globalization.Overseas study has become popular in many countries.We are living in an era of globalization.2. Each year, over one million students worldwidechoose to study outside their own countries.3. More than 195,000 students from 188 countriesand regions came to study at more than 500 Chinese universities,colleges and research institutes in 2008.This compares with 141,000 students from 179 countries and regions in 2005.4. Meanwhile, the number of American students studying abroadhas more than doubled in the last decade.5. Recent reports by Britain and the US indicatethat China ranks first in the number of studentswho have gained doctorate degrees in the two countries.6. According to a government report,overseas students from China are largely self-funded.7. The number of high school and even primary school students going abroadhas been increasing recently.8. Rapid domestic economic growth makes it more affordablefor Chinese students to study abroad.9. The process of application has become easiersince many intermediate agencies were founded to help students.10. In the age of a global economy,your experience abroad distinguishes you from others and becomes an excellent rsum builder.11. The first group of foreign students came from East Europe in 1950.Since then over 60,000 students from 160 countrieshave come to China for further studies.The first group of foreign students came from East Europe in 1950.12. China is politically stable and economically optimistic,which is the main reason why so many foreign students are attracted.13. People living together in a society share a common culture.For example, almost all people living in the US use the English language,dress in similar styles, eat many of the same foods,and celebrate many of the same holidays.14. Exchange can provide many benefits for all societies.Different societies can exchange ideas,people, manufactured goods, and natural resources.15. International education improves the relations among peoples of different culturesand encourages cross-cultural communication.16. Culture shock is the anxiety and feelings of surprise,disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown culturesuch as one may encounter in a foreign country.17. Culture shock grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture,causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not.This is often combined with a dislike for,or even disgust (moral or aesthetic) with certain aspects of the new or different culture. 18. Culture shock is something that many international students experiencein the course of adjusting to a new culture.19. Many things may bring about culture shock different foods and ways of eating,different learning and teaching methods,the peculiar attitudes of people in a certain place, etc.20. According to the Chinese Ministry of Education,Chinese students are currently studying in more than 100 countries.The top five destinations are the US, Japan, the UK, Canada and Australia.Non-English-speaking countries like Italy,Germany and France are also becoming popular destinations.21. Across the country, a total of 98,510 Chinese graduate and undergraduate studentswere enrolled at US institutions in the 2008-2009 academic year,meaning that roughly 15 percent of international students were from China.These numbers also signify a staggering 60 percent increasefrom the previous academic year in the number of Chinese students studying abroad in the US.22. Official statistics show that from 1978 to the end of 2005,Chinese students studying abroad are over 930,000 and 230,000 of themare employed in China upon return,an evidence that the policy of encouraging studentsand scholars to study abroad is very successful.23. There is a whole emerging middle class of Chinese,well over 300 million, many of them with one-child familieswho are interested in sending their son or daughterabroad for higher educational experience.24. International students and their families contributemore than $15 billion annually to the US economy,according to a separate survey by NAFSA(美国国际教育工作者协会).UNIT 4Laughter: the Best Medicine 1. Humour is the tendency of particular cognitive(认知的) experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. 2. People of all ages and cultures respond to humour. The majority of people are able to experience humour, i.e., to be amused, to laugh or smile at something funny, and thus they are considered to have a sense of humour. 3. Though there are many ways to laugh, from giggles to guffaws(大笑) and from chuckles to cackles(咯咯的笑), it turns out that we humans laugh at the strangest things. 4. Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it relieves not only the one who laughs, but all those around him too. 5. A healthy sense of humour helps you to laugh at the worst situations and above all at yourself, a very positive sign of a happy life. 6. The world is certainly not worth crying over and little jokes show us the funny side of the gravest things. 7. A sense of humour makes you more acceptable in society. It makes you welcome everywhere, especially at parties, picnics and social gatherings. 8. If you can use humour to bridge the gap between people from different backgrounds, you can learn how to use diversity to enhance business objectives. 9. Laugh and make others laugh and get rid of nervousness and depression. A man who always sees the funny side of a situation can never be a pessimist 10. If you can learn to relax with a sense of humour you can keep away boredom and fatigue job pressures and domestic worries.11. It is proved that laughter enhances the level of hormones which stimulate the heart and act as natural pain-killers.12. As a Chinese saying goes, A smile can make you ten years younger. Doctors say laughter removes stress, burns calories and improves ones digestion. 13. Laughing at yourself is of immense benefit for your puffed-up pride. If you learn to laugh at yourself it will ease all your tensions and worries. 14. Laughter has been known to have cured serious illnesses and helped people get over bad phases in their lives.15. Science has proven that when were happy, the body recovers more quickly from the biological arousal of upsetting emotions. 16. Adults laugh approximately 15 times per day, while children laugh about 400 times a day! When we grow up, somehow we lose a few hundred laughs a day.17. People believe that if they try to be funny and no one laughs, something terrible and embarrassing will happen. 18. The problem is that I tell a joke to co-workers and no one laughs. Now every time I see a straight face I have a panic attack.19. We now know that there are two types of stress: good stress and bad stress. Laughter is a form of good stress, or stress in reverse. 20. Research on stress has shown that bad stress suppresses your immune system while good stress, or laughter, improves the immune system. 21. Being unhappy or very sad can seriously damage your health. So dont worry, be happy and laugh! 22. As the highest emotion, laughter is magical. It is an inner human tool that can be used to respond to any situation with power and grace. Cultivate a habit of smiling at the neutral, the tragic, and the horrible. Find laughter in tears. This cultivates not only physical and psychological health, but also a happier and friendlier personality.Unit 5Neighbours1. Good fences make good neighbours. This proverb means that good neighbours respect one anothers property. As long as neighbours mind their own business, they will get along fine. Good farmers, for example, maintain their fences in order to keep their livestock from wandering onto neighbouring farms. 2. Jack and I have been roommates and friends for four years. We have been through many experiences together, learning and playing together, and there seems to be no border between us. 3. Difficult neighbours refer to those who are not easy to get along with, to deal with or to put up with, when a dispute arises. 4. The Bible says: “Love thy neighbour.” But in real life situations, loving ones neighbour as oneself can be very difficult. 5. We build fences to keep our dog in our own yard and not in our neighbours. Folks well off enough to have a swimming pool build a fence around it to keep outsiders out and safe. 6. But we build too many fences and walls walls in our personal lives, walls in our churches, walls in our community and nation. So we have walls of hostility, anger, judgment, indifference, and isolation. 7. A warm and cordial relationship between neighbours can greatly increase the chances of a peaceful resolution. A warm and cordial relationship between neighbours can greatly increase the chances of a peaceful resolution.8. Some people say that good fences make bad neighbours and others say good lawyers make bad neighbours.9. There might be a time when you share a room with another person. Keep in mind that unfamiliar situations and stress will cause a person to act differently. 10. It is true that we all need to be good roommates. Students and residents need to respect each other, in and out of the university. 11. Being a good neighbour means working together to win together. Helping your fellow neighbour without expecting something in return is being a good neighbour. 12. A 60-year-old woman was arrested last week and charged with attempted murder, for she poisoned a dog of her next-door neighbour. 13. A man lived in a house that was separated from a next-door neighbour by a hedge. He allowed the hedge to grow to a towering height, blocking out all the sun in the neighbours yard. The neighbour tried to communicate about the problem, but was met with a wall of silence and quickly closed doors. 14. My father is being sued by his neighbour for building up a 6-foot-tall wood fence between his neighbours property and his own. There was an existing 4-foot-tall wood fence, but my father decided to tear that down and put up a new one. The result is: good fences make bad neighbours. 15. My housemates and I were fined $70 last month because there was trash in front of our house. The worst part about it is that it wasnt our trash. 16. My next-door neighbour is not only mean but noisy; she often plays her stereos loud enough to wake up the whole community. 17. A man known as the “most annoying neighbour” went before a jury for the first time last Tuesday on charges of littering in his homes yard. Neighbours have complained about the piles of junk and rats in his yard for more than 10 years.18. When some neighbours complained about the loud noise that my classmates made on weekends, the university quickly adopted a new noise policy that restricted some traditional events held on weekends. 19. There are good neighbours and bad neighbours, both students and non-students, that live around the campus. I am not trying to say that our neighbours are bad or mean, just that the university should not always take their side. 20. Every year in the US, the Good Neighbour Awards are given to about 2,000 winners who have made extraordinary commitments to improving the quality of life in their communities. 21. We hope to show the world the neighbours virtues and to inspire people around the country to contribute to their communities.22. Indonesia and Australia are neighbours, whether we like it or not. Between neighbours, there are always ups and downs. Sometimes we have very good and excellent relations and at other times we may have some problems this is just normal between neighbours. Unit6Find keepers1.“Finders keepers, losers weepers” means a person who finds something can keep it,and the loser

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