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2014年春季郑州大学英语 2网上考试答案 The paper have 3 parts 一 单项选择题 45 道小题 共 55分 1 approach 1 分 A 购买 B 接近 C 分离 D 公寓 2 contract 1 分 A 合同 B 联系 C 图解 D 内容 3 review 1 分 A 观察 B 复习 C 提议 D 反应 4 take advantage of 1 分 A 占优势 B 利用 C 知道 D 注意 5 be crazy about 1 分 A 完成 B 迷恋 C 面临 D 留心 6 不同的 1 分 A legal B various C curious D absent 7 雇员 1 分 A employee B emperor C employer D employment 8 部门 1 分 A measurement B equipment C department D apartment 9 思考 1 分 A fall asleep B reflect on C shoot off D in contrast 10 熟悉 1 分 A be unaware of B be serious about C in comparison with D be familiar with 11 He was very busy yesterday otherwise he to the meeting 1 分 A had come B would come C could come D would have come 12 the building for stolen goods the police found twenty machine guns 1 分 A Searching B Being searched C Searched D To search 13 I was on last week and didn t receive your letter 1 分 A vacation B Vocation C action D venture 14 Judging from the report we can that more than 500 deaths are caused by drunken driving in England every year 1 分 A declaim B decline C assume D imagine 15 In order to buy a house she had to obtain a from the bank 1 分 A finance B capital C loan D debt 16 So little about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me 1 分 A I knew B did I know C I have known D have I known 17 The atmosphere certain gases mixed together in definite proportions 1 分 A consists in B composes C consists of D makes up 18 The child didn t let go of her mother s hand and was to leave her mother 1 分 A willing B reluctant C inclined D declined 19 If you had told me about your problem I able to help you then 1 分 A could be B had been C would be D might have been 20 We didn t see him at the lecture yesterday He 1 分 A mustn t attend B couldn t have attended C would have not attended D needn t have attended 21 Be careful because that knife is very 1 分 A sharp B fast C hard D quick 22 The house was sold for 60 000 which was far more than its real 1 分 A cost B value C price D money 23 I should have insisted on a thorough rest before you left for New York 1 分 A you to take B your taking C that you take D yours taking 24 Love is when your lover into your eyes and it warms your heart 1 分 A glares B gazes C stares D watches 25 Tangyuan rice balls are a special treat during the Chinese Lantern Festival 1 分 A bitter B sour C sticky D spicy 26 A bottle weighs more after air is put in proves that air has weight 1 分 A We B It C Which D What 27 When this machine you must read the instructions first 1 分 A use B using C to use D having used 28 In ancient times people crea ed many different ways to time 1 分 A control B cherish C measure D master 29 These trees cannot be grown in such a cold as ours 1 分 A weather B season C space D climate 30 You should concern yourself with what is said not what you think 1 分 A ought to be said B must say C have to be said D need to say 31 It has always me why you believe the Earth is flat 1 分 A worried B wondered C puzzled D understood 32 The exchange rate of dollars to yuan was rising 1 分 A unsteady B stable C unstable D steadily 33 I have great interest in a detailed of your journey 1 分 A explanation B message C description D illustration 34 The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to was eaten 1 分 A which B it C what D that 35 He didn t know French made it difficult for him to study at a university in France 1 分 A that B it C this D which 36 If the design is wrong the project is bound to fail good all the other ideas might be 1 分 A whatever B however C whatsoever D even 37 Many colleagues came to help me otherwise I so much work in such a short time yesterday 1 分 A would not handle B will not have handled C could not handle D could not have handled 38 I saw a lot of children playing in the garden most of them girls 1 分 A are B were C being D have been 39 They a general understanding of the present situation 1 分 A lack of B are lacking of C lack D are in lack 40 In a way I m glad you ve made the mistake for it as a warning to you 1 分 A serves B saves C services D servants 41 他到家时才发现钱包丢了 3 分 A Not until he got home did he realize that he had lost his wallet B Not until he got home he realized that he had lost his wallet C Not until he got home he realized that he lost his wallet D Not until he got home did he realize that he lost his wallet 42 令我大吃一惊的是他竟然赞成我的计划 3 分 A For my great surprise he is in favor of my plan B To my great surprise he is in love of my plan C For my great surprise he is in love of my plan D To my great surprise he is in favor of my plan 43 这项工程由那位工程师负责 3 分 A The project is in charge of the engineer B The project is in the charge of the engineer C The project is in the charge for the engineer D The project is in charge for the engineer 44 The runners do their best to feel the bulls breath on their backs without getting gored by the animals horns 3 分 A 奔跑者会尽力让自己能感受到在其后背上的斗牛的呼吸 而 不被牛角顶伤 B 奔跑者会尽力让自己能感受到在其后背上的斗牛的气息 而 不被牛角顶伤 C 奔跑者会尽力让自己能感受到紧跟其后的斗牛的气息 而不 被牛角顶伤 D 奔跑者会尽力让自己能感受到紧跟其后的斗牛的呼吸 而不 被牛角顶伤 45 Consumer debt or borrowing money to feed one s own desires is bad debt and can be consolidated by eliminating the need for these extra activities from one s life 3 分 A 消费债务 也就是用来满足私欲的借贷 属于不良债务 不 良债务是可以通过排除生活中额外活动的需求来整合的 B 消费债务 也就是用来满足私欲的借贷 属于不良债务 不 良债务是可以通过消除生活中多余的需求来整合的 C 消费债务 或是用来满足私欲的借贷 属于不良债务 不良 债务是可以通过排除生活中额外活动的需求来加强的 D 消费债务 或是用来满足私欲的借贷 属于不良债务 不良 债务是可以通过消除生活中多余的需求来加强的 二 阅读理解 3 道小题 共 30分 The next time you re watching television pay attention to the advertisements Even if the ad is for a woman s personal product or baby diapers the chances are that a man s voice is used in the commercial Why Because a man s voice carries more weight and authority to many people Advertising agencies hire psychologists to determine what makes people respond to an ad by purchasing the product Most people are conditioned to obey their fathers Advertisers know a kindly male voice talking about the product in the last five seconds of a commercial has a subliminal 潜意识的 effect on the consumer The consumer obeys that voice leading to the purchase of one brand over another This is especially important in products that are basically the same such as detergent or washing powder Research proves that most of these products are equally effective the only difference may be the scent or perhaps the color But consumers may not be aware of that There are exceptions of course My grandmother who is 87 years old is one of the few people not influenced by commercials She turns the television sound off when a commercial comes on TV When asked why she replied Men sell that stuff And what does any man know about washing clothes 1 Some products such as washing powder are basically the same except for A the price B the scent or color C the expiry date D the purchasing method 2 The focus of the passage is on A the visual effect of ads B the design of ads C the voice in ads D the beauties in ads 3 The products mentioned in the passage are mainly designed for A men B women C children D old people 4 According to the passage a male voice usually appears an ad A at the end of B at the beginning of C in the middle of D all through 5 A man s voice is often used in an ad because it carries A more influence B more information C more certainty D more experience A college professor once asked his class Can men and women really be just friends My answer is yes I met Joe in college in fact our friendship began in that class Joe quickly became my best friend we had the same major the same classes and the same tastes We spent a lot of time together studying and laughing After college we took jobs very far apart but we kept in touch with the occasional emails and phone calls Our troubles began many years later when mutual friends decided we were perfect for one another When we relocated to the same city we foolishly listened to our friends and families and tried dating It was a disaster Our strong friendship wasn t meant to bring us together as husband and wife We parted bitterly with great disappointment and many angry words Eight years passed before we were able to resume our friendship Today we love each other dearly but as brother and sister Joe is still my best friend and at his wedding last year I acted as the bridesmaid I cried at his wedding tears of joy at seeing my friend s happiness When his new baby was born I expected it to be named after me I sometimes think of that college professor and how lonely I would be if I had listened to him Cherish your college friendships without worrying about gender and if you re lucky some of them will last a lifetime 1 What is the passage mainly about A Love on campus B College friendships C Friendship between men and women D Joe s wedding 2 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage A Shortly after college the author became Joe s wife B Men and women can really be just friends C They still loved each other as lovers D After eight years they divorced as friends 3 What might the word date mean in the passage A Meeting with a boyfriend or girlfriend B Doing something old fashioned C Determining the time to do something D Writing a timetable 4 When did they resume their friendship A After graduating from college B After their taking jobs C After the birth of Joe s new baby D Eight years after their parting 5 Why did the author cry at Joe s wedding A Because she was sad that she couldn t be Joe s wife any more B Because she was overjoyed that Joe finally got his happiness C Because she still loved Joe and regretted that she had left him D Because she was excited to be Joe s bridesmaid Anyone who thinks it s easy being a star should meet one of the hardest working celebrities on the planet Liu Dehua appearing in 108 films in 20 years is the No 1 Box office Actor 1985 2005 of Hong Kong But he s more than just a pretty face with a separate career as a singer and musician He s one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Canto pop along with Jacky Cheung Aaron Kwok and Leon Lai In fact he is in the Guinness World Records for Most Awards Won by a Canto Pop Male Artist By April 2000 Liu Dehua had won 292 awards for his singing career with more than 179 concert appearances since 1992 If this doesn t impress you there s one more fact you should know he has accomplished this body of work while struggling with Hepatitis B 乙型肝炎 In 2006 Liu Dehua revealed that he has been a carrier of this 1ife threatening condition for 20 years Currently 3 一 6 of the world s population is infected with the Virus but up to a third or more may have been exposed Mr Liu s decision to publicly acknowledge the condition demonstrates that he is as courageous as he is hard working and handsome Perhaps his honesty will help others to come forth and acknowledge their illness or seek treatment 1 Which of me following is NOT the reason for Liu Dehua s success A Being handsome B Being hardest working C Being honest D Being generous 2 Which of the following statements about Liu Dehua is NOT true according passage A His honesty will threaten his career B He is the No 1 Box 0fficeActor 1985 2005 C He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Canto pop D He has been infected with a dangerous disease 3 What proportion of the world s population has been exposed to be infected with the Hepatitis B virus A 3 6 B About 1 2 C Above 1 2 D Above 33 4 What is the significance of Mr Liu s decision to publicly acknowledge his health condition A People win like his films and songs better B People will know that he is hard working and courageous C His honesty will help others to make open their illness and try to get treatment D He may find the best treatment by publicly acknowledging his illness 5 What is the author s attitude towards Liu Dehua A Sympathetic B Positive C Critical D Objective 三 应用文写作 1 道小题 共 15分 Direction You re required to complete the resume in English based on the following information given in Chinese 简 历 个人信息 姓名 李文萍 性别 女 民族 汉族 婚姻 已婚 出生年月 1983 年 10月 26日 家庭住址 江苏省南京市白下路 453号 联系方式 Liwp 163 com 求职目标 南京市中学英语教师 教育经历 1999 2002 年 就读于南京鼓楼高级中学 2002 2006年 在南京师范大学攻读英语文学学士学位 工作经历 2004 2005 年 南京翻译服务中心作业余口译员 2006 2006年 大华旅行社做业余导游 兴趣爱好 音乐 阅读和体育 获奖情况 曾获得 2005年全国大学生英语赛二等奖 15 分 RESUME personal data Name wenping li Gender Female Nation Han Marital status Married Birthdate 10 26 1983


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