摘 要
关键词 秸秆;螺旋式;结构设计;复杂性
Structure Design of Grain Forming Machine Straw
. Usually the use of crop straw particle molding technology, those loose or broken straw or extruded into a regular shape and compact texture of the molding of fuel, which collectively referred to as straw compression. When the straw is extruded into particles, its energy density is greatly improved, and the combustion characteristics are significantly improved before molding.. First, the yield of straw compression is determined primarily by the particle efficiency of the straw molding machine.Therefore, the straw pellet molding industry's top priority is the new straw molding technology and equipment research and development. The design of this paper is to study the application status of straw granulator at home and abroad. According to the results of the study, careful analysis of the existing particle molding machine, the advantages of different structures, and then design the best molding machine. Determine the best design, the important parts such as: bearings, motors, reducer, connecting shaft, etc. to calculate and select, and then its stress check. The use of Solidworks on the straw particle molding machine for three-dimensional modeling is the last step in this work. The design of the crop straw particle molding machine small size, can make the waste of resources to be rational use and can create economic benefits, and the operation is very simple, can be more applied to daily life, and finally his maintenance costs are very low.
Keywords Straw,screw type,the structuredesign,complexity
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 农作物秸秆颗粒成型机发展现状 1
1.2 农作物秸秆颗粒成型机发展趋势 2
1.3 研究意义 3
1.4 研究内容 4
第2章 秸秆颗粒成型机的结构及成型原理 5
2.1 农作物秸秆颗粒成型机的特点 5
2.2 农作物秸秆颗粒成型机设计思路 5
2.3 秸秆颗粒成型机的结构组成 6
2.4 颗粒成型机的成型原理 7
2.5 本章小结 7
第3章 秸秆颗粒成型机主要零件的设计 8
3.1 螺杆的设计 8
3.1.1 螺杆结构设计 8
3.1.2 确定螺杆的基本参数 8
3.1.3 螺杆强度校核 9
3.2 电机减速机的选型计算 9
3.2.1 电机选择原则 10
3.2.2 电机输出扭矩 11
3.2.3 电机功率 11
3.3 轴的设计 11
3.3.1 轴径确定 12
3.3.2 轴的受力分析 13
3.3.3 弯扭合成强度校核 15
3.4 皮带选型计算 15
3.4.1 折叠平型带传动 15
3.4.2 折叠三角带传动 15
3.4.3 折叠同步齿形 16
3.4.4 带传动的功率 17
3.4.5 强度校核 18
3.5 出料模具设计 19
3.6 轴承选型计算 20
3.7 本章小结 22
第4章 秸秆颗粒致密成型机三维建模 23
4.1 Solidworks三维建模技术 23
4.2 秸秆颗粒致密成型机三维建模 23
4.3 秸秆颗粒致密成型机 27
4.4 运动仿真 29
4.5 本章小结 30
结 论 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33